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her negative


The optimist in me seems to have left the building lately. I am struggling to hope, I am thinking the worst and I have been a slave to fear.

Hi, my name is Amanda and I have been crazy negative.

This morning in the midst of yet another grapple with fear, I saw a post on instagram from my friend from the book of Romans 4: 17

Speaking what isn’t as though it is.

And then I was walking around the house trying to find my hope under the couch, the rug or in my wool stash next to my favourite antique chair and a impression lead me to this scripture from Psalm 18

He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.

Then I was flicking through my music collection and this song took my breath away…(press play and then keep reading, Im sure it will take your breath away as well)

My negative has been weighing me down lately.

Today however, I seem to be turning a corner and trusting the One who knows more than I could ever know.

My greatest struggle has been the not knowingness of it all. I want to plan, I want to hang my hat on something, I want to take meditated steps towards our goals but some seasons just don’t give us the gratitude of clarity. There are some seasons where we just need to leap, we just need to let go, we just need to trust.

The waves and wind still know His name.

We need to step into the unknown even if we feel hemmed in on every side. I am believing that He is carrying us into wide open spaces. Into new seasons of discovery, purpose and great reward. I believe in Him and His promises.

And when I start to speak life her negative shrinks away.

When I start to speak truth her negative shuts up.

When I start to sing loudly her negative shrivels under the weight of purpose.

When I start to believe and hope her negative is unravelled by the power of presence.

It is well.

It is difficult,

but it is okay.

If your negative has been ruling the roost lately my dear friend, then I hope these three things that gave me courage today will tell her to be quiet.

I am believing for Mountains to be moved in both mine and yours today.

Much love and a touch of tiredness


2 thoughts on “her negative

  1. You’ll find your positive again. That’s the faith we have.

    ‘Faith is walking face-first and full-speed into the dark. If we truly knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of God and the destiny of our souls, our belief would not be a leap of faith and it would not be a courageous act of humanity; it would just be… a prudent insurance policy.’
    Elizabeth Gilbert


    1. Thankyou for being such a constant encouragement.

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