Place: My Office
Poison: Diet Coke
Favourite Things: My camera
Last night was the night where everything happened at the Powell household! I had a pretty rough day and was not feeling at all christmasy, so I made a choice. That choice was Christmas or die!
So my favourite christmas album ‘Crystal Lewis, A holiday collection’ a glass of homemade Marsala, and out came all things Christmas.
I got out my favourite pen and wrote to my nearest and dearest my thoughts and encouragements to them in this season and new year. That was Christmas cards conquered, all I have to do now is get round to posting them…
Then came the tree…Last year I gave away my christmas tree and have been debating should I buy another this year or go for something a little funkier. The debate being, that until I have my own family, my Christmas tree, the one with all the presents, is at my mums house.
So this is what I came up with yesterday. I collected all my favourite Christmas tree ornaments and put them on this ‘poor excuse for a tree!’ but adequate in the midst of a single persons abode.
Favourite Things- This chick who hangs off my tree. A present from my friend Monique, last Christmas. She said this lady reminded her of me. My other favourite thing is my Christmas present here from Kym. It is a bone china, candle holder with an imprint of the Nativity Scene. You can’t really see it properly on these photos, but I love it! And all things Christmas.
Anyways, hope this inspires you to get into all things Christmas. Even when life is slightly random, there is nothing better than to deck the halls…
All I want for christmas is…