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Day Three: Declutter


Day Three: Declutter

“Look at you. You’re young. And you’re scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralysed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud as you want and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realise that you can do whatever you want?”

Louise Flory

Whether it is midnight or 6 o’clock in the morning before work, the time has come to throw out some stuff.

Our external worlds often mirror our internal dispositions.

When we hold onto stuff in our everyday environments, we tell ourselves subliminally that we are not worthy of a clean space and a great home space to thrive in.

What does your bedroom look like?

Are there piles of clothes that you can never get through?

Or is it the opposite?

Is it completely boring, plain and sterile?

Today is the day to start the transformation of your everyday space and to start throwing away, creating space for beauty, peace and reflection.

Today in Australia is Fathers Day, so one tip I have for decluttering, is to hang a bag on the back of your front door and over this week everytime you lay hands on something that is cluttering your space take it to the front door and at the end of the week take it to the op shop.


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Day Two: buy a coffee for a stranger


Day Two: Buy a coffee for a stranger

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Today’s adventure will be easy for some and completely terrifying for others. I am asking you to go and buy a coffee for a stranger.

As you walk past your cafe of choice, buy a drink for yourself and then one for another. Whether you pay for the next person in line, or you buy a takeaway and give it to someone as you walk back to your car, it’s your choice.

You need to step out of your comfort zone today and do something for someone; someone who can never repay you.

If you are that way inclined, say a little prayer and ask for direction. Then do it.

The most important part of today’s adventure is to not over think it. Seriously, just jump in and have a go.

I am sure a smile will surface at some point in your day as you reflect on the moment you shared with a stranger.

And yes, they need to be a complete stranger!

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Day One Dare: say yes to this project.


1. Say yes to this project.

I mean really say yes. Not a half-hearted I’m going to try or maybe we will see if this works.

I mean a real yes, boots and all! I’m telling my friends, I’m posting about it on social media…

Like really, every day I am going to seize the little opportunities and I am going to plan the parties and the barbecues and step out of my comfort zone.

Saying yes means finding someone who makes you accountable too. Phoning a friend right now and saying “I am committing to doing these random little acts of kindness for myself. Will you hold me accountable?”

Take a little photo of yourself and put it as your screen saver on your mobile to remind you. Maybe write a status on Facebook declaring the challenge you have set yourself to say yes more often.

When someone asks you out on a date or to do something that’s not really your style, just say yes.

Say yes and take time each day to reflect on where you are at and make a plan for tomorrow.

“Sometimes what we learn and who we become in the process of waiting is even more important than what we’re waiting for.”

Mandy Hale

So here is what I am asking you to do. Set aside September as an opportunity to say yes. And look out for tomorrow’s dare here and on all my social pages.
If you want to get ahead and find a list of all of them before you commit (smile), they can be found in my latest book Dear Single Self, that you can buy here in paperback version $20 delivered globally or the E-version downloadable from Amazon here.
Let me know in the comments below if you are joining us, so we can encourage one another.
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Yestember 2017


Can you remember the first time you realised, that maybe you weren’t that good at something?

I think the older we get, the more tentative we become, aware of our failures, aware of our imperfections and moments where we just get stuck. Our relationships are the first to be affected when we are worried about what other people think.

Very quickly, we start to question and doubt our abilities. We start to shut down. Without even realising it, we have backed ourselves into a corner and played the movie forward and so often we just end up saying no.

As children, we change from these young girls, who dance freely around the kitchen whenever music is played, to women who are uncomfortable that we may look silly or childish or, even worse, fat.

As young girls, we play up to the camera, wanting someone, anyone to take our photo. We smile and we play, then one day we become shy and worried about whether we are good looking enough? Is what we are wearing okay? What will others think of us?

As young women, we cook with delight, making awful breakfasts for our Mums in bed, with burnt toast and cold coffee, all the while being so proud. As we grow older we become afraid of inviting guests over for dinner, because our food isn’t up to a master-chef standard.

We draw and scribble outside of the lines as a toddler and preschooler. Then we hear negative words, one after another; that we shouldn’t paint the sky purple, that girls must like butterflies and boys trucks, and our self-worth, year after year, becomes squashed into a place of perfection.

The little girl who decorates her room with scarves and colours, dressing up her Barbie dolls with bright colours, building teepees and forts out of rugs…becomes afraid to invite anyone over to her house because it might not look like those amazing homes on Insta- gram or Pinterest.

We start to say no to new opportunities out of fear and we progressively shut down our lives until we’re in a place of comfort. I believe there are times in our life that we just need to make a crazy change and begin to do things that we have never done before. Old ways won’t open new doors. Sometimes you just need to throw caution to the wind and say yes.

That’s what this book is designed to provoke by using the thread called Yestember: say- ing yes to things we would not normally do.

Stretching our comfort zones, meeting new people.

Seeing your life with new eyes.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

Isaiah 43: 19

So here is what I am asking you to do. Set aside September as an opportunity to say yes. And look out for tomorrow’s dare here and on all my social pages.
If you want to get ahead and find a list of all of them before you commit (smile), they can be found in my latest book Dear Single Self, that you can buy here in paperback version $20 delivered globally or the E-version downloadable from Amazon here.
Let me know in the comments below if you are joining us, so we can encourage one another.
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how social media is not making us social


There is something about social media lately that has been irritating me more than usual. I can’t scroll by the hate that is spewing from my computer any longer. Especially the sites that categorise themselves as social.

How is your relationship with the media lately?

Erik Qualman says it quite perfectly;

We don’t have a choice whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.

Whether it be the debate around equality, the brewing tensions in North Korea and the world. The overwhelming hatred that pours forth around Islam and refugees and the debacle that is outworking itself in the leadership of the United States.

Then you come home to more local issues, friends spewing forth vitriol over other friends. Family members using platforms to debate one another and churches manipulating their members through campaigns.

Social Media is far from social and we need strategies to be able to find our way through the mess.


  1. Do more things that make you forget to look at your phone
  2. Download an app that tells you how many hours a day you are using your phone
  3. If you feel angry, overwhelmed or sad take 24 hours before responding online
  4. Employ the tactic, would I say this on a stage in front of 1,000 people? If so, go ahead and write it. If not, then phone a friend.
  5. Have a switch off time policy and a turn on time policy.

The pressure we feel culturally to constantly be accessible, to be answering each other’s requests and demands is not sustainable.

You have to find a way to employ wisdom in the addictive nature of this forum.

If you are struggling within the culture of this part of our lives, message me, comment here and together let’s hold one another accountable to living more socially.



Re-engage with people in your everyday.

Get outside.

This will make all the difference.

I promise.
