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Realising that I care too much

Post Birthday Massage

Late at night on Wednesday I started another conversation with my husband that was so risky. It went a little like this.

I said “Hey Charl, why do you think I care so much about what other people think?



{Did I actually say that thought out loud?}

He said “Not sure love, but yes you value often what the crowd says, more than those who are in your gang.

Deep breath,

The vulnerability dance.

One of the greatest awakenings I have been having in my life of late, is the realisation that I do everything I can to escape pain.

The pain of exercise,

The pain of saying no to myself when I want to numb with food,

The pain of saying no to someone when all I want to do is say I will help.

Pain avoidance is one of the greatest challenges to finishing Brene Brown’s book from our online book club. I didn’t want to finish it, because I didn’t want to feel the pain of the words she pierced my numbing mechanisms to keep all my plates spinning.

My plates spin,

I keep myself busy to stay connected to the world,

But my writing and our book club worlds have been drawing me deeper into a place of contemplation and recognition.

Recognising that I really am deeply a people pleaser, that wants approval.

Recognising that I care way too much what people in the crowd think of me often at the complete disregard of those in my cheer squad.

Recognising that I numb the pain, when I do something brave, when I find my voice, when I create and people criticise me.

Recognising that shame patterns I learnt from a very young age, have created a fight or flight pattern in my relationships.

Recognising that I am deeply flawed but perfectly imperfect.

This month and this book have been transformational.  (Brene would say revolutionary) For me transformation, is when shifts start to occur so deeply that irrevocable change happens.

My writing is so often linked with creative pursuit, but this year has leaned more towards relationships and emotional wellness. The funny thing is they are linked so intrinsically and her book Rising Strong has confirmed this on so many levels.

I feel like I am just at the beginning of a curious journey that is helping me to not be afraid of my Wholehearted ninja self, to embrace my Hangry Bear and to step back and find perspective in the midst of my everyday.

I didn’t expect to be unpacking it all in front of you my readers and I also didn’t think I would actually finish the book. But yesterday I sat myself down at a beautician, I got myself a pedicure, I left my phone at home, I picked up a favourite little something for lunch and I finished her damn book.

I rose through the pain of its truth.

I found strength in the finish.

I looked for help beyond myself.

I faced my fear and fell forward.

Why did I struggle so much with this book?

Because I fail so often.

Because I have been hurt and let down before.

Because I have expectations that are so often not met.

Because I care so damn much all the time, but I am wanting to be a little more care free.

As a leader, as a speaker, as a writer, as a novice mum, as a wife, my expectations of others have been so formed by the unrealistic expectations I have of myself.

I am pretty sure I am still facing the aftermath of the truth I have read and processed here through the month of October and I am sure I will need to go find a someone professional to help me reframe some of the revelations with perspective.

I do know some prayers that I want to now pray, asking God for his wisdom and strength.

A question for our book club;

What is one emotion that this series of writing or the book has made you more aware of during October? Shame, embarrassment, curiosity, anger, grief?

And to tie it all together a final something from Brene… (if you would like a print out click here)

There is no greater threat to the critics and cynics and fearmongers

Than those of us who are willing to fall Because we have learned how to rise.

With skinned knees and bruised hearts;

We choose owning our stories of struggle, Over hiding, over hustling, over pretending. When we deny our stories, they define us.

When we run from struggle, we are never free. So we turn toward truth and look it in the eye.

We will not be characters in our stories. Not villains, not victims, not even heroes.

We are the authors of our lives. We write our own daring endings.

We craft love from heartbreak, Compassion from shame, Grace from disappointment, Courage from failure.

Showing up is our power. Story is our way home.

Truth is our song. We are the brave and brokenhearted. We are rising strong

Thanks for being kind to me as I walked out this journey here on my online space. Thank you to Elaine and Jodie for being my whole hearted honest partners in what turned out to be quite a unique journey together. Lastly to Brene, Im not sure I like you anymore. I’m sure my friends and family will love you in the future, but right now your words have hit a deep and painful chord.

Can’t wait to tell you about my series for November.

Finding Legacy, a countdown to the launch of our not for profit.”



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Going back to university on a curious quest

When Cousin Chloe steps through the doors of Ballet…

My posts of late have been quite emotion packed. It was never our intention to unpack our deep and raw from this book, in front of our online audience, but one of the greatest privileges’ of this season has been to read your stories. The emails, the facebook messages, the comments.

Your stories encourage my story.

Your courage provokes my courage.

Your Rising Strong after a season that tried to take you out, makes me want to endure.

My writing and speaking this year has had a really strong theme about the in between seasons of our life. The bit between our beginning and the end, has so much more worth than our society gives it. Lately I have been sensing though my season is not in between any longer and next year is really the launch of something breathtaking.

I believe that God is the author and finisher of our stories, I know we need to be a big part of the story, we are the ones who make the decisions, we are the ones who say yes or no, but I believe He is at work always to bring all things together for good.

For some this won’t make sense, but others you will know what I’m talking about, because you have lived it. The dance of faith. The opportunities that come about that you would never have been able to pull off. The ideas that are not your ideas, but they are divine.

One thing I have been playing around with for a couple of years is going back to finish my masters. The thought of adding something else back into my diary, completely does me in, but I have been finding a divine curiosity that is leading me down paths to find the very things I was created for. A curious dance with the divine and the timely sense that new is awakening.

This year I have enjoyed exploring people’s stories through the creative retreats that I have been running. I have run over 40 solo, private retreats and also I ran a big one, with my dear friend Cate Williams. Both of these journey’s have lead me to explore starting a Masters in Counselling, majoring in Art Therapy.

I don’t want to become a Counsellor. I want to help people creatively find their voice through creativity, I want to form my speaking and writing with study that will compliment my big idea, that creativity changes everything.

I believe so deeply in the power of connecting everyone of us with the Creator and finding a grace that was designed in you before the earth was even formed. Women need to give voice to the deep utterances of their souls, they need to give voice to those parts of their story that tried to hold them captive and to express the beauty that we see and create.

When we make we find healing.

When we are curious and we look behind the veil of something, we find refuge.

When we seek out new possibilities, we leave our past pain behind.

I’m on a curious quest to find more skills, to find more information, to keep going on the journey of what I feel compelled towards.

A divine path set before me, that takes courage to step out into.

What about you?

What are you curious about, that you keep shutting down?

It could be a significant key that unlocks your next?

What is inside of you that needs to find its voice?

Maybe you want to come and spend a day with me exploring those thoughts…

If so click here.

Speak again soon,


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Makers who find healing


Every day my son Maximus and I have a silent ritual.

We take our baby Liberty to bed, we put her sleep bag on, we sneak out of her room, count one, two, three and take a deep breath and run to our making stations.

Maximus calls himself a master builder. The lego movie came out in perfect timing for my three year old to begin an obsession with building. At three he can sit at a table for three solid hours or more and build. When Libby is around the lego becomes a weapon, when she is asleep the maker in him comes out to play.

I see the glint in his eye as the fire truck is built, the stories that he makes up with his police men and the baddies who get caught and dragged off to jail. His lego world is full of activity, life and freedom. As he makes these little worlds, he finds his true personality and confidence.

Just like my three year old I am obsessed with making.

When my babes are falling asleep, I start to creep slowly, then I end up running towards my latest project.

It doesn’t matter if it is my laptop and a new book is in the wings, or my basket of wool as I create presents for someone, or my colouring in book as I reflect on what is going on in my mind, or my herb garden, my vision board or even what is on the stove cooking for my family for dinner.

Every time I make something, every time I produce something, every time it brings healing.

It heals my inner critic.

It heals the voice that says I am tired.

It brings a smile to a heart that is weary.

It expresses something I have been trying to say for weeks.

It unlocks my frustration and anger.

It calms my impatient attitude.

There is something so precious about making.

If you are feeling isolated, lonely, misunderstood, heart broken, not enough…





You were created to.


If you are looking for some homemade christmas ideas click here to check out my downloadable book with 30 maker ideas.

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Learning that embarrassment is my own worst enemy


Last night I rumbled and wrestled, hardly sleeping the whole night long. It was like I was fighting a battle in my sleep, with enemies such as shame, embarrassment and vulnerability.

I’ll let you in on a little secret after last weeks post about my Hangry Bear, I haven’t posted here, I hadn’t read my Brene Brown Book for this online book club, I shut them all away and pretended that I could just hide away from the reality in my today. I skipped chapter eight in fact and read straight through chapter nine, promising this weekend I would backtrack. I had to get this blog written. I had made a commitment.

I had kept my Hangry Bear at bay all week, until yesterday. With a serendipitous aligning of events, I found myself wrestling all day with feeling embarrassed.

Have you ever felt embarrassed?

Have you done something so brave and it just didn’t pull off?

The funny thing is I speak most weeks on a stage of some kind and every week I have to face the fear of embarrassment and carry on. Although many people think I am extremely confident, I question everything and I see all of the faces. The faces of people who I desperately want to like me. Last week, whilst speaking, I fell off the stage and tripped over my shoe. I cracked a joke and moved on, but when I came home to my little shack, all I wanted to do was hide away and never come back out again.

Lately with my speaking I have been questioning myself over and over. Am I too loud? Am I too passionate? Am I too much?

The too much question, gets me every time. Too strong, Too opinionated, not sweet and palatable. It is like my mouth was designed to provoke. It is like my hands were designed to type questions that dig deep. It is like my heart was called to swim into wide, open passages. It is like my brain was created to keep challenging the status quo.

My heart aches often for those who don’t see their own potential.

My mind battles daily with the tall poppies and the online bullies.

My soul yearns for something more.

I feel way too much and that often causes me to feel embarrassed.

The greatest part of the Book Club we have formed around Brene Brown’s latest book, is that I have become more curious around my emotions. It is like I am stepping back and watching myself react, I am listening to my inner record player and I am learning.

This week I have learnt that embarrassment is often my greatest weakness in the midst of a emotional battle.

If I feel embarrassed, I react strongly. The feeling of shame and being made fun of deeply rocks me.

So back to yesterday, It was a perfect storm of embarrassment for me and it made me wrestle the whole day long. I withdrew from my family, As we stood in the shopping centre I asked them to stop embarrassing me, even though they were doing nothing out of the ordinary. I tried to hide from my husband.

I wrestled.

I questions.

I got angry in my half sleepfulness.

I rumbled with the feeling of failure that overwhelmed me.

Then this morning, as I walked out to my family at breakfast, all I wanted to do was carry on with my distancing dance.

Then something curious got a hold of me.

Over coffee, over eggs prepared by my holidaying husband, I sat down directly opposite him and I quietly spoke. I asked forgiveness for my distance, I explained what parts of my heart felt so vulnerable, I faced the dirt that was making me feel unclean.

I owned my story.

Chapter seven, eight (unread) and nine you have been annoying me.

However, if you are causing me to face my shame and come out clean to those who I can totally trust, then you are worth the wrestle. A rumble that echoes words like transformation, whole hearted living, connectedness, peace, hope and authenticity.

Hoping to write a little more this week.

Maybe that quiet conversation has broken the embarrassment drought and is calling me to process through writing once again.

Question; What emotion have you been made more aware of through this book club, reading Brene’s Book or just reading these posts?

This is one quote that has been ringing through my heart and mind this week;


Happy Weekend My Readers,

May the curious force be with you and may change be following not far behind.



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those childhood memories that ruin our creativity

Sydney, Australia “The Grounds”

Every time I try to diet, go raw, eliminate sugar, go dairy free, gluten free or paleo, the worst result of my efforts is what I like to term my “Hangry Bear”.

One day I am focussed, motivated and determined, next minute I want to tear the head off any person that is in my vicinity.

Food and I have a very sordid past.

I don’t have a long list of ex lovers or a deep history of family dysfunction but I have a whole cupboard full of stories that will make a decent memoir one day.

A memoir about diets, failure and the never ending New Years Resolution of finding my health again.

My Hangry Bear self is always associated with food or lack of it.

My Hangry Bear comes out roaring especially when I feel embarrassed, when I feel shame and when I feel defeated.

The Bear self is not actually hungry, it is just demanding attention, it is asking for my help, it is seeking someone to tell it to calm down everything is going to be okay.

Lately I have discovered a story that is directly linked to the birth of my Hangry little bear. I was ten years old, I remember the colour of my ballet leotard, I remember the moment when my Ballet teacher read out the words, that would forever change my relationship with food.

One line written in stone, that birthed a angry, shamed filled relationship with food that has plagued me ever since. A little ballerina, who desired so much to live her adult life on a stage performing and dancing to make people smile.

The examiners words on my report card that year, completely changed the course of my life.

She wrote this; (I was not even in highschool yet)

“Amanda, has the capacity to go all the way to the top with Ballet, except she is too fat.”

Full stop.

Hello Hangry Bear.

Hello food as my comfort

Hello food every moment when I feel shamed, embarrassed or on the verge of dreaming for greater days.

I battle with food, because it is my arch nemisis of both pleasure and pain.

Talking with a counsellor recently she asked me this question “If you could go back to that moment and speak to the little girl what would you say?”

I replied “I wouldn’t talk to the little girl, I would walk straight up to that examiner and I would tell her that she was wrong. That words have such significant power over children and do you know the damage you have done in writing such condemning and shaming words over a young childs life. A child that so deeply respects and reveres you.”

My adult response floored me.

I felt empowered, I felt overwhelmed at the capacity to stand up for my ten year old me.

I felt like for the first time in my life, I could rebuild those broken ruins and calm my hangry bear.

Maybe my bear could even go into hibernation for a very, very long time.

I am still battling every day at the moment with this area of my life, but Brene Browns latest book Rising Strong is completely unravelling these parts of my life and asking my shivering, shamed self to step out from those places that are holding me captive.

Chapter four and five have been very difficult chapters for me to read.

As we rumble with those Hangry Bears hiding in our deep places and when we face the true reason why we are responding out of shame, failure and hiddenness we cannot go back again without changing.

We can read words such as;

“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort, choosing what is right over what is fast, fun or easy; and choosing to practise our values rather than simply professing them.” Brene Brown

Here in this forum I can be all “you can do it”, “live the life you have dreamed of” and “Go make your dreams happen”…

I cannot be completely true to the whole picture, if I am not facing the sewer rats from my past, those stories from my childhood so deeply connected to my creative pursuits, dreams and passions and make you think that I have it all together.

I rumble and wrestle constantly with my weight, because I allow those stories from my past to frame my appetite instead of the truth.

When I choose courage when I look in the fridge rather than comfort.

When I choose to do what is right for my health, my family and my future rather than what is fast, fun or easy.

When I choose to practise the values I write about here instead of just professing what I think you want to hear.

Only then am I able to face those places of deep brokenness and see ever lasting change.

This year I am facing down that Hangry Bear and I am determined to discover what it is that provokes Him. I am determined to find ways to woo Him. I am wanting to live beyond this place of shame and embarrassment in my life.


That was heavy,

A question for our book club members who are reading along and commenting.

What goals have you set, that rock up on your New Years List every year? Do you have a Hangry Bear running around wreaking havoc, trying to undo your efforts every year?

Today, is the first time in a long time that I don’t want to press publish.


This book is hard work,
