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Hardships can be the path to peace.


There is something about the Serenity Prayer that gets me every time. The first few lines cut so close to the surface, that a little raw tremble hits my lips and a tear escapes my eye.

I know in my heart of hearts, there is so much that I cannot change and I know accepting the past is such a great advocate for a future of purpose.

I know deeply that there are many opportunities in my today, that just takes a big gulp of courage to step into.

I personally pray for wisdom all the time, but that next level of seeking wisdom to know the difference between what I can change and what I can’t, is so deeply profound.

Each of these stanzas in this poetic prayer, I resonate with, they make me feel scared and excited in one literal breath.

But then, then the prayer just goes a little crazy.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

Are you kidding me?

I personally will do anything to escape pain. (It’s probably why exercise is such a drag for me).

My husband represented New Zealand at the Body Building World Championships in Greece and he came fourth against competitors across the whole world.

It is a well known fact for body builders, personal trainers and athlete’s, that muscles must tear, rip, be pulled apart to grow back together again stronger. We can easily think that hardships make us weaker people. Many would disagree.

“Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.” C.S. Lewis

I have found in my life hardships, yes have made me weaker, but in many ways stronger as well. I have learn’t that when we surrender to that place of growth it makes us stronger, but also softer. Having a soft heart in a hard world, is living a life of courage not weakness. 

Every season of deep loss I have experienced has drawn me to a place of surrender in my life, it has brought about a tenacity that cannot be shaken.

Every time I process those places of pain, my resilience becomes stronger.

Accepting those difficulties is the key to the prophetic power of this poem from long ago.

The key word here is accepting.

Letting that pain go.

Facing the difficulty.

Finding strength in the release of its power.

When we surrender to the power of forgiveness and the deeply healing knowledge that we all have fallen, we all have experienced pain, we have all done things we regret. Freedom comes.

Chains fly off.

Hearts are released.

We are set free.

I have found through times of hardship, seasons when I have been overwhelmed by grief, times when I have felt unable to move forward from the depth of disappointment I feel, it is friends and counsellors, it is mentors and wise women who have gone before me that have helped me find that place of acceptance.

And always it has been finding perspective in the shadow of an amazing Creator God, who always calls me home.

I have never felt condemnation, guilt or shame in His presence, I have only ever found peace.

If you are looking for the pathway to peace Reinhold Niebuhr, through his Serenity Prayer, encourages us that often acceptance is the best way home.

Talk tomorrow


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online book club: Rising Strong

Online Book Club

In the month of October Elaine Fraser, Jodie McCarthy and Myself are doing an online collaborative book club. It is just a fun little experiment that we thought you may want to be a part of.

We are all fans of Brene Brown’s work and her latest book sparked interest and we thought you might want to join us.

On Monday’s throughout October Elaine will write her thoughts from a chapter, Jodie will blog about the next chapter on Wednesday and I will complete our online book club on Fridays with my thoughts. We will end each of our blogs with a question, that we will be asking you our readers to comment and reply and start a conversation that matters.

Here is her TED talk that got us all fan crushing…

What do you need to do?

  1. Follow each of us on facebook so you can get the links to our blogs each week. Elaine Fraser Jodie McCarthy Amanda Viviers
  2. Buy the book and start reading. ( Book Depository has free shipping click here: RISING STRONG)
  3. Invite your friends who may want to join along.

That is it!

We will have our first blog live on the 2nd of October with the introduction, here on my blog.

Have a great September Reading,

Can’t wait to chat about books online with you and my dearest writer friends.




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Finding strength for your today.

kitchen, flowers, everyday
kitchen, flowers, everyday
My window flowers.

In my kitchen, we built a planter box, to try and convince my eyes away from the ugly fence that stares at me, multiple times a day washing dishes in my little beach shack.

In the last two days, flowers have unveiled gloriously in that little piece of windowsill green. My inspiration garden brings the outdoors, indoors as the water and bubbles fill my sink over and over.

I remember the days, when cooking and washing up was the most delightful of tasks, because it meant I was home. A rarity in the life of corporate hustler. I would open a cookbook, breathe deep and cook all day, so excited to be in my casual clothes and leaning into my home day.

Today, I struggle to find the inspiration for dinner, I roll my eyes at another sink full of dishes and I dream of days escaping my home, when I can leave the house without any cares or responsibility.

These thoughts shame me though, because I see photos of young children washed up on shores, I hear stories of people desperately wanting that pink line to appear, I know that the lot I have been served in life is indeed on the blessed side of my ugly fence.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;

Enjoy one moment at a time…

How do I enjoy my moments, when they are filled with so many dreams and desires and the weight of my own expectations overwhelm?






Plans falling over,

Opportunities not taken,


Every time I think about more than my moments in my day, my serenity fades and I start to feel stuck in my apartment for the rest of my days.

Every time I think about the little moments, the laugh in his smile, the glint when she see’s, the new awakening of a season, an unexpected sleep in; it is in these precious moments that I regain my strength.

You see the way I used to live, I was always planning, I was always hustling, I was always being drawn into greater days, with even greater expectations. I am learning in my today, to find the white flowers that are opening, noticing what is right within my reach, rather than weighted expectations for tomorrow?

Do I believe we should stop dreaming?

No, but as a great friend said to me the other day “Amanda, what is so wrong with God surprising us in our future, rather than spending our days desperately trying to control the outcomes and the details”

Finding strength for my today, is revelling in the messy moments, picking up my knitting and letting things go that just don’t belong anymore. It is having conversations that matter, but keeping my relational accounts short.

It is kissing my husband passionately when he steps in the door, rather than telling him the list of unmet expectations and the struggles that overwhelm my soul.

It is playing a little as I wash those dishes, being grateful for the moments that are present and the duty that is my privilege.

The true story is that I have prayed desperately for the moments I have been graced with, yet when they arrive I can be so desperate to reach into the new, that I lose sight of the beauty in the realisation of my dreams.

Our strength for today is found in the messy moments, when we release and let go. When we smile and forgive, when we attend to the little details that often are forgotten. When we look heavenward with gratitude, when we take a deep breath and feel the sheer brilliance of the sun on our backs. When we walk a little slower, pick up one more toy smiling at their innovation and we live our lives breathing in moments that we might have just missed.

So for today, even though I’d love to fly away and search out hidden wonders on distant shores, as I dream of building orphanages and publishing books, I will surrender my will to this beautiful season and keep smiling as I watch the white flowers on my kitchen window sill bloom.

I will embrace my little inspiration moments in my today, knowing that suddenly it will be tomorrow and my season will have once again moved onward again.

What moments are you missing in your today, because you are desperate for your tomorrow?


One moment at a time.



But overwhelmingly



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Life is short, love what you do…

Print, love, wins
Print, love, wins
Whiteman Park Print Shop.

One of my closest friends, lost her husband suddenly. It was the most terrible of times. The last letter he ever wrote to her finished with this profound prophetic statement;

Life is short, love what you do

To watch my friend walk bravely out her days without her amazing partner has been the most deeply moving journey. She has grieved, she has stamped her feet, she has waited, she has questioned, but at the same time she has moved into days where she is living out the legacy of his vision for her days.

She shifted from New Zealand to Cambodia alone in her fifties, starting again, to live a life sown. It has been a hard journey, as she was robbed near her new home, watched the people she has been serving loose their life. Sickness, tragedy and heart ache has filled her days. She has not allowed the depths of these stories to shrink her though, she has stepped forward, felt the fear and brought her broken hallelujah.

She is living bravely in her moment, using the depth of her grief to minister and help a generation of young people in another country to live the life of their dreams.

I know her man would be immensely proud of her.

I know he would be watching with a gentle, quiet smile, a raise of his quirky eyebrows that quietly said “Look at my girl go…”

A life of serenity is not necessarily a quiet, retiring one.

Serenity is a place of peace, found in the midst of living a life of purpose.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

One day at a time, having the courage to live the life you have always dreamed of. When we stay stuck in holding patterns of the past, we are unable to live one day at a time, understanding that life is short.

It is short.

We just don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

What if we spent our today stuck in the pain of yesterday and missed out on the absolute sheer brilliance of living a life sown in our today?

What would you do, if you embraced the messy moments of fear, grief, disappointment and shifted forward into your unknown anyway?

My lovely friend Annie inspires me so much.

She hasn’t just moved on, she has dug deep into the very recesses of her soul and determined that she will live a life of purpose today.

Yes, living in her brave, courageous, today.

She is not sure about what the next five years will bring, but she knows in her today, that she needs to bring hope and courage to teenagers in Cambodia. A courage that despite the very hard parts of our story, that Love wins.

Loving People.

Loving Stories.

Loving Humanity.

Loving the hard parts.

Loving the mess of people and transition and change and living beyond ourselves.

What can you bravely do today, to live in this moment?

Take that step,

Make that phone call,

Book that appointment,

Write that piece,

Live surrendered in your today.





After 6 months of being in Cambodia, Annie knows she can’t go home to New Zealand, her work is not done yet, so if you want to help her stay, you can transfer funds to:

With the name Annie Cambodia.

New Zealand Accounts:


ANZ: 06 0383

0164749 04

Australian Accounts:

ANZ: 016141



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Praying those doors open.

beach, family, future

beach, family, future

Prayer is not really a popular topic these days, mostly because of the shame attached to people’s expectations of us. Something I find quite peculiar though is this, the one in Whom we are praying too, doesn’t ask for much more than a simple chat.

A lean of our heads.

A quietening of our minds.

A sneak peak into the unknown.

Prayer is all about communion, common union between the unseen and the seen, the known and the unknown and a humble stretch that says ” I do not know everything and need a little help.”

That is what prayer is, it is just a opening of ethereal doors into a new perspective.

Maybe that’s why it was created.

A space of trust.

A place of peace.

A realigning of purpose and perspective.

As I seek serenity in my days, one could think it is a settling down, a shrinking of a life lived sown, so that we can handle the task list, the people, the plans.

Lately I have been reminding myself that Serenity is allowing the Greater Plan, to become my plans. I have been reminded that my way is not the only way. I am learning to wait and see, that He is so good.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Today I am seeking wisdom in my walk towards the next in my life.

Wisdom to know how to accept things from the past I cannot change, wisdom to know what I can change and the courage to actually do something about it.

I see people stay in places of in-between, like a holding pattern of unknown, because they are unwilling to do the little things that will take them to the next place of knowing.

When I pray, I find wisdom.

When I wait, I find serenity.

When I gain perspective, I can see what needs to change and what I need to let go.

Prayer is the vehicle that carries me to these places.

Lately though my prayers have been really simple. They have consisted of very basic words.

“Not my will be done, but yours.”

“Open Doors, open doors.”

I’m not struggling and striving hoping someone will notice, I am waiting, hoping, trusting and knowing that He brings all things together for good.

I know that He sees.

What is it that you are hoping for in this season?

What doors are you praying would open?

Serenity would tell us, have the courage to let go of what has passed, the tenacity to say yes when the new comes into our present and the wisdom to know the difference. I made this little poster for a friend today and it got me thinking.

It’s all in his hands.

The rest of this place brings serenity and peace.

Vickie 2

Speak tomorrow
