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When an everyday girl becomes a whole hearted creative ninja


I may not look like a ninja, with a black hood and swift flexible moves but there is a part of my heart that is being refined so deeply that I feel like I can take on the world. One story at a time.

Over the last few years I have become a Brene Brown fan girl freak. I know this sounds a little strange coming from a woman with two children, who is heading towards the fresh new landscape of her forties but she is seriously so on point.

She makes me think of stories and memories hidden in the deep recesses of my soul, that I thought only Jesus could see in those hidden heart shaped rooms.

As I have been reading “Rising Strong”, there has been a training camp happening in my heart. It is like I have been at heart ninja boot camp and I feel myself letting go. I am seeing past destructive behaviours as I nod slowly concurring with her words. I am realising that I am not the only person on the planet who struggles with shame, guilt, pleasing people, failure and sometimes just wishing I had shut my mouth.

Why a ninja?

Lately I have been smiling whenever I call myself a ninja, because it is the furtherest description from my everyday reality but there is something about ninja’s that seems so purposed.

They run around in the background, making changes, swiftly and softly doing work that no one knows about. They don’t call attention to themselves but they get stuff done. I want to be a whole hearted creative ninja, whose life and path is so refined that I stop looking towards my past, stuck but I look forward and rise strong.

Brene Brown in the introduction of Rising Strong calls people like this, something a little stronger. She would call us “bad asses”.

You have found yourself here in our online book club, because you are wanting some sort of change. You are reading her book because you want to Rise again after failure, you want to make changes in your everyday that lead to living a life of influence and purpose. She describes you this way…

“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
Brené Brown, Rising Strong

This month we are going to tell the truth. We are going to face our pain and our shame and we are going to wade through this book of hope, starting discussions that hopefully make a difference.

As you start this journey of wrestle with the deep things she delves into, you may not feel like a “ninja” or a “badass”, you may feel like a complete failure, who never finishes anything. Or you might find yourself in a season of transition, wondering how you could ever start again. You might find yourself in a place of confusion unsure of what you have to offer the world.

“There are too many people today who instead of feeling hurt are acting out their hurt; instead of acknowledging pain, they’re inflicting pain on others. Rather than risking feeling disappointed, they’re choosing to live disappointed. Emotional stoicism is not badassery. Blustery posturing is not badassery. Swagger is not badassery. Perfection is about the furthest thing in the world from badassery.”
Brené Brown, Rising Strong

Why don’t you take time to watch this video from Brene our author of choice this month…

I think there is a whole group of people who are going to come out of these discussions, just waiting to take on the world with their new whole hearted super powers.

Owning our stories,

Facing the pain of rejection, loss and grief,

Taking time to recalibrate our sense of purpose,

Rising strong in the midst of great and glorious failure.

My Book club question for the beginning of our journey is this…

What stops you from commenting on blogs such as this?

Fear, Shame, Worry what others will think, Not wanting to sound stupid.

I too struggle with all of these things when commenting on people’s writing. Chat below and let’s start this conversation with open hearts.

Every Friday, Monday with Elaine and Wednesday’s with Jodie we will be writing a chapter each, asking one question for online discussion for this online book club. If you want to get a copy of Brene’s Book Rising Strong CLICK HERE.

See you next friday new and older blogging friends,


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When I realised I was using shame to try and change people

Eagles Rest Farm, Dwellingyup

Yesterday I had a little moment. It was just a subtle little comment but as I walked away I thought “Why did I even say that?”

The comment was about a little baby girl and my baby girl, the comment was a comparison to something so silly, small and insignificant but I knew that my passive aggression was coming from a place of shame not freedom.

Then this morning I wrote an email, started a conversation about something for next year and the dialogue was so positive.

Then a last little line I threw in at the end was a strike made in word form that was so unnecessary. A sly comment, a shy little dig, something so beige that you would miss it if you weren’t looking for it.

But I remembered.

Post email guilt.

I went back and wrote an email to readjust my judgement.

I tried to make it right again.

The truth is though once words are spoken, we cannot eat them up and take them back inside. In fact, they are not birthed as they escape our lips, they are seeded in our minds when we think thoughts of injustice, pride, shame and malice.

Lately I have been so aware though of old shame patterns that I used to use to try and change people. You see I worked previously in a work culture that was full of passive aggressive behaviours and patterns.

People would say yes, but then really mean no and go and tell other people why they said yes, but they wanted to say no and how annoyed they are with the person, because why did they make me say yes, when I should have said no. You know what I’m talking about. A culture that is supposed to be so honest, vulnerable and forgiving. That is actually the complete opposite. Quiet meetings, whispered words, untruths, email wars, digs, “she said, he said”.

Have you been surrounded by that culture?

Quiet corridor conversations that we justified in the name of processing and freedom of speech, but in actuality they were just gossip and should have been said in the meeting that the topic had been raised in.

Shame culture,

Passive Aggression.

They follow companies and cultures through seasons of great growth and seasons of great grief.

I have made a decision of late however, that I will not continue this pattern or behaviour in my life anymore and I refuse to make it a culture in my family.

Last night watching a TV show that I have been devouring lately Madam Secretary she quoted St Augustine

” The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it, just let it loose; it will defend itself.”

I refuse to micro manage my family to the point where they are shamed into thinking that if they just keep me happy then peace can be maintained in our abode.

I refuse to spend my days with careless comments that make people feel internally beaten by my comparison and competition.

I refuse to be someone who believes these patterns of shaming people and trying to control them with words is something that is okay, because it is not.

The greatest lesson in change, is acknowledgement and as hard as it is to publicly say what I am saying, the power of honesty brings great change and opportunity for accountability.

“We cannot grow when we are in shame, and we can’t use shame to change ourselves or others.” Brené Brown, I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame

The funny thing about shaming people through passive aggressive communication patterns, is that it honestly sounds so nice. We don’t want to have a confrontation, we don’t want to say the truth, so we just nod our heads and then go and talk to someone in a hidden corner about how frustrated we are.

Passive Aggression, the urban dictionary describes it this way;

A defence mechanism that allows people who aren’t comfortable being openly aggressive get what they want under the guise of still trying to please others. They want their way, but they also want everyone to still like them.

Shame, is about how we feel in a certain situation and the way we shame people is through words such as should, why haven’t you, couldn’t you, why not?

It is a fine line between being honest and what is the intention behind our words and the way we wield them.

I am not a counsellor, a psychologist, but I am a Mum, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a worker who is on a mission to grow into every part of my purpose that is available to me.

I long to live a whole hearted, connected life, that I own up to my behaviours and my stuff. I want to be a leader who is fully aware of her faults and is living a life that is changing, growing and maturing.

I am not afraid to own up to my stuff.

I am not afraid any more of failure.

I am so ready to let a lot of stuff go.

How about you?

What communication patterns do you struggle with?



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Living a life that inspires others.

StrawberriesThe one word that describes my business philosophy is;

inspire (verb)
1. fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
2. breathe in (air); inhale
The word inspire means to breathe life into. It is a divine interaction that brings life and hope with future potential into ones everyday moments. Over years many different people have inspired me with creative innovation. As I have watched people grow and develop I have been overwhelmed by the beauty that they are bringing in their own unique way.

I absolutely believe everyone of us has a unique signature that we can bring to the world and it is in this place of purpose that light and love are accelerated.

I have been using a hashtag #inspire15 with the year ending on it (inspire14 etc). The whole intention behind this hashtag was to inspire others with what they are doing creatively, to be a source of hope for each other, to get out and just have a go.

Over the years of seeing people use this tool to encourage one another free from comparison and competition, I have realised a simple principle’s in business.

  1. There is enough room for everyone.
  2. There is enough inspiration and creativity available for everyone.

I think we sometimes act as though there is only a certain amount of information available for the small elite group who have the courage to reach out and act on their business dreams.

There is not. I promise there are enough customers, enough opportunities, enough ideas for every single one of you.

As I walk into the final week before our Inspire 15 retreat, I wanted to interview some of my amazing entrepreneur friends and ask them great questions about creativity and business.

Questions like;

What is your Greatest lesson/ failure you have learnt in business?

If you were to encourage someone just starting out in your field of expertise what would that be?

Attached in the e-zine I have interviewed twenty entrepreneurs, some our business owners have over 100,000 followers on Instagram, some of them have started amazing online social projects, they have published books, started psychology practices and some are very new.

So go grab a cup of tea and Click this link Online Magazine to download this E-zine that I have created with some my favourite Creative Business Entrepreneurs. (Open it up in ibooks on your ipad for optimised reading results.)

I hope you are as inspired as I have been.

Happy Days my friends


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When you think you cannot dream again


Brene Brown’s latest book Rising Strong has me reeling.

I knew it would overtake me when I committed to reading and blogging about it in the month of October for our new online book club, but honestly I had no idea that it would convict me like it has and I am only two chapters down.

How often do we let our dreams die and live frustrated because we have failed?

One of the most dangerous of kind is one who has realised that despite their failure, that they can begin to dream again.

Dream of possibilities,

Dream of what was seeded in hearts long ago,

Dream again of those deep utterances that they have not shared with a soul.




The waiters.

The in-betweeners.

The frustrated.

The forgotten.

The disillusioned.

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. ” T. E. Lawrence

Have you forgotten how to dream?

I want to be a dreamer of the day.

Not the kind of dreaming, that finds us startled in the midst of our slumber but the sweaty, dusty, in the middle of the day dreaming of possibilities that have not yet been realised.

Have you stopped dreaming?

Has pain taken the wind way out of your sails and you are not sure you can have another go?

I totally get what that feels like.

Read this from Brene that I read today and I nearly fell off the couch…

“The opposite of recognising that we’re feeling something is denying our emotions. The opposite of being curious is disengaging. When we deny our stories and disengage from tough emotions, they don’t go away; instead, they own us, they define us. Our job is not to deny the story, but to defy the ending—to rise strong, recognise our story, and rumble with the truth until we get to a place where we think, Yes. This is what happened. This is my truth. And I will choose how this story ends.” Brené Brown, Rising Strong

I know in the midst of failure, broken relationship, dreams that have been derailed, it feels impossible to dream again, but I promise you that you can choose how this story ends.

Rise strong my dear friend,

Dream Again.

Come on the journey with us in October and buy the book or download it online, I cannot wait to see what has been stopping me from really stepping into arena’s that just keep on holding me down in my everyday.



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How to disagree with friends well.



I really struggle to disagree with people. I have differences of opinions often and I am not shy to speak my mind but I always walk away shaking.

I really don’t like having hard conversations with people. At the same time though, I am also completely convinced that authenticity and honesty go hand in hand, so hard conversations follow this philosophy I live by.

Does this make it easy though?

Absolutely not.

If I tell someone I disagree with them, if I have to tell someone “no”, if I have to have a hard conversation, my heart quakes for days. I may look hard on the outside, but I am honestly soft real close by. It’s like I was created like Creme Caramel. I look like Im tough to break, but a quick tap and the custard flows fast and thick.

Maybe it is because I care deeply for people and struggle with the uneasy place in our relationship. I don’t know, but lately I have been feeling the weight of hard conversations more than ever before.

I wish I could just keep my mouth shut.

I wish I could stop the conversation before it gets awkward.

But I really don’t want to spend time in shallow relationships, keeping things nice and clean, just so it doesn’t ever get awkward.

I want to keep things real. Super real and that is not an easy path.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.

Finding peace and serenity in the area of relationships is not about brushing over wrongs quickly, it is having courage to live reasonably happy in the midst of difference.

Ghandi was well known to be a person who often spoke his mind but was a constant advocate for peace. He wrote this about friendship;

friends quote

Honest difference.

What a fabulous thought. We do not need to be the same to be deep spirited friends. It is okay to have differences between friendships and hold onto that which created the union in the first place.

Just like the beginning of this poetic prayer states, in friendship to find a way to let go that which we cannot change and have courage to change which we can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Imagine if we applied this wisdom to our realm of friendships.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about who I call my friends and I am more determined than ever to engage my heart and life with those who are on the journey with me but also to hold people lighter than ever before.

In the past I was known to be someone who cared deeply for my friends.

In fact a lot of them with a heart that was so in the right place, would try to change my friends for the better.

These days I am learning that this is not my place or right. I want to be someone who is honest. I want to be a friend that accepts difference. Someone who speaks life and truth, but doesn’t own the result of those changes.

It is not our place to change people.

It is not our place to change friends.

However honest difference means that we speak the truth with care and love, holding people lightly, allowing them to transition seasons with grace and know that sometimes, some friends don’t shift into the season you are now in.

It doesn’t change the beauty of what you experienced together though.

It doesn’t change the past.

What if we engaged healthily in the movement and changing tides of people’s lives and helped them to be released into light and love?

What if we loved deeply, but held on lightly?

I totally believe it is possible.

In the area of friendships and relationships I am learning to not insist that friends think the same as me, I am learning to accept difference, but at the same time speak the truth in love.

What a crazy, audacious plan in the area of our friends and family. Can we love people enough to allow them to make their own decisions and live differently to us but create opportunities where we can be so honest that it doesn’t break the fragile place between us.

Some big thoughts this Sunday Eve,

Sleep well truth seekers,

Talk tomorrow
