The one word that describes my business philosophy is;
1. fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.or2. breathe in (air); inhale
I absolutely believe everyone of us has a unique signature that we can bring to the world and it is in this place of purpose that light and love are accelerated.
I have been using a hashtag #inspire15 with the year ending on it (inspire14 etc). The whole intention behind this hashtag was to inspire others with what they are doing creatively, to be a source of hope for each other, to get out and just have a go.
Over the years of seeing people use this tool to encourage one another free from comparison and competition, I have realised a simple principle’s in business.
- There is enough room for everyone.
- There is enough inspiration and creativity available for everyone.
I think we sometimes act as though there is only a certain amount of information available for the small elite group who have the courage to reach out and act on their business dreams.
There is not. I promise there are enough customers, enough opportunities, enough ideas for every single one of you.
As I walk into the final week before our Inspire 15 retreat, I wanted to interview some of my amazing entrepreneur friends and ask them great questions about creativity and business.
Questions like;
What is your Greatest lesson/ failure you have learnt in business?
If you were to encourage someone just starting out in your field of expertise what would that be?
Attached in the e-zine I have interviewed twenty entrepreneurs, some our business owners have over 100,000 followers on Instagram, some of them have started amazing online social projects, they have published books, started psychology practices and some are very new.
So go grab a cup of tea and Click this link Online Magazine to download this E-zine that I have created with some my favourite Creative Business Entrepreneurs. (Open it up in ibooks on your ipad for optimised reading results.)
I hope you are as inspired as I have been.
Happy Days my friends