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What about being surprised?


My son is a little late to the party but he has a major crush on Ana from Frozen.

Today Cate and I sat together and planned the final details of our upcoming retreat in just 14 days time. After dreaming and talking, thinking and problem solving, we sat to pray together.

A funny little side note though, is as soon as we started to pray, I could hear the background song of my son’s favourite all time tune of “let it go” blaring in the background.

The funniest part of this, is I struggle big time to let things go.

I work hard, I engage my heart and mind, I am a works kinda girl.

When we talk about surrender, it can be seen as a last resort, okay I am just letting go and whatever will be, will be.

Enter the serenity prayer…

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.

Surrender is not so much a dumping something on the ground, with our hands on our hips saying “I GIVE UP”.

It is a simple knowledge that greater plans can be executed when we hold our ideas a little more loosely.

Just recently I was talking about twenty sixteen to my friend Kelley from Kinwomen. We were talking about the potential of what next year could look like. Now I need to put in a little footnote here. My friend Kelley is just as much as a details/ control-ish kinda/ driven/ choleric personality as me. So the wisdom that came out of her mouth stopped me profoundly.

She said this;

“Amanda, what if we just let God surprise us!”

Yes, what if the answer is just allowing more surprises to come our way?

Yes, engage.

Yes, pursue truth and hope and wisdom.

But what if the song of Let it go, became an anthem in our current season and we became courageous warriors, who left the worrying and control to a greater power.

What if?

We allowed a little more surprise in our everyday life.

What could possibly come of it?

I think the art of surrender, is so much more than a dropping of the weight, it is a releasing the end of the story to the potential of being blown away by the limitless possibilities.

Frozen, you may be so addictive for our littles, because you actually are speaking truth into the atmosphere, that we just need to surrender a little more.

Till tomorrow, I’m seeking serenity and trying desperately to just let that stuff go.



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Finding trust in the most unlikely of places


Trust is something that continues to plague me week after week, month after month.

How do I possibly regain trust after it has been broken?

Reinhold Niebuhr’ s poetic prayer about serenity, continues to be the hallmark utterance of most AA meetings around the world daily.

Every time these brave souls gather, they speak out this prayer, releasing themselves and those in their circle from the shame that encases their addictions.

One of the hardest walks of an addict or an addicts family though is the tightrope of trust. It is okay to say that we have let the past go and find peace in the therapy of stepping into the new but what about trusting those who have broken our trust?

Every time that trust is given, it has the capacity to be broken again.

Living one day at a time;

enjoying one moment at a time;

accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

taking, as He did, this sinful world

as it is, not as I would have it;

trusting that He will make all things right

if I surrender to His Will;

Lately I have been reflecting on what trust is. It is like a bank of privilege, when we show up, say what we said we would do, notice, help, speak truth, these all build up the privileges in the account of the beholder.

What about the times that we don’t?

What about when we lie?

When we don’t show up?

When we take something we shouldn’t?

When we gossip?

It’s just like we are addicts as well. Maybe not to drugs or alcohol, but maybe were addicted to people’s opinions, to buying more than our bank balance allows. Maybe were addicted to fame, our growing instagram accounts. Maybe were addicted to things, food, coffee.

It is like we take from that bank of privilege and there comes a day when the account is in arrears.

Trust is easily broken and it is difficult to regain.

That is the greatest challenge of being human. The brokenness of our vessels and our need for reformation. Our desire for someone to bring it all together and help us make sense of it all.

Our desire to find our way home, in the midst of the struggle.

Many people misunderstand my beliefs when I tell them that I am Christian, believing the cultural representations of my beliefs rather than the story of time after time, where I cannot deny the presence of Deity in my days.

Yes He may not be physically present, but I have had experience after experience, where the circumstances are far from coincidence.

If we sat together today drinking a glass of wine, I would not speak of rules, shame and religion. I would simply tell you stories of amazing grace and privilege that has marked my days. Stories of hope and restoration, of miracles and beauty. Stories scattered with someone who has every reason to be mistrusted but finds her head lifted again.

Lately I have been watching some amazing stories unfold in my life. Stories that I can only account to the bank of riches that have been stored up, by someone who sees beyond my today.

The same principle applies, I trust him because I have honestly seen His hand of presence in my days and doors open, people intersecting and understanding gained when I see the bigger picture of what is being woven together for good.

Reinhold Niebuhr’ s prayer relies upon trust built on a knowledge that all things will be made right, I am far from ashamed of my beliefs because I have seen it to be true in so many people’s lives.

I know that bad things happen and there is so much in our world we cannot change, but I truly believe there is someone ahead of us, reorienting and helping things come together for good.

It is all about surrender and letting go of control.

This is the hallmark of trust.

This is the higher calling.

There are many days that I question His orienteering skills, but I often smile at the outworking of a bigger plan when I trust and surrender.

Serenity is not a place of oasis, it is a wrestle to find our place in the bigger purpose.


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Bad things happen to good people

Flowers, inspiration

Flowers, inspiration

I like things to resolve.

Movies with a predictable ending,

A clean sink at the end of the day,

A song on the radio that plods,

Tied shoelaces and Coffee with crema.

I like tidy.

A credit card on zero,

My petrol tank full,

An empty washing basket.

These are little things that make me feel that my life is going to be okay.

I must sound so shallow, but if I am anxious or worried, if I start to tick things off my task list, then my emotions start to subside. These attributes have some great strengths for some situations.

If you are travelling with me, I will never forget snacks for the trip, I am hardly ever late and I remember details often.

On the flip side of this equation, combined with my strategic nature, I struggle deeply with injustice and I struggle terribly when life doesn’t resolve.

How about you?

Can you let things slide easily?

Or do you wrestle with the injustice of it all.

In the wake of instituting another Prime Minister in Australia, overnight, the thing I wrestled with was not who was in power, but the absolute waste of effort and money, to reorganise our government, again.

I was up half the night thinking of the staff, the business cards, the website change overs, the money spent on putting another leader in power, whilst children sit hungry in our own neighbourhoods. I am infuriated by the politicking whilst aid is cut across our nation. That we have money and time, to institute another leader, who will get paid for the rest of their life, yet we don’t have enough to keep community organisations open.

Bad things happen to good people.

Injustice is everywhere.

Even deeper injustice is friends who are the most amazing people who can’t fall pregnant, close friends who waited for years and years to find the right marriage partner, to fall terminally ill within the first year of marriage.


Terrible life situations.

The Serenity Prayer says this;

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;

One of the greatest injustices, is when someone takes the fall for someone else, when they did not deserve it. It is so greatly unjust.

Yet this is the greatest redemption story of all time and I reel every time I think about the power of its purpose.

If you are wrestling with injustice today and struggling to make sense of bad things happening to good people. You are far from alone.

Sometimes life just does not make sense, but the thing I do know is that great trial, ends with great victory. When we surrender to the humility of it all and take the higher ground, no matter the circumstances we win.

May you find serenity today no matter the circumstance. May it reign supreme in your world.signature


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Hardships can be the path to peace.


There is something about the Serenity Prayer that gets me every time. The first few lines cut so close to the surface, that a little raw tremble hits my lips and a tear escapes my eye.

I know in my heart of hearts, there is so much that I cannot change and I know accepting the past is such a great advocate for a future of purpose.

I know deeply that there are many opportunities in my today, that just takes a big gulp of courage to step into.

I personally pray for wisdom all the time, but that next level of seeking wisdom to know the difference between what I can change and what I can’t, is so deeply profound.

Each of these stanzas in this poetic prayer, I resonate with, they make me feel scared and excited in one literal breath.

But then, then the prayer just goes a little crazy.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

Are you kidding me?

I personally will do anything to escape pain. (It’s probably why exercise is such a drag for me).

My husband represented New Zealand at the Body Building World Championships in Greece and he came fourth against competitors across the whole world.

It is a well known fact for body builders, personal trainers and athlete’s, that muscles must tear, rip, be pulled apart to grow back together again stronger. We can easily think that hardships make us weaker people. Many would disagree.

“Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.” C.S. Lewis

I have found in my life hardships, yes have made me weaker, but in many ways stronger as well. I have learn’t that when we surrender to that place of growth it makes us stronger, but also softer. Having a soft heart in a hard world, is living a life of courage not weakness. 

Every season of deep loss I have experienced has drawn me to a place of surrender in my life, it has brought about a tenacity that cannot be shaken.

Every time I process those places of pain, my resilience becomes stronger.

Accepting those difficulties is the key to the prophetic power of this poem from long ago.

The key word here is accepting.

Letting that pain go.

Facing the difficulty.

Finding strength in the release of its power.

When we surrender to the power of forgiveness and the deeply healing knowledge that we all have fallen, we all have experienced pain, we have all done things we regret. Freedom comes.

Chains fly off.

Hearts are released.

We are set free.

I have found through times of hardship, seasons when I have been overwhelmed by grief, times when I have felt unable to move forward from the depth of disappointment I feel, it is friends and counsellors, it is mentors and wise women who have gone before me that have helped me find that place of acceptance.

And always it has been finding perspective in the shadow of an amazing Creator God, who always calls me home.

I have never felt condemnation, guilt or shame in His presence, I have only ever found peace.

If you are looking for the pathway to peace Reinhold Niebuhr, through his Serenity Prayer, encourages us that often acceptance is the best way home.

Talk tomorrow


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online book club: Rising Strong

Online Book Club

In the month of October Elaine Fraser, Jodie McCarthy and Myself are doing an online collaborative book club. It is just a fun little experiment that we thought you may want to be a part of.

We are all fans of Brene Brown’s work and her latest book sparked interest and we thought you might want to join us.

On Monday’s throughout October Elaine will write her thoughts from a chapter, Jodie will blog about the next chapter on Wednesday and I will complete our online book club on Fridays with my thoughts. We will end each of our blogs with a question, that we will be asking you our readers to comment and reply and start a conversation that matters.

Here is her TED talk that got us all fan crushing…

What do you need to do?

  1. Follow each of us on facebook so you can get the links to our blogs each week. Elaine Fraser Jodie McCarthy Amanda Viviers
  2. Buy the book and start reading. ( Book Depository has free shipping click here: RISING STRONG)
  3. Invite your friends who may want to join along.

That is it!

We will have our first blog live on the 2nd of October with the introduction, here on my blog.

Have a great September Reading,

Can’t wait to chat about books online with you and my dearest writer friends.
