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day 27: What do you admire

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27. What do you admire?

Maybe the list of things you have been looking for in a spouse is completely removed from the things you admire in humankind.

One of the greatest traits we can have in a marriage is mutual respect.

Respect goes way beyond an initial spark of attraction and someone’s physical appearance. It is founded in admiration.

Draw a person.

Now brainstorm around that picture the things you admire most in people.

Remind yourself of these things when you are meeting new people and branching out on new opportunities.

The greatest relationships are founded in respect and admiration.

“Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that’s a real treat.”

Joanne Woodward

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day 26: buy a double pass


26. Buy a double pass…

Your challenge today is to buy a double pass to a movie, a theatre show or a sports match.

Choose something and put it up on social media (Instagram, Facebook or the like) that you have a spare ticket going, who would like to come.

A simple challenge that is all about taking time to socialise first and foremost instead of spending another night in front of Netflix.

Mostly though, it is about stretching your frame of reference and opening yourself up to situations that may be uncomfortable.

Hanging out with someone does not mean a marriage proposal.

Stop thinking a date equals future. A date is just that. A space of time that you have booked in your calendar to hang out with somebody else.

Full stop.

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day 25: Talk to Five Strangers

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25. Talk to five strangers

It seems a little silly, but the hardest part to starting a conversation with a stranger is the first thirty seconds.

What if you just needed some practice at meeting new people?

What if a brilliant friendship was on the other side of all that awkwardness?

This is my September challenge for you today.

Go and find five strangers and start up a decent conversation.

I mean a conversation that is beyond shallow.

Start a conversation with strangers and make it less awkward to meet new and interesting people.

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day 24: Dance around the house naked!


24. Dance around the house naked.

Okay, I am sure I have lost most of you after this Yestember dare.

But come on, you know you want to.

I don’t mean you should do it in front of your random flatmates and I am encouraging you to make sure that all the curtains are shut.

Sometimes, though, we just need to throw caution to the wind and mix everything the hell up!

Mix it up.

You need to turn on some music.

You need to dance in your underwear if that feels more appropriate.

Mostly, you just need to celebrate your fabulous you.

Dance it out.

I promise you will feel absolutely ridiculous in the moment, but the little glint in your eye will sparkle because you have done something so reckless.

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Day 23: Explore a little

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23. Explore a little.

Set a date.

Start the day with a big breakfast at a cafe you love. Then start your exploration.

You are an explorer.

Your mission is to document and observe the world around you as if you’ve never seen it before.

Take notes.

Collect things you find on your travels.

Catch a bus or a train.

Walk in and out of art galleries and museums.

Document your findings.

Notice patterns.



Focus on one thing at a time.

The most important part:

Record who you are drawn to.

You may just surprise yourself.