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Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: candles


I am doing research for our Easter Productions and Celebrations and am looking for movies with any scenes about Chocolate.




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Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Least Favourite Thing!: 42 degree heat with sunburn!

Its a scorcher here in Perth today and yesterday we went out on a yacht on the swan river and I got sunburnt accross one patch in the middle of my back, where I couldn’t quite reach to get cream there. Ouch…42 degree’s outside, 57 degrees on my back!

Anyways, I am having a whinge about SPAM.

I want to know which individual, what crazy person, actually thinks that spam will actually do something good for their company. WHO ARE YOU?

Email is such a privelege and in the land of event management, a massive time saviour! However the junk that flips through my inbox is enough to make a saint turn less saintly! Enough to make a kiwi fruit turn purple and Country music turn cool!

What is happening to our world, when crazy emails bomb your inbox with madness and obsessive craziness…But worst of all, they mean nothing.

Whomever you are out there…GET A LIFE!!



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the pursuit of happyness

Place: Mum’s

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: Lazy Sunday Arvo’s

This is one movie I have been hanging to watch on the miriad of planes I have been recently on, but no avail!

So this afternoon, I laid on Mum’s couch and prepared myself for some crying. This movie was so tense throughout its whole duration, that I questioned whether it was a chill out zone.

The 85 mins of stress, was magnified by the 5 mins of crying and happiness at the end. This movie is so inspiring, yet it troubled me deeply. I cannot believe I walk past people who live on the streets with nonchalance, believing their predicament is because of their own mismanagement of funds, or mostly because of substance abuse.

In an age with  6 billion people on the planet and billionaires like Bill Gates (i know he gives away most of what he earns) have a net worth of trillions, it spins me out that most of the nations of the world, live below the poverty line.

If we just shared what we have… If first world nations cleared the debt owed to them by 2nd and 3rd ones. If we individually and corporately just gave generously I know we could make a difference.

I am passionate about making poverty history in my own lifetime and passionately believe that no child should have to live on the streets. EVER!

If the pursuit of happyness for some is just to be able to provide a roof over a childs head, then how spoilt am I!

Never have I had the heart wrenching night of not being able to provide for my family. I hope someday I will, because only then will I truly understand what it means to be filled with joy from the essence of life, rather than the numbed out existence of materialism that we mostly don’t even know we enjoy.



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a page of mother teresa’s writings

Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: Big Red Chewing Gum

Picture 022.jpg

On tuesday night I spoke at our opening Creative Arts evening for 2007. One page I read from Mother Teresas book ‘No greater Love’ has inspired me.

I have had a lot of requests for it, so here it is…

‘Always be faithful in the little things, for in them our strength lies. To God nothing is little. He cannot make anything small; they are infinite. Practice fidelity in the least things, not for the sake of the great thing that is the will of God, and which I respect greatly.

Do not pursue spectacular deeds. We must deliberately renouce all desires to see fruit of our labour, doing all we can, leaving the rest in the hands of God. What matters is the gift of self, the degree of love that you put into each one of your actions.

Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure as long as you have done your best. Neither glory in your success, but refer all to God in deepest thankfulness.

If you are discouraged, it is a sign of pride, because it shows you trust in your own powers. Never bother about people’s opinions. Be humble and you will never be disturbed. The Lord has willed me here ,where I am. He will offer a solution.’


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Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: Black and White Photo’s

One of my nearest and dearest is going back home to Queesland and she is an amazing artist who is selling some of her pieces before she leaves the sungroper state.

If you want to buy one: contact her on

Love ya Rolle





