MPH Ad 2006 – with event details.wmv
Here is an amazing advert encouraging us to make poverty history. I met with the event coordinators last week and they are such great people.
Check it out!
Support this event.
MPH Ad 2006 – with event details.wmv
Here is an amazing advert encouraging us to make poverty history. I met with the event coordinators last week and they are such great people.
Check it out!
Support this event.
Place: Atomic (now open)
Poison: Long Mac
Favourite Things: my green party dress…
I love this photo from my recent trip to Thailand. These lolly pops cost less that $1 Australian for more than 100 lolly pops, yet the smiles they brought- priceless.
There are many things that cost next to nothing, that create memorable life moments.
Kids= lolly pops
Families= kites
Friends= bubbles, coffee and cupcakes
Lovers= handwritten letters
Mates= Cranium
Work Collegues= Jigsaw puzzles
Tired friends= Camping trips
Old Lovers= trips down memory lane
Flatmates= yummy rissoto at 11pm at night
Bridesmaids= footscrubs and wine
Life is too short to hold offense, life is too short not to celebrate those you love now. Be a cheapskate life giver. Think small, but think creatively.
Love large, with little expense!
Place: My Office
Poison: Milo Chocolate Bar
Favourite Things: Hayley and danni in the background
I have just finished watching the news and the emotional outpouring around Australia and the world about Steve Irwin, ‘The Crocodile Hunter’s’ death.
On a plane trip (not that long ago) watching ‘enough rope with Andrew Denton’ I sat astounded and intrigued by this man. The one word that completely embodied his being ‘passion!’
I am quite a passionate lass myself. Sometimes it gets me into trouble because I become so opinionated and forthright about my thoughts, but in Steve Irwin’s case, his passion was absolutely delightful.
If I could make the difference that he has made with animals, caring the same about humans, I think my life would be worth living. Passionate people are a force to be reackoned with.
Passion is the greatest persuader. Passion is endearing. Passion is engaging. Passion is a life well spent.
I want to live a passionate life that embraces the unique honesty of the human race.
Crikey, what a shame this guy died so soon…
I wonder where he is right now?
Place: Milkd
Poison: Long Black with hot water on side
Favourite Things: Getting my hair done today (wohoo!)
Spring is here! This last weekend in Perth, Western Australia has been just delightful. Today is a little smokey, but the weekend has been breathtaking.
The way the light reflects and bounces from tree to tree. The way the flowers come out of hiding. The way lovers walk hand in hand, as if winter has stolen those sacred moments.
I love the dance of children as their eyes twinkle with delight. The smell of tiger lillies that have been extended as a gift of friendship.
Spring is my favourite time of year. A time of new life, a time of expression, a hint of the summer hue that brings freshness to the cycle of the year.
Most of all I love japanese spring blossoms. On the street of my favourite cafe they are begging to bloom.
Its the anticipation of spring that entices me.
Anticipation brings freshness to my everyday.
Place: My Office
Poison: Long Black
Favourite Things: Thinking about my friends…
Well I have found inspiration for my birthday party. More details to come.
Here is a teaser though, some of my favourite people in the whole world are flying in for it!
Without friendship, without connection what is life and creativity really about?
Selfish creativity to me is so insular and defeating.
I love to live a life surrounded by cheerleaders who encourage me to live bigger than myself.