I was flying solo a couple of weeks ago to Sydney and I dug out a journal that I always used to write with, every time I flew.
It was a ritual.
I was on an aeroplane so often by myself that it became my high altitude muse.
As I leafed through these seasonal writings, it made me smile how many themes rolled from one year to another, but also how many themes fitted the exact season I was in.
I waited for my small, overcooked meal to come down the aisle and I lifted the journal to replace my tray and out tumbled some napkin drawings that made me smile.
Each beginning of the year as I travelled, I wrote on a single napkin, the one word I was to focus on in that year and brainstormed its output.
It was simple but it was revolutionary.
This act distilled what I wanted to focus on in a creative way.
I have started a little napkin series and am encouraging you to do the same.
1) Find a cafe, restaurant, secret cubby house or a moment.
2) Find a nakin.
3) Find a sharpie.
4) Write one word that is necessary to focus on for this season.
5) Idea storm it.
6) hashtag #napkinseries for accountability.
A simple thought but profound one, if we actually do something with it.
Till we meet again.
Mumma V.