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Prayer and petitions

Place: villa kahu raja

Poison: gin and tonic

Favourite things: an impending marriage!

Driving through the streets of Kuta in a taxi will bring out the prayer warrior in anyone!

Walking through the back alleyways as we make our way past rice paddies, cows and slow produce brings out the meditator in all of us.

A few days of a cleaner and no house work brings out the thanksgiving in us all.

Being away from our husbands will bring out the intercessor in all of us…

Somedays it’s just easier to pray than others.

All of us when put in times of crisis and emergency will admit to praying to a greater being.

But what about the everyday wearing an apron moments? What about the wiping poo from bottom moments? What about the moments when your newly blow dried hair is now full of vomit?

How do we pray in every situation? The ones that are not so exotic and lovely.

I believe the only way we can combat fear in this way is by practice.

Plain and simple practicing the presence of God. In the dull moments, in the vivid ones, in the forgettable ones, in the photo album type…practicing to present our requests to God with prayer and petition.

Prayer being a stance of humility, petition requesting with repetition.

Today is a great day to begin practicing his presence.

It begins with…

Hey God…
Dear God…
I’m sorry…
I need you.

And a whole lot more.

Fear wanes in the presence of prayer and petition.



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