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Putting it into practice!

Place: hairdressers

Poison: cup of tea

Favourite things: time to be a girl!

How often do I say ‘I should…’

I listen to a message and suddenly I’m thinking I should do that…

I read a post on Facebook and I think I should…

I read a blog, see a photo on Instagram and my mind goes to a new place…a place of should.

I want to live in the land of I have…

I have accomplished, I have finished, I have achieved.

How can we go from a good thought to a finished project?

Unfinished business drives me crazy!

The way we actually change out everyday, is putting into practice the ideas and thoughts we ruminate on.

Put into practice the tips we have discussed the last few posts, get people to hold us accountable, make the hard call when we need help.

Putting into practice and changing our days.

I wrote capture 30 days by putting into practice the dreams and desires I thought about. Every day for 30 days I wrote a chapter. I decided that I would do something and I followed through.

The final stretch of our scripture study says this…

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

What have you decided you need to change?

One part of my life that truly helps my anxiety and my fears is exercise. Sounds a little trite, but exercise changes my state of mind, I think better thoughts about myself, I feel better from the adrenaline. My mind changes when I sweat it out…

So I need to commit myself to exercise for 30 days at least to create a new patten and lifestyle!

What do you need to put into practice?

Fear, no matter how much you try to trap me, I’m not letting you win.

Fear series over and out!

What next?



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