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Resting up


Although one of my goals for september spring clean was to go to the gym 4 times a week, the last time I went to the gym was last Friday, because I have come down with a killer cold.

My goal is to get back in there tomorrow as I have turned a corner, but sometimes the best remedy for our health is simply rest.

Its something we hear all the time, but I struggle so much to just rest.

Something my husband said to me today ‘babe you normally just push through and what your body truly needs is just rest.’

So I listened.

I pretty much wore my dressing gown all day. I made a chicken and vegetable casserole for dinner and an early night for Max and I.

Are you bad at taking time out?

When you’re unwell, do you just push through because everyone relies on you?

If you can, find ways to take time for you. You time, rest time, meditation time, prayer time, time to just kick back and recover.

Recovery is just as important goals and achievement.

However, recovery and rest is not an excuse to give up on the simple changes you have committed to.

So tomorrow the gym is my friend and I am back on the spring clean train.

If you are sick, feeling frazzled or stressed, no worries. Take a rest, reflect but…

The big but!!!

Get back on.



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