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Trust the engineer

We often do things in our everyday that we have blindly trusted someone we will never meet.

When we step in a car, we trust the engineers that made it’s engine.

When we sit on a bus, we trust the driver and his mechanic.

When we fly on a plane, we trust the pilots and his staff.

We often trust many people who we have never met.

However one of the greatest responses people give me when I say that I am trusting God for something, is this ‘How can you trust someone you have never met?’

My response is, ‘He’s proven faithful so many times.’

Like the years I thought I would never be a Mum. Trusted Him, proven faithful.


Like the years I have watched my friends go through deep, dark tunnels of sadness, when they have come through to the otherside: faithful.


This weekend my dear friend Annie will watch her first daughter Hannah be married. I am so grateful that I am here in New Zealand for this beautiful moment. Tunnel for Annie is however, her dear husband Craig died two years ago suddenly.

She never dreamed that this day in her families life would be quite like it has turned out.


This photo here is of my dearest friend Annie in the green and her two daughters on the ends of the photo and one bridesmaid sitting to her right.

The engineer has not finished the story yet. He is at work in the midst of this picture.

Can’t you see it?

I can.


Ps- if you are in a tunnel right now, hang on and trust the engineer.

2 thoughts on “Trust the engineer

  1. Beautiful Amanda! Say hi to Annie for me. Enjoy the wedding.

  2. so beautiful – many thanks for your kind words Amanda. Looking forward to you being here x

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