Day one of my new health regime, Day 34 of my #inspire14 project and I sit here with very sore feet and a happy heart.
Watching all the pictures of the little ones going off to school today made me smile, but I felt like I had my own first day today, getting back on the exercise/ healthy eating wagon.
Why does it take so much effort to do the things that make a massive difference?
When I exercise, I feel amazing after.
When I eat well, I feel clearer and more inspired.
Entropy happens though and those chips at my friends house, the bar of chocolate, the lure of the couch, they all win the battle.
I know it is only day one but I am hoping the sore feet and the happy heart last.
What is it that you have been putting off?
What do you need to live inspired in 2014?
Write it below and maybe this first step will lead you towards accountability and the first baby step towards making the change tomorrow.