The whole reason why I am involved in SPARC is because we all need community.
Over the next two weeks, creatives across Australia will be gathering in bars and cafes, together cultivating community.
We all need a place to belong.
We all need each other.
Creatives need introverted time to express, explore and create but we also need random encounters of the creative kind to inspire us onwards.
This week a new blog was launched IZRA from our little town in Perth. Everything about this website completely inspired me. A website for young people, made by young people, creating a positive voice in a land of so much negativity.
I quickly wrote on the founders Facebook page how much I loved the design, the concept and the execution.
She excitedly wrote back ‘Oh and Amanda, I actually met our designer Mylan at Sparc last year- so thanks for putting on the event!!’
That is exactly what events like Sparc are all about.
How are you networking?
Are you cultivating creative community?
I saw a very quick Tweet last night about this: A short film competition purposed to highlight social justice and issues and make change. #thismattersproject
Maybe there is someone that you could collaborate with for this competition, that you need to meet at Sparc. Book a ticket here now.
Our guest band at the Perth gathering night is Kat Wilson, they recently played live on radio promoting our next event.
Click this photo and have a listen.
Another fantastic artist, who I have worked in Bangkok, Thailand with, Nate from the end stop will be our guest at our SPARC Perth Gathering. He is a graffiti artist, a mean hip hop street dancer, who is going to be painting live on the night. Together we ran creative arts workshops in a slum in Thailand and taught gangsta kids how to use their graffiti to make something to bring change into their worlds.
So, come and find creative community together.
You never know what is on the other side of that cup of coffee, that glass of wine, that piece of pizza or that quiet and humble hello.
Come hang.