(Image via Pinterest)
One of my all time favourite quotes is this…
‘You never lose your flame by lighting another candle.’
Creative online culture completely baffles me sometimes.
I am learning how important it is to credit people correctly but I want to be in this world and not of it.
Success, fame, popularity are not my obsession.
My one desire for this creative space is to inspire others.
To light flames that may never have been set on fire without my little inspiration thought.
Late last night I posted some simple thoughts and around the world I had people writing to me about how they struggle with unforgiveness.
This is my dream. An open space of conversation, that heals and brings new creative inspiration to our world.
Anyone can take anything from this blog and I don’t care whether they credit me or not.
Once you put something on the internet people do repost it, people forward it, people make it their own.
I love that!
If I light another candle, then my work is done.
Create dear friends.
Find your unique within my thoughts and reproduce.
Creativity that is a free flowing stream is the best kind.
Inspiration is just not inspired.
Honestly no idea is ever original anyway.
We all hunt and gather constantly and reproduce what we have catalogued.
When you hold onto your creativity tightly worried someone is going to rob you of your copyright, you are the one who is enclosed in your creative fortress.
I believe in unique inspiration.
I believe in honestly crediting those who inspire you.
But for me and my house we are giving everything, our life, our ideas, our home, our money, our inspiration, our creativity away…with no expectation of recompense.
It’s a lifestyle.
Speak tomorrow
Ps- I love candles. So much.
Great heart Amanda. I like your image of lighting a candle and letting your words and pictures fly out to the world. You are a generous soul. xx