Whilst surfing the web last week I read a quote online and the only thing I remember from the piece of writing was this question…
‘Does it make you feel fabulous?’
This morning started out as a normal Wednesday. A bite of cereal, a strong flat white, off to the shops to get some groceries.
When I got home, that question ran through my mind again.
‘Does it make you feel fabulous?’
Then suddenly my whole wardrobe was on the floor after I had ripped box after box, pile after pile out of it’s dark cavity.
I looked at every piece of clothing and every pair of shoes and asked myself this question.
Does it make you feel fabulous?
I realised there were T-shirts that were old that had been relegated to the ‘exercise in these’ pile, I had trackies that had been placed in the ‘wear them to bed in winter pile’ and I had a little defining moment.
Why can’t I feel fabulous when I exercise?
Why can’t I feel fabulous as I climb into bed with my husband?
I had a ‘I would prefer to have a smaller wardrobe full of beautiful items, than an overflowing one with half hearted items that are there because of obligation’ aha moment.
Obligation because I got them on sale.
Obligation because a friend gave them to me.
Obligation because I once loved them, but they no longer make me smile.
What are you holding onto out of obligation?
One of the greatest ways we can feel lighter and more inspired is to simplify the spaces we reside in.
Every time I do it, I am amazed at how great I feel afterwards.
One of my friends uncle and aunt lost their whole house in a fire yesterday. As they walked around the charcoaled remains they realised that possessions really didn’t mean that much to them, when all of them kept their lives and health in tact.
Possessions don’t define us.
I think I sometimes think popular culture tells us, whoever dies with the most stuff wins! When we think about it logically we know this is not true.
Today those bathers that are chlorine stretched, those pants that are stained and those shoes that I love but are so uncomfortable are all now in wardrobe heaven.
And I feel fabulous because of it.
#inspire15 find ways this new year to clear space for new inspiration.
Well done
Great advice. Travel lightly on this Earth.’Heaven does not know you as the fellow with the nice suit or the woman with the big house or the kid with the new bike. Heaven knows your heart.”
? Max Lucado, Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear
Love this Elaine. Xxoo
Love this.
Great work Amanda.
Did this about a month ago and feel so much more in control of what I have to choose between in the morning as I get ready for work.