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tractors, dirt and family

Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: lip gloss


I love this photo, if you look very closely, My sister and I are completely covered in dirt and the cheeky look of pure delight is hilarious.

Today we had our final production meeting before the launch of our new venue and service in the South of Perth, WA. The building seriously is a mess, dirt everywhere, but together we sat with a glow of pure delight, because together we were building something that will service thousands of people in the years to come.

When you build something from scratch, get your hands dirty and together as a family accomplish, the end result is breathtaking. Creativity as a team is the most rewarding of all. However building something with purpose and vision is even more delightful.

I wanted to send out a big toast to Ray Lampard (Project Manager), Craig Tucker (Action Man, Tech genius), Dave Hadfield (sound guru) and all the hundreds of volunteers that have got dirty together out there in the outback of Jandakot.

I wish I had before and after photo’s of how they have transformed a warehouse into a modern, theatre of amazing standards and technology. The cafe is funky as, can’t comment on the coffee yet as the machines not plugged in, but sure to give you an update. The Launch of our South Service 10am this sunday morning. Yehaaaa!

A toast to getting dirty out in the country and doing it as a family.

Rock on Riverview, its such a privelege to get dirty together….(hmm, should I change that line?)




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celebrate the future

Place: My Mums House

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: My mums house…

Tonight has been GOLD! We had Tracy’s last supper at my families house in Rockingham and it was hilarious. For those who don’t know me or havent read previous posts, I have quite wild twin mums who set up a dinner tonight for one of the GTC (green tea cup club, nearest and dearest) who gets married this friday.

Anyway, the men of our family dressed up as waiters and all the women were upstairs extravagantly enjoying the view, the company and our dog.

Tracey was dressed in my aunties wedding dress and my mum and her veil. So very funny, but reminded me of a simlar post that I wrote just a month ago when Elly was getting married but the extension has to do with U2 and a book I am reading at the moment.

The book ‘Walk On’ by Steve Stockman about U2, the page 82, the thought ‘GOLD’…

‘Here’s to the future! The only limitation are the limits of our imagination. Dream up the kind of world you want to live in. Dream out loud at high volume. That’s what we do for a living!!’ Bono New years eve, 1989

Contrasted with a draining coffe barista Bonnie, Rose and I encountered yesterday who whinged for the entire duration of our extraction of our coffee, complaining how boring Perth was, how culturally uncool it was, and how quick he wanted to leave the place. I was like cool, no worries, leave!

He should have seen the balcony of my house tonight, with 12 amazing chicks screaming our heads off and celebrating Tracy and Dom’s future…

Mr Coffee Man from Mount Lawley, you just dont know the right people, and also you are not willing to open yourself up to people who celebrate life with abandonment. Steve Stockman’s book about U2 is really inspiring, but more than that so are my family and friends.

My family, such devout, beautiful Catholics, (my mum and her twins birthdays tomorrow, the big 52!!) they live a life that celebrates the future.

My friends, the GTCC and the extended crew also love to live lives that celebrate the future.

Here’s a toast to Dom and Trace! Have the best last week as singles, in preparation for the most amazing life of unity!

Here’s also a toast to my crazy but unbelievable family, I long to continue to dream up the kind of world we want to live together. We dream out loud at high volume…I ask forgiveness of our neighbours!

Smith Family younger years.jpg

Much Love and more


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childlike heart

Place: Home

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: thinking about all the people coming to Perth for my birthday!! oh WOW…

Amanda 6.jpg

I know there is nothing worse than spending an evening with an immature, self centred person. However, I think its even worse to do life with people who are so meditated and so planned, so intentional, so flippin intense that they loose the freedom and beauty of spontenaity.

I am all for planners, outlook and living a disciplined life, but the innocence of a childlike heart is so refreshing. Someone who believes the best not the worst in friends. (I am seriously chatting to myself here) Someone who seizes the moments and allows the wind of change to breathe liberally on their page.

Somedays I wish that life didn’t force me to grow up quickly, and I could have remained a child longer. As I am growing older, (30 very soon! aha moment) I am realising that niavity and a fresh belief in the good in people is not a bad trait to have.

The older I am, the more gentle I want to be. I don’t want to be a cranky, old granny. I want to be one of those marshmellow types, who sees the world through pink glasses, sharing her wisdom liberally with the world.

Innocence and purity, is not such a bad thing. (i know some of you are wanting to throw up right now…sorry)

Living light is a beautiful way to travel this earth.


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thirsty for more…

Place: Milkd

Poison: Water

Favourite things: book mark from miss kym…

When excercising or in the heat of the summer sun (so want to write ‘oh baby dancing with you in the summer rain’ aka belinda carlisle right now, but won’t go there, umm looks like I have!) lack of thirst is not a great sign.

If you can go through an entire day and not feel thirsty it actually shows a sign of unhealthiness. When we are thirsty and quench that thirst with the right nutrients, water and vitamins, you will end up being more thirsty.

Are you confused? I am nearly…

Anyway I was thinking the same deal about life and creativity.

When you are in a dry place, the arid landscape breeds aridity. Lack of inspiration breeds more lack of inspiration. But the more you drink, could be reading an inspiring book, randomly meeting a friend like polly that just came into milkd or smelling a big beautiful oriental lilly, it breeds inspiration and you will become thirsty for more.

Simple but random thought, drink more, look more, inquire more, love more, live more, your thirst will not be fulfilled, you will just be thirsty for more.

Same deal with God and spirituality, the more you seek him, the more you will thirst after it!



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dancing in the dark

Place: Milkd

Poison: Long Mac

Favourite things: Claudine on the phone

John Mayer’s new album ‘Continuum’ is inspiring. I love his lyrical content, the bluesy, jazz, accoustic vibes but most of all the creative picture that the whole package unveils.

Music is something that totally unravels the tension in my being from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Some days you just need to turn on some tunes and dance in the dark!

Some people freak out at the thought of dancing. What if someone sees me, what if I look dumb, seriously what if…But dancing for no reason whatsoever in the privacy of your living room is one of lifes simplest pleasures. I remember so fondly the years where I taught dancing, in random outback halls, basket ball courts and church common rooms. I think I enjoyed myself often more than the kids.

Growing up we were a family who always put on little performances and created a stage out of our sunken living room. Dressing my brother up with oranges and my mums bathers was something we thought was just so hilarious esp when he let us get the lipstick out as well.

Today in the midst of Christmas production auditions tonight, The Big Weekend around the corner, Church Together on the horizon, I turned the lights off in my living room, swirled my ipod onto John Mayer’s new tune ‘Slow Dancing in a Burning room’.

Praying my neighbours werent peaking through the fence.
