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My granma…

Place: Kyms House


Favourite Things: Necklace from Hannah

Well, I had a sad occasion this week, I took my granma to the doctors because she has been loosing her eyesight for quite a while and last Saturday, she picked up the newspaper to read it and she couldn’t read anymore.

So I sat with her on Monday, (its taken me all week to have enough couarge to write about it because it saddens me so much) in a doctors office, praying that he would say a quick operation and all would be well. Sitting and hearing him say ‘Mrs Powell, there is nothing we can do to help you, You can’t read anymore, you are now going blind, was so defining!’

See my granma is one of the most creative and beautiful people I know. She has always inspired me from a very young age. A immaculate dressmaker, a professional knitter and anything beautiful or creative she was so proficient with.

Being over 80, she fills most of her time these days making beautiful teddies, scarfs, baby clothes, rugs, anything she can use her hands for, to give away to others. But no more!

This post is so hard to write because I cant imagine what it would be like to not be able to see anymore.

My granma is such a generous lady, she brought me a present to the doctors appointment for no reason at all. But I sat there so breathtaken at the thought of her not being able to create like she did before.

I have spent this week looking through different coloured lenses. Every flower I see jumps out and begs that I study it, whilst driving I have been so inspired by our river. I have been reading more because that was one thing that as a tear rolled down my gran’s cheek she whispered ‘Manda, I can’t read or do my crossword puzzles anymore.’

It is so unfair when the winds of time take away the simplest of lifes treasures. I sat in the waiting room surrounded by trashy magazines, promising to myself I wouldn’t take reading for granted anymore. Now as I read out her bills and letters from her friends, it is an amazing privelege to see more of her breathtaking life.

As you watch the footy grand final tomorrow (go the eagles!) I won’t be able to stop thinking about my mad keen footy supporter granma, sitting in Rockingham, in her flat, listening to the football grand final on the wireless, as she can’t see the television anymore.

Wow, life is pretty strange hey?



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Cowboy boots in the office…

Place:My Office

Poison:Sprite Zero

Favourite Things: My Cowboy boots



This morning I was having a ‘woe is me’ moment driving to work. I was thinking ‘This traffic sucks! I am on my way to work, the sun is shining and I want to be outside playing!’

Then from out of nowhere a thought popped into my head. (Yes it is very random so go with me…)

‘I am actually really blessed, because I have the freedom to wear my cowboy boots to work!’

They are very special too me. I brought them a couple of months ago in Dubai, with one of my favourite people Claudine, I searched for a pair for months before I brought them.

How strange is that thought? But it has made me smile my whole day through. See I work in an office where I have permission to be creative, to express myself, but am continually challenged to grow in creativity, leadership and event management.

How many people are in jobs that they hate? How many people are in countries and places that they hate?

Perspective hey? Although getting up and going to work everyday may not be your cup of tea, know that there is always someone worse off than you.

Today I reminded myself how privileged I am to work in an office with people who are living beyond themselves, who allow me to express myself and use creativity to try and make the world a better place.

And that, Amanda Powell, is a privelege! (self talk is hilarious!!!)

Anyway, a random, slight, perky thought. What priveleges do you have that make your day so much better than you actually thought it was…

Mine- cream cowboy boots in the office!



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Place: Milkd

Posion: Long Black

Favourite Things: this cafe

What I love about milkd is…

1) the Coffee

2) the little hiding place out the back with minimal decoration, an air conditioner and brown striped couch seats

3) The staff, esp the owner Lorenna, who is such a generous person, the cafe is not about profit, its totally about people.

4) That I can wear my trackies after a workout or my suit after a day at work and forget where I was before I came here.

5) How could I forget the wireless internet connection.

6) That it is five minutes from my house and open everyday

7) Breadless breakfast!

8) Did I already say how nice the staff were (no Im not getting paid to do this)

9) The homemade jam, homemade soup, the homemade menu.

10) The cupcakes and mars bar slice

11) The street is unknown in the coffee/social/ shopping landscape of WA

12) The fact it is always full in the morning and quiet in the afternoons, so you can pick which times you go depending on how you feel and who you want to see

13) Its a place where lots of my friends come so if I want to I can always find someone to have a coffee with…

14) The Antique store next door

15) The french upholstry and french clothing store on the other side

16) No worries about parking

17) Consistent Coffee

18) The green paint on the wall

19) The red door

20) The logo on the takeaway cups

21) More than one newspaper

22) The coffee’s are table served

23) Polished concrete floor

24) Little milk bottles as the salt shakers

25) The chef is wearing a constable care tshirt!

26) They have a dog bowl outside with water for the people with dogs (even though Im not into dogs, nice touch)

27) New Norcia Bread

28) The old dudes sitting on the window ledge and the way they cackle and tell dirty jokes

29) The guys next to me complaining because of the contents of their museli ( get a life boys!)

30) That it is the starting place of my 30th birthday and we will be having coffee martini’s, champagne, cupcakes and coffee! Watch out, love it…If you read this list right to the end you so deserve to come!


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art in bloom…

Place: Office

Poison: Diet coke

Favourite Things: Hand Cream

Okay, have just had the coolest arvo with Polly, Bonnie, Rolle, Leah, Rose and myself…We went to the fashion festival in the city and then Rose and I went to the art gallery and saw the exhibition ‘Art in Bloom’

Seriously it happens for three days only every spring, and it is out of control! Basically most pieces of Art, are reinvented with sculptures of flowers. UNBELIVABLE.

Next year you have to go, its amazing.


Should be…


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Place: Milkd

Poison: Long Black

Favourite Things: Scarf from Sydney

I heard someone say recently that the origin of the word inspire is ‘breath life into’.

This thought made me stop in my tracks, because there are real moments of inspiration when I do feel like the very breath of life has been excited within me.

When we are sick and are short of breath, that feeling of hopelessness, can be all consuming. When we are surrounded by people who are sick, we can begin to breath short breaths and take on the symptoms or the depression of their sickness due to proximity.

Inspiration, is digging deep and finding the true essence of life and the breath of an amazing creator, who wants us all to live a life in deeper conversation with him.

Having defining moments, thinking moments, creative moments, crazy moments, spontaneous moments, should not be once a year occurances. I so believe that there is inspiration in the everyday, you just have to learn how to look for it!

No matter what your lot in life is right now, there is inspiration to be found. Those moments that you cannot manufacture, but moments that you can create a fertile landscape for them to grow.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? When was the last time you went out of your compfort zone because you put yourself there? When was the last time you made steps towards seeing some of your life visions and dreams realised?

That is the land of inspiration. They are the destinations where that breath taken glance at a bigger life can be found.

Breathe deep, there is inpiration to be found, you just have to learn where to look for it!
