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you are enough

The farm
Eagle Rest, Dwellingup

Each day awakens across our Earth with the same number of moments. There are families in this very moment savouring each and every breath as they wait and watch their loved one pass, there are Mothers today regretting times when they said something that fractured their family apart. There are wives sitting without husbands, counting the days, seconds and milli-moments, hoping they could rearrange and go back to a place when what was lost could be re found. There are men crying at the charred remains of their beloved homesteads.

Every moment across our Earth, people are succeeding, people are fading, people are burying and people are birthing.

We each have the same amount of moments, but we each spend these moments very differently.

The last month for us, has been a crazy ride of delight and devastation. From losing loved ones, to welcoming favourites from overseas. From opening presents, to New Years reflections. From the bushes of the outback of Western Australia, where scorpions landed on friends legs, to winding back lanes in New Zealand, foraging to celebrate the life of a dear friend.

Tonight as I sit here and write, the farm where this photo was taken just a few short days ago, is just one town from a raging bushfire. Life is increasingly fragile and the more we give in to the delicateness of its trust, the more we struggle with our capacity to move forward into new days.

As I have traversed the highs and lows, the long plane trips and the slow, telling forrest highways, I have had a little something raging in my heart of hearts. A few words that change absolutely everything.

These words are not just for me this New Year I suspect, I am thinking they are for you as well.

Words that have haunted me, because if I was absolutely down right, disgustingly honest. I did not achieve either of my goals for twenty fifteen. Both of them remain unfulfilled. With every valid excuse in the world, I just didn’t pull them off.

How about you?

What about your New Year?

Has it been quiet?

Has it been devastating?

Has it been uneventful?

What about quietly inspiring?

The words that have been whispering to me in the wake of such a unexpected and dramatic end to twenty fifteen are these simple three words.




You are enough my friend.

My dear friend Ruthee has taught me more in her passing, than any moment of intense conversation that we have shared together. That life is so short, it is a vapour, it passes through our hands, leaving joy and questions in its wake.

What stops us often from stepping forward into days of deep satisfaction, is we spend our days looking backwards and trying to make sense of our past mistakes.

This New Year the greatest gift you can give yourself is to be kind, forgiving and gracious to yourself more than others. By telling yourself you are enough.

You alone are enough

You have nothing to prove to anyone.

Maya Angelou

We stumble and we fall, we step over and around people and memories, we are impacted greatly by grief and unanswered questions but one of the greatest hurdles to living a deeply satisfied life is always carrying the burden of shame and not enough-ness. (I know it’s not a word, but I like it).

Not only are you enough, but those who are closest to you, your kids, your husband, your friends, they are enough.

Isaiah 41:10 reminds me of this…

Do not be afraid for I am with you.

Do not be discouraged, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you.

I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

In the wake of seasons that don’t make sense, when you are unsure if you can keep walking into a New Year, New Day, New Season, New Month, New…new…new..

Be kind and forgiving, take it slow and be soft with yourself.

You are enough.

Lower your expectations of yourself and just walk.

Walk slow, walk kind, walk…walk…walk.

And if you haven’t taken time to reflect this New Year yet, then it is not too late.

Ask questions.

Forgive yourself.

Let go.

Step over.

It is a new day and you are enough.

I had so many plans about how I would launch twenty sixteen, with new looks and new ideas, but honestly for today, this is enough.

Join me in tagging your creative pursuits or what inspires you this year with the hashtag #inspire16





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2016 New Year Questions

new year front cover

One of my favourite traditions at this time of the year to set aside a day to reflect, recalibrate and set intentions for the coming year. Last year I enjoyed it so much that I started doing this with people one on one as solo private retreats.

This is a ritual I have done for over a decade. When I go back over the questions that I have asked myself and my responses, I see patterns and insight. I see opportunities and passions that come alive. I take time to ask myself the why before the how. I take time to be intentional about what I am giving my life too.

My dream to become a writer and publish books started with these questions.

The businesses we now own began whilst I took time to reflect and challenge my status quo.

Travel plans unravelled as I sought greater days that were to come and to stretch for.

Humility was provoked as I reminded myself of the places that held weakness.

Strength came to my character as I have reminded myself of what is important over what seems to be urgent.

Inspiration has arisen out of seasons where I was not sure any good could have come from them.

It doesn’t take much to prioritise what is important in this season of new.

inkywords quotes and ad-4

Book in a date and time.

Print off the questions.

Find quiet and a place that inspires and write.

This year one of my favourite partners in creative crime Kym Basoka has painted original artwork to compliment my questions, to make this downloadable playbook even more inspiring. If you are looking for a personal original one off present this Christmas jump over and order yours today.

download your questions here…

Click this link for the playbook full of questions for free and if you live in Perth and would like to spend the day doing these questions with me click here to book a solo private retreat in for the beginning of 2016. If you would like a mindfulness colouring in page to start your day with click here to download this one for free.

Can you do me a favour?

If you have downloaded this for free, can you post about it somewhere on social media with the hashtag #inspire16 and invite your friends to join the reflection party?

Happy Nearly New Year,

I really do believe the best is yet to come.







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Taking Back Time

Raspberry Farm, Dwellingyup

Seasons have a way of marking us. Christmas can be daunting for some but haunting for others. Summer can be refreshing for thrill seekers and exhausting for the sick. Weddings can be exhilarating for lovers and painfully poignant for the lonely.

We regret,

We forget,

We pain,

We shallow breathe.

Life has these seasons where the fragility of life crystalizes and we find what is truly important and we groan deeply with regret wanting to take back time.

Last week we found out that the best man from our wedding, a dear friend, a thirty year old with such purpose passed away suddenly. Our week has been a rumble.



And moments of gratitude for what time and gifts we have been given.

Life is terribly fragile. I think we believe that we have years upon years to flesh out the dreams we tinker with, but life slips through our finger tips, escaping containment, never asking our permission to run freely.

This last week, my husband and I have been talking a lot about perspective. We have been talking a lot about grabbing life by it’s handles and smooshing our face right in it’s very core. We have been asking of each other to believe the best, to let go of that which doesn’t matter.

If there were any parts of our life windows that were a little smoky and unclear, this last week has crystalized what is very important in our world and we are leaning in to find the grace.

Family is important, even when we continually do things that frustrate and annoy each other.

Friends are full of purpose, even if seasons have shifted, marriages, babies and jobs have hurried seasons along, pick up the phone, text or write. You will never regret the small amount of time taken.

Find what you were made for. Everyone of us has been given a unique message to bring to the world. Everyone of us has a voice that is so deeply different to the next. Sing your song, bring your dance, bake your goods, design that building, speak that manifesto. You were designed. You were delicately put together to bring something strikingly brilliant. Your voice is awaiting discovery and expression.

Things will never satisfy you. Life is about so much more than accumulating things.

God is always available for a chat. Even when you think he’s not listening He is. God is always available and open for business, He is seeking you down and longing for relationship.

Sometimes the most aligning seasons are the ones that you never dreamed would come knocking.

So on the weekend a sign told us that we could come and pick raspberry’s off the vine and fill up a container from a orchard on the way home. Normally I would see the sign smile and keep on driving, ticking off my list of accomplishments that needed to be fulfilled. But this week has unsettled me in the most satisfying of ways.

I piled my one year old out and let her run the orchard.

I explained to my three year old, how berries were harvested.

We shoed away the flies, we let spiders run across our produce, we picked prickles out of our feet and we picked our own raspberries off the vine.

Life I am determined to suck out your marrow.

Life I will not miss moments with my children seeking greener pastures.

Life I will find you in your fragility and I will not take for granted the precious simplicity of my today.

Life you were created to live graciously, even in the seasons that do not make sense.

I will dance in my darkest, I will sing even when I have no voice left, I will write words when they refuse to surface and I will not take for granted the time I have been given.

Time can never be taken back, but we can take back control of how we use our time.

Every moment, every second, every breath is precious.

Snuggle someone close by, Let go of grievances that just don’t matter, Speak words very slowly with kindness.

You never know what tomorrow may bring.

Ps- I am going to be taking a break from technology for a couple of weeks, so until after Christmas things around here are going to be a little quiet. I wanna snuggle my kids without a phone in my hands and take some brain pictures creating memories rather than digital ones.

Merry Christmas and love the ones you’re with…


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run in the sprinklers and find your childlike faith

Dwellingyup, Western Australia
Dwellingyup, Western Australia.

On Saturday afternoon I arrived home after an event I had been coordinating to find my husband at our front door with my bags packed. He knows me, he knows what I need to find the inspiration that I so desperately needed.

He told me I had to go to the family farm. He told me to go find the space I needed.

With love and intention, he had packed my bags ready for me to drive away and find the strength I needed in a place of rest.

He knew I needed to drive, I needed to wage a war with my Maker, he knew the rising tide of questions within my heart needed to find expression. So I jumped in the car and drove, I searched for the inspiration in creation, I searched out the inspiration in the skyline, I was seeking answers. I laid out under the stars. I questioned and wrestled.

When I drive I exhale.

When I drive I sing and express.

When I escape and seek new scenery I find perspective and hope.

I drive with intention.

I drive with to find the grace my questioning heart is seeking.

Trying to find answers in a season of so much loss. Sick friends, illness, loss, death, stress and a world that seemed to be internally combusting. I felt like I was driving away from Armageddon and was seeking an answer, any answer, that would somehow quieten my raging heart.

Are you seeking answers?

Are you looking for strength in something beyond you?

Somedays we just need to be forced to find perspective beyond the landscape of our everyday.

I sat on the porch and talked about creation with my Uncle. I watched the sky turn from blue, to orange, to pink and deep blue again.

My little girl in the midst of my pondering ran in and out of the sprinklers screaming delight at the simplicity of the pleasure. She was seeking inspiration with a naive beauty, loving life at its absolute purest.

My adult heart was seeking answers to things that I just don’t have the perspective to ever understand.

My adult perception was looking for a big fat theological hat stand to hang my hat on.

Somethings we will never understand until the end of our days, somethings are just to confusing to find the boundaries that bring understanding. So sitting on the deck of my uncles farm, I found my faith again watching my daughter run underneath the sprinklers and enjoying water in a parched, dry land.

She delighted in the present.

She found her strength in the possibility of today.

Matthew 18: 3 says it this way…

“and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

I long to see the kingdom of heaven and I hope desperately to see my friends dancing and playing there.

For today I choose to have a childlike faith and look for the hope in the midst of the difficulty, anything more than that and my brain hurts too much.

Some seasons just don’t make sense.

Some days just don’t make sense.

And for today I choose to revel in the beauty of what is very simple in our world and try not to find the meaning in the bigger picture of it all.

Because sometimes things just don’t make sense and that is okay.




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Finding faith when it seems to have been lost.


Some days to keep walking by faith and not by sight is a treacherous journey.

You know those days.

When you have prayed every prayer that your little heart can muster. Those days when you feel all dem feels and more. Those moments where you cannot believe the circumstance of what is falling down around you. Those days when you are not that sure whether you have anything left in that tank of belief and you are scraping the very bottom of the barrel.

Today for me is not one of those days, but I have had conversations full of stories this week that resemble the desperate moments I am describing.

Moments of disbelief.

Moments of complete and utter dismay.

Moments of exasperation.

Mainly with God.

How are you doing today?

Are you struggling to find faith?

Honestly it is totally okay. I am not sure when we started believing that faith was a crutch or the sign of weakness. The faith that I wrestle with is an active one. Honestly the days that I believe I have found my oasis of security, then something else crumbles within my reach. The sands shift, illness unveils, difficult conflict emerges.

Faith is and never was a place of assured standing. Faith is a grapple with the possibility that there is a purpose in the midst of the very worst days.

I have never met anyone who has done something of substance with their days that has not questioned, wrestled and gotten angry with their faith. Those who have believed in something greater than themselves, they to me are the warriors, they are the champions of great strength, they are marked by humility. I have found it is when I step into places that I no longer have faith for that my life and character are revealed

Faith is not for the faint hearted.

Faith is not for the weird and weak.

Faith is for those who have been knocked down, feel angry and afraid, yet stand up once again and start to slowly believe again for greater days.

Last night I rushed out our front door with a one year old, a three year old, a friends little man who I was looking after and a big pot of green curry. We all jumped in the car at 4.30pm and didn’t get home till after 7pm. I walked up to our front door and saw it wide open.

My first thought was “Oh my goodness we have been broken into”, as I walked from room to room it looked as if everything was just fine. I put the kids to bed and didn’t think of it again until this morning at ballet.

All the Mums were chatting whilst the teacher prepared the class, one of the Mums was describing how her Mother in Law had been broken into last night and the neighbour, the neighbours neighbour and in fact most of the street.

I went white and asked slowly what street and she said mine. Apparently our whole street had been victim to burglaries last night during the time that I had left ours wide open for any one to walk into.

The crazy thing is our house was left untouched. Most probably because the lights were on and music was playing, they probably assumed that we were home.


It is a strange old thing.

I do believe that we had a hedge of protection around our little piece of paradise. I do believe that good things come to those who wait. I do believe that God can handle our anger, our pain and our absolute disbelief.

I think he comes closer as our heart and lives wane in faith. He delights over us in our darkest days, he is close to those who need his touch and presence. When we take time to sit, wait, breathe, restore, express, let go of the need to understand the bigger picture and to find the grace for our now. He comes near.

His gentleman’s grace comes flooding into those sore places that no one else can understand. He brings a strength to places that feel so weak that no one could understand their broken places. He is strong, when we are so terribly weak.

Somedays all we can do is cry, wait, breathe and seek.

Faith is not a crutch.

Faith is a place of protection.

A citadel of hope in the midst of a burning exodus.

If your life is crumbling and you feel like you have nothing left to give, He can strengthen even the darkest of places. I know this, because he has walked me through the shadow of the valley of death and I still fear no evil. I know this because I have come to the very edge of my faith and nearly lost it, time and time again, finding that he has been so ever faithful even during these days.

1-3 God, my shepherd!
    I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
    you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
    you let me catch my breath
    and send me in the right direction.

Even when the way goes through
    Death Valley,
I’m not afraid
    when you walk at my side.
Your trusty shepherd’s crook
    makes me feel secure.

You serve me a six-course dinner
    right in front of my enemies.
You revive my drooping head;
    my cup brims with blessing.

Your beauty and love chase after me
    every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
    for the rest of my life.

His beauty and love chases us. He brings all things together for good. Even when we have no hope left to be found. Every day he protects us.

He is faithful.
