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anxiety that tries to take us out.

Grand Cinemas, Como

Last week I had three things happen, that completely rocked me. The fear that stayed bottled inside my soul, erupted yesterday and it wasn’t until I talked it out in detail with my husband that I realised what was really going on.

Last Monday on the way home from our Family Dinner, I had my Dad in my car with me (thankfully) and we were all chatting away, in the dark with rain pouring, I entered a round- a- bout, when a young guy on a scooter was coming out of it the wrong way, without a helmet on straight into my path. I slammed the brakes and just missed him but the darkness and the rain, meant that it was such a close call nearly hitting this young person.





The questions of what if? what could have been? flooded into my heart and mind.

Then on Friday morning bookending my week, as I was driving once again in the rain, someone turned straight into my lane, across it. I slammed on my brakes and my car skidded, writhing back and forward, nearly doughnut-ing into oncoming traffic.

I was shaken to my very core.

What if I was looking at my phone?

What if my kids were in the car?

What if…





Twice in one week, I had two very real frights in my car and the effect was lasting. After near miss number two, I become seriously lost. That lost feeling, really overwhelmed me, nailing the third vulnerability in the week. I was scared to look at my phone for my maps, I was late for a consult, my nerves were absolutely wrecked but a half an hour later, I found myself at my destination and didn’t think about it again. I threw myself into my work, raced off after to visit a friend and then recorded in the studio for Kinwomen.

For a few days I didn’t even think about what happened and then yesterday morning I started to unravel. I kept the wheels spinning, I kept on moving and when I stopped, I realised I had a flat tyre on the inside and it had leaked all my courage out.

The vulnerability of that place of anxiety, reminded me of all those years ago when I came close to having a breakdown. The panic attacks, the sleepless nights, crying so hard that I was unsure if I would ever stop.

Anxiety is real.

Yesterday was not a great day on many fronts, but I decided to get back up again, with some great friends who walked with me and listened. An amazing partner who talked till all hours of the night last night, until I found the words to voice where my fear was coming from.

I gave my anxiety and fear a voice and expression. I dug deep and allow safe people into that place of vulnerability.

The in-between places bring such anxiety, fear and real insecurity into our days.

I have been looking forward to the release of Brene Brown’s new offering Rising Strong which was released today. She calls these moments in our lives, face down moments. I have had many moments like this. Times when I dare greatly and life tries to take me out. I fail, I fall flat on my face, I am full of fear and then decide to have a go again.

When we deny the story, it defines us. When we own the story, we can write a brave new ending.

Brene Brown

When we face our anxieties, when we share the load of what is happening for us with safe people, our story is faced and we own it.

Today is a great new day. One with a brave new ending.

The reason why I am sharing these tales of weakness and vulnerability, is even though I may sound like I have it together on these pages, I face weakness, fear and anxiety. I worry about what people think, I suffer from vulnerability hangovers, but I still decide to show up. I decide to process and face those places of pain.

I chose to replace them with moments of honesty and courage.

No matter what you are facing in your today, fear and anxiety is real and my prayer is that you would seek a brave new ending.

Own your story.

Find the grace in the midst of the dark places.

Philippians 4 is my go to chapter of scripture in these times of pressure.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

It goes on to talk about a peace that will surpass understanding that guards our hearts and minds.

Who doesn’t want that kind of peace?

For the anxious out there today, I hear you.

Don’t give up.


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jan 9 | Gather + Grow : Photography for the un-photographer

gather and grow

Coffee, Cake and Chats with people just like you…

Gather and Grow is not about industry professionals trying to tell you how good they are and how far you are away from their brilliance. It’s about everyday people having a go and hanging out with those who have just a little more experience than you.

“Look at what you want to change, gather a few people who believe in it like you do, and start moving forward. It’s important to remember that you don’t always need a destination. Sometimes, you just have to make forward motion. And you absolutely can.” Debby Ryan

Do you have a camera, that you have no idea what to do with?

Do you look at everyone’s instagram feed and wonder how they possible get to brand their vibe with so much beauty?

Do you have a blog and your greatest weakness is finding photos for free?

Do you want to bring a greater level of content to your social media feeds?

This gather and grow is about photography for those who ARE NOT photographers. DSLR Camera’s, Simple Editing Tips, Apps and Settings. Tips, tools and chats with each other to learn and grow together. Bring your camera, computer and lots of questions for each other.

What: Two hours, hanging with new friends, with coffee, cake and lots of chats.

Who: Ten places only.

When: Saturday January 9, 1.30pm | Gather + Grow : Photography for the un-photographer.

Book today to come gather and grow.

$25 per person including coffee and gluten free cake/ slice and free download code for one of Amanda’s E-book Capture 30 days of inspiration.

At The Pond Barista:

10/62 Penguin Rd
Safety Bay WA 6169
To book into this gathering click here today, limited places available.
photography for the un-photo
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Oct 17 | Gather + Grow: Homemade Christmas Ideas

gather and grow

Coffee, Cake and Chats with people just like you…

Gather and Grow is not about industry professionals trying to tell you how good they are and how far you are away from their brilliance. It’s about everyday people having a go and hanging out with those who have just a little more experience than you.

“Look at what you want to change, gather a few people who believe in it like you do, and start moving forward. It’s important to remember that you don’t always need a destination. Sometimes, you just have to make forward motion. And you absolutely can.” Debby Ryan

Two years ago Amanda Viviers released a online Christmas E-book with 30 homemade ideas for Christmas presents. Bring your knitting, your crochet, your love of all things homemade and come and share ideas with other creatives, how to make Christmas just a little more affordable this year.

What: Two hours, hanging with new friends, with coffee, cake and lots of chats.

Who: Ten places only.

When: Saturday October 17 | Gather + Grow : Home Made Christmas Ideas

Book today to come gather and grow.

$25 per person including coffee and gluten free cake/ slice and free download code for one of Amanda’s E-book “30 Merry Days”.

At The Pond Barista:

10/62 Penguin Rd
Safety Bay WA 6169
Book your place today for this gathering by clicking here.
homemade christmas
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Sept 19 | Gather and Grow: Social Media

gather and grow

Coffee, Cake and Chats with people just like you…

Gather and Grow is not about industry professionals trying to tell you how good they are and how far you are away from their brilliance. It’s about everyday people having a go and hanging out with those who have just a little more experience than you.

“Look at what you want to change, gather a few people who believe in it like you do, and start moving forward. It’s important to remember that you don’t always need a destination. Sometimes, you just have to make forward motion. And you absolutely can.” Debby Ryan

Instagram | Facebook | Social Media Content | and more. Chat with some new friends over coffee and cake, casually helping each other with tips, tricks and tools to grow and pimp your social media skills.

What: Two hours, hanging with new friends, with coffee, cake and lots of chats.

Who: Ten places only.

When: September 19, 1.30pm | Gather + Grow : Social Media

Book today to come gather and grow.

$25 per person including coffee and gluten free cake/ slice and free download code for Capture 30 days of inspiration.

At The Pond Barista:

10/62 Penguin Rd
Safety Bay WA 6169
To book your place for this gathering by click here.
social media
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finding the bigger picture

fremantle, artist
fremantle, artist
Fremantle, artist.

Have you ever been so immersed in something, that you had no idea how far you had come, only because you forgot to look at the bigger picture?

That is what the in-between can be.

A frustrating place, where you feel like nothing is changing, but when you step back, you have a look, everything is different.

C.S Lewis says it like this;

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.”

As you wait in a hidden place, it is easy to feel the frustration rise saying “nothing is going to ever change”.

When we embrace the stretch of the in-between, suddenly we realise those dreams have begun to unlock, our hearts have shifted and changed.

Here are the two footnotes to this perspective.

Footnote number one: Embrace the stretch of the season.

If we allow the in-between, the disappointment, the misunderstanding to shrink us, no matter what has happened and what we are hoping for, the journey reduces us. Embrace the stretch my friend. The pain of patience, the wrestle with hope, the humility of letting people see that your faith has not defeated you. Take time to sit uncomfortably in that place of waiting and don’t let it take you out.

Footnote number two: Step back and look for the bigger picture.

I believe there is a bigger picture at play. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, I see that there is a greater work at play that will bring all things together for good. When the frustration takes over, look for those promises that excited you from long ago, chat with a friend that can assure you that things have changed, remind yourself of the dream.

When we step back there is a bigger call at play.

The detail in the in-between can rob us of hope, but keep walking, keep believing and take time to see that there is a greater plan in it all.

I believe my friend.

Even when your hope has been deferred.
