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There is nothing worse than living a life plagued by regret.

Waking up and wishing you didn’t, going to sleep wishing you did.

Finding time to recalibrate yourself only to fall down once again.


It’s one of the slimiest emotions. It sneaks up on you and then smacks you over the head.

It gives you a headache that stays around well after the taste of the forbidden fruit has faded.

When I choose chips rather than salad. When I lay on the couch rather than walk the beach. When I choose the lazy option rather than the inspired one.

Why don’t we get the emotional kick of regret before we make the decision?

Why is it remorse we feel rather than a preface?

Do you want to live without regret?

One of the only factors that combats regret is discipline. Building a life and character that says no, when everything within you wants to say yes.

Building a life and character that sticks to the goals and plans you prepare and following through even when everything seems to be against you.

Friends are great motivators to stave off regret.

Husbands and wives are also, if you are really humble.

At the end of the day though regret comes when we disappoint ourselves.

So, what do you continually regret?

Laziness at the gym?
Sleeping in?

Take it a day at a time and take on those goals that you have set.

Regret is an awful hangover.

Prepare to combat it by saying yes when everything within you wants to say no!

I believe you can live with no regrets.

I want too!



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Memories made


When I think of Christmas I cannot remember one present that my parents painstakingly save for.

I don’t remember the details of the food, I dont remember what people were wearing, I don’t remember the fights and the failings.

All I remember are the amazing memories and the traditions that have stuck.

Like the piñata after lunch for all the kids, the pillow case that was our Santa sack, counting Christmas tree lights as we drove home on Christmas eve from church together. BBQ breakfast with all the cousins gathering, swimming in the pool and volleyball ferocious.

I remember laughing and I remember eating, I remember crazy times of stories and drinking, I remember feasts full of people and presence.

I remember the moments that made memories and created a Christmas junkie in me, longing for just one more fix of Christmas cheer.

Tonight at family night I was researching Santa sacks, as it will be Max’s first and we reminisced about our Christmases as cousins and the tales of Santa and friends.


As my uncle read out his grace tonight as we all gathered to eat around the table once again, I was endeared towards the thought that traditions and memories create home.

Our homes are warmed and consolidated by traditions and memory making moments that are cherished.

What are your home traditions?

Chinese on a friday night with a movie?
A hot coffee together before you rush off your separate ways?
Scrabble on lazy Sunday’s with cheese and biscuits?
Moët champagne on christmas eve as you open presents?

What are the memories you are making?

Because memories are being made, but you can’t be sure they are good ones. Let the memories you make be full of life and love, freedom and strength. Memories and traditions that create a strong home.

Homes are built up and strengthened by reliability and consistency. Traditions are the rafters to this desire.

Choose your traditions today, or they might just choose you.

Choose life
Choose memories that are life giving
Choose traditions

They are worth every little piece of effort.



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Beauty for Ashes


Today is a day that I dreamed of, but one I have often worried would never come to pass.

This afternoon I visited one of my dearest friends in hospital after giving birth to her little man named Ezra.

If you knew my friends journey, you would be completely overwhelmed at the perfection her husband and her united produced. Ezra Vincent Penny.

A precious life, a statement of perfection, Gods masterpiece.

See I met Ezras mum when she was 15, nearly a decade ago. She was a shy, artistic, delightful specimen that doubted a lot, but loved life regardless.

Her tale turned dark quickly and heart breakingly and the journey we traversed together was often sad, often hard but always hopeful. (even when she lost hope, I never did)

All afternoon I have had this scripture bombarding my heart from Is 61:3

To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory.

Today I saw the fulfillment of this scripture, the faithfulness of promise, the crowing of hope.

From the ashes of her life, a new life has been born. Beauty has arisen from her ashes and my heart is overwhelmed with promise and hope.

Today was a dream realised for my beautiful friend, her husband and her new family created and finished with Ezra.

I am so proud of who she has become.

I am so proud of the ashes she has risen from.

I am so proud that she never gave up.

I believe beauty is being created from your ashes. Whatever we lose is being reformed daily.

Are you standing in the midst of ashes, grief, heart break and sorrow?

I believe beauty is being birthed.

He brings beauty from our ashes.



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Laughter is as good as medicine.

Tonight our family came together for a spics and specks music trivia games night.

It was hilarious. Singing, dancing, screaming, laughing and more.

I haven’t been well all week and tonight was a dose of good medicine.

To be crazy, to do skits and acts you wouldn’t normally do.

We ended up leaving early because I’m still on the mend but having a great laugh was the best.

When was the last time you just laughed?

When was the last time you went to a games night?

When was the last time you played a game with your spouse?

Life is way too serious most of the time, but we have the capacity to bring joy no matter the season.

All day there was a particular issue that made me sad everytime I went online or thought about it.

Tonight it completely faded away.

In the company of family, friends and a crazy game challenge.

Spics and specks anyone?



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Somedays I just feel like my house is insanely out of control.

Yet if I was really honest its not that bad.

The little overtake the large and chaos seems to prevail in my mind worse than reality.

Im the type who cannot start breakfast until last nights dishes are put away. Even though Im about to make a huge mess, I need a clean space to recreate anew.

Im the type that walks into our house and cannot relax until the washing machine is stirring, the toys are put away and the pictures are hung straight.

I have been known to go into a restaurant and be unable to eat because the artwork is appalling, the mirrors are crocked and the glasses are stained.

However, if I am in the midst of a creative outburst I can handle material and sewing machines adorning public spaces.

If I am painting, I don’t care if a little paint hits the floor.

If I am gardening near enough is good enough.

After 30 something years of getting to know myself, its order I long for, rather than meticulous cleanliness.

If my house seems ordered, then I can somewhat cope with the myriad of themes that are running simultaneously through my mind.


I long for systems.

I long for simplicity.

I long for keys that are always put in the same place.

I long for water that is refilled in the fridge when drunk.

I long for ice trays in the freezer full rather than empty.

I long for these little things to be looked after, so my mind can have dalliances with larger issues.

How about you?

There is nothing worse for me, than having twenty five cleaning goals in my mind and being unable to tick off anything to calm my inner OCD, to just chill out.

So I made a printable.

If you have a heap of jobs in your mind that you can’t relax until they are done.

Print me out.

Write them down.

Strike them off slowly.

Then grab a glass of wine and chill out!
