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Crafty generations

Place: bed

Poison: toothpaste

Favourite things: mail

On February 11th 2012, a package was sent from stallenbosch, South Africa on mission towards Shoalwater Australia.

Mail is not that reliable in South Africa, so being Mid May, we were sure this mission had failed.

Tonight at 7.30pm though, the mail man on his last job for the evening finished the mission of these little parcels as he signed them over to my care.

Charls Granma, being Max’s great Ouma, sent this package all the way from South Africa, full of love and hand made ancient crafts.

The generations of the Viviers have played with these particular knitted and crafted toys and now the new generation of Viviers will do also.

The most beautiful knitted rug, two bears and two mice that tell the story of the three blind mice tale.

They are exquisite. So carefully made, by a great grandmother, who made them match the color scheme of Max’s room.

Mostly, she just took care. She took care to create a little toy, the style that was played with by his namesake his great grandfather Andries.

There are the most delightful generational crafts that have been given to Max, that I am sure he will never know the beauty and the care that were taken to deliver them to our shores.

Today he wore jeans from Scotland with a top from new Zealand, he is wearing a sleep suit from Kuala lumper and has today received toys handmade in South Africa.

Generational crafts are to be treasured.

I know we all love the latest and greatest toy, excited by its promises…

There is nothing quite like a Great- Granma knitted toy, it kinda smells like love and care.

Hand down crafts to the next generation, I think it creates a home.



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Place: on the couch

Poison: green rose tea

Favourite things: a cleaning husband!

It’s so difficult to see a chapter close in your life, when you don’t know the end of the story.

Are you someone that flicks to the end of the book and reads the ending, to postpone the frustration of the journey?

I don’t go that far but the suspense nearly kills me.

When I start a good book, I will lay on my bed in a couple of sittings and thrash it.

I can’t do this with my life though.

A new chapter is burgeoning at the moment and the suspense is killing me.

A change is in the air…

We’re considering greener pastures, we’re considering our future, we’re considering our journey and a new chapter has begun.

What do you do when you are considering big decisions and you don’t know the end of the story?

What do you do when decisions are forced upon you by circumstances beyond your control?

What do you do when you don’t know the end of the story?

I believe we need to trust in a power greater than our own, who I believe does know the end of the story.

In fact I believe he sets the plot line of our stories and authors our life.

Even though we make decisions that can change the tone of the chapter, he is at work in bringing the whole book to completion with his outcomes.

If the chapter you find yourself in right now is a little puzzling, just wait upon the author of life.

He will unveil a little bit of the story, piece by piece.

Enjoy the suspense and thrill of the written prose.

Find comfort in the overall outcome.

It truly is his problem not yours…

Chapter after chapter he is at work.

Allow Him to have his way.



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Place: the car

Poison: toothpaste

Favourite things: a classical cd called
Lullaby from NZ

Today is absolutely stunning. The ocean is flat, the pelicans are flying on formation. We had a cooked breakfast with a quiet and content little boy.

A long shower, application of some makeup, hair done ready to go.

Music playing, friends texting, a long drive on a Sunday our day of rest is blossoming.

Every day is anew.

I know it sounds cliche but his mercies are new every morning and last night I read this scripture in three different publications. So one could say a message was trying to be revealed…Phil 4:

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

So I decided today to think on lovely, creative, eternal, inspirational things.

Today is the day that has been created for you.

It’s only one day.

But it is present.

Decide today to create something beautiful.

Decide to make today count.

Open your heart and your world to something new today.

His mercies are new every day.




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Place: in bed

Poison: soursop tea

Favourite things: my kindle

Confusion often makes a bed with worry in my little head and household.

Today I have been quite overwhelmed by worry. Plagued about quite a few things, but mainly just one situation.

No matter what I have done, the internal world of my thoughts has protested very loudly.

A cup of tea, a nap, the gym, a hair treatment, long hugs with my boys, cooking, reading, talking…all my usual muses haven’t really helped today.

What do you do when you’ve tried everything but still feel plagued with worrisome thoughts?

For me scripture gives me some relief…

Matthew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

So much in this one piece of scripture.

How can being anxious add a single hour to our life? So true…

Worry does not provide answers it just clouds them.

And one of my greatest comforts is this scripture…

Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

No matter what I do, worry does not change the situation or the circumstance. Allowing ourselves to be humbled and giving our fear, confusion and worry over is our only sane choice.

How difficult is it though?

I love this quote also…

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.- Corrie Ten Boom

So tonight I have put myself to bed early, I’m sure some sleep deprivation with a newborn has added to the state of my cobwebbed mind, drink a cup of tea and hand over my concerns and trust a greater being.

Easier said than done!

I am trying however…



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Place: Nandos

Poison: water

Favourite things: the gym

This afternoon I heard some news that has really confused me. Its news about something I care about deeply and sometimes it just takes time to process.

We all have days where we find out news that can stop us in our tracks and realistically in life it’s how we process these moments that make or break people.

How do you process big news items?

Do you gossip with friends?

Do you process with your nearest and dearest?

Do you hide away and ignore your feelings?

Do you tell everyone and anyone your feelings and your summations?

I have learnt that it is not wise to talk to everyone and anyone when you are confused, but it’s also not wise to keep your thoughts internalized either.

Find safe friends, find a safe space and take time to allow the news to settle.

Making big changes in the midst of confusion also is not the answer.

Taking time to reflect and review. Taking time to understand and process.

Often I find people react to news rather than respond.

To respond is to consider carefully and to take time to breathe.

The best life decisions are made in moments of clarity.

If you feel confused, be slow to speak and be slow to make decisions.

Retreat into a safe space of reflection and allow the confusion to fade.

Time always brings an answer, if you give it space to arise.

I’m not sure in this moment, but that’s okay.

I actually feel really peaceful in this space because I have amazing people to process my confusion with.

How about you?

