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one life so many options.

Recently I was chatting with two women whom I respect deeply and one of them said this…

“Amanda I do believe in life you can have all the things that you want to achieve, but the thing that so many of us don’t realise is that they very rarely all come at the same time.”

Do you have a list of things that you want to achieve in this lifetime?

Do you often feel disappointed in the waiting place?

Have you given up on that dream that you have carried for a long time?

I am learning that we have one life, with so many options and the times that we lose significantly is when we believe we can have it all, at the same time. Even recently I found myself telling my friend “I believe you can have it all. I believe it my friend.” Then after I said it I tipped my head and thought, maybe we can’t have it all or maybe we can, but just not all at the same time.

Maybe not and that is okay.

Often I feel in these days of Novice Motherhood that I have let go of many unrealistic expectations of what I thought these days would be. I didn’t realise how much is sacrificed when we teach our children “no”. I didn’t realise how blissful it would be one minute and how out of control it would be the next. I didn’t realise some days I would kiss my babe’s with my nose and breathe in deeply their uniqueness and then others just want space, time and a moment to pee alone.

One lifetime, so many options. How do we choose? How do we stretch into those places of purpose but at the same time, live content in our today? This is the wrestle off my every day and every time I say yes to one of you, I say no to one of my family and it rips me apart. I am aching to live a life of contribution and reinvent what that life looks like but honestly, the wrestle is overwhelming and so deeply satisfying.

I think we sometimes act like we have no options and we are nestled in a corner with no next move. Now for some this may be their truth and it may be a hidden in the corner kind of season, but for most, I believe the options are limitless, I believe our potential is limitless and I believe the purpose for your life is limitless. The thing I am learning, however, is there are seasons of increase, there are seasons of decrease, there are seasons of stretch and there are seasons of letting go and every one of these seasons are full of options.

The problem is the way we approach it. Some of us shrink away and question every move and motive. Others of us hustle our way into the zone until we plant ourselves so firmly in that place that we are unable to let go and move forward.

Today I was thinking and scrolling, praying and seeking and I came across this beautiful prayer…


It stopped me in my tracks. And I breathed deep and let go. Believing that the right things and the right people will come into my life in the right season. And my stanza of this prayer would say…”And when they do, to have the courage to step into the new together.”

What is your prayer today?

I would love to pray it with you and live inspired by your thoughts towards today and your future.

One life, so many options.

And often I believe God is saying to us, you choose.


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dear younger me,


Dear Younger Me,

When guilt and shame rise up like a tidal wave full of empty plastic bags and other people’s leftover coke cans, please sift and weigh their opinions like rubbish strewn in our beautiful ocean, because you were not designed to host it.

No matter how hard you try, the weight of that rubbish takes over the beauty of your today. Every single time you allow other people’s thoughts to impact your internal peace, it is like you are entertaining their leftovers for dinner.

Dear Younger Me,

You know that person who you are trying to impress, that person whose opinion impacts your every move, they are searching for acceptance as well. They may make you think that they have it all together but honestly they don’t. Their hearts and lives are ripped open often in the silence and the quiet and they are trying to find their way home.

Dear Younger Me,

Every time guilt overwhelms your soul and you reach for something temporal to give you comfort, you are setting up habits that may make you feel worthy in the moment. In the long run though, finding ways to express your thoughts, your wins, your victories and mostly your failures in ways that are helpful and breathe grace into every fracture is so much more helpful. These are the places where steady growth occurs.

Dear Younger Me,

When you allow shame to shadow your decisions and you spend your days trying to prove your worth to a small few who don’t even care anyway, every time you give them control over your peace, happiness and regrets. You loose. They win. Yet they don’t even know that they have been in competition with you.

Dear Younger Me,

Be kind. Be so damn kind that you become a pushover with love and kindness. Mostly be kind to yourself. You will make it, wherever that phantom place of purpose you have been looking for. You will be happy. You will find love. You will deeply experience pain and grief, but also love. A love so raw that it rips your heart apart.

Dear Younger Me,

Run, sing, be loud and travel. Seek the opinions of those who think completely different to you. Say yes. Stop trying to prove yourself to those who don’t give a crap. Seriously lay down those defences and look after that quiet light that flickers inside your soul. Don’t shout, just rest in that place of discovery and adventure.

Dear Younger Me,

Let shame and guilt go, but stay in a place of humility as you confess your hurts and confusion to someone safe. Then quietly ask for forgiveness and move forward.

Dear Younger Me,

Don’t carry regret like a weight ensnared over your shoulders. Pick up that piece of wood, lift it over your shoulders and put it on the floor. Lay it at the foot of someone who extends grace, mercy and forgiveness. Lay it down my dear soul. You weren’t designed to carry your weak that way. Lay it down. Move forward and forgive yourself.

Dear Younger Me,

You are enough.

Dear Younger Me,

You make me smile.

Dear Younger Me,

You are way okay.


Your forgetful, loud, crazy, deep, loving and mostly forgiven future friend.


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me before you

Today I cried, sobbed actually in a movie cinema with my friend. I watched one of those movies that as I drove home, the tree’s looked a little different. The orange in their leaves as they fell to the ground looked translucent and otherworldly, I drove home in a haze.

My haze was induced by words from a life that was difficult and unusual but stretching towards finding the meat in his tomorrow.

Me Before You is showing at the cinema’s at the moment and it honestly has been one of my favourite films to date. I laughed, I cried, but mostly I came home and hugged my family just that bit tighter.

Louisa took my breath away with her love of colour, life and tenacity to live loud.


Bumblebee tights, crazy shoes, movies with subtitles and concerts in a red dress. Louisa’s dad said this and it shocked me “You can’t change who people are” and she replied “Well what can we do?” and her Dad said “You just love them”.

I realised that I have subscribed to the notion over and over again that I can change people. But maybe just maybe it was never the intent of love and relationships. We all change, we all grow and we all impact one another in deeply significant ways, but I just want to get better at loving people flaws and all.

Have you seen this movie?

What did you think?

Much teary love


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her light


Photo by Meg Scerri Creative for Maximus and Liberty

“Far too many creative people have been taught to distrust pleasure and put their faith in struggle alone. Too many artists still believe that the anguish is the only authentic emotional experience.” Elizabeth Gilbert

We all have that friend.

The one when your text message alarm dings and you see their name before the message and your heart drops.

You know the one.

The latest drama, the unfair assumptions; enter our friend negative nelly.

That one.

If you have been reading along with my blog for a while, you would have realised that I am not ashamed, to be honest, open and vulnerable in this forum.

Especially lately I have felt like my blog has become that negative, overly sensitive friend. Each time I have sat down to write, I have dug up words from the deep recesses of my soul and just bled into my WordPress account.

The funny thing is, I have been needing a little writing kick up the butt for awhile, but I didn’t realise it would come in the form of Elizabeth Gilberts book Big Magic. I have been seeking to bring my light, rather than the parts of me that lean towards the grey or black.

I have been metaphorically telling myself to put my positive pants on. The problem is with positive pants is we believe that it is a place, where we are fake, distanced and safe within our walls of protection.

Trusting ourselves to feel positive emotions alongside our negative ones, is one of the greatest ways we can ride the highs and lows of the creative dance.

We can be honest and be happy.

We can be confused and be clear.

We can be satisfied and look for more.

I am learning that I can be both deeply filled with peace, at the same time asking the questions that baffle me.

The greatest trust that leads my creative walk is my relationship with the Creator God. He leads me back when I am unsure whether I can take anymore. He steadies my feet when I am walking the thin paths. He makes me smile in the midst of challenging seasons.

As a creative communicator, I am learning to not be afraid of the questions, the difficulties and the challenging seasons, but also not to trust the struggle as my muse, but to continually reach out to one who knows more than me.

As creative beings let’s not be defined by the suffering, the deep dark moments of contemplation but live lives that ride the tides with grace, mercy and truth, always seeking the higher path in the midst.

My book club question today reflects Elizabeths;

Does your creativity love you?

I am learning that I can feel a whole myriad of emotions in one day and when isolated one can feel overwhelming, but when I continually trust the higher path and the journey of discovery, they do not define me. They are just a part of my expressive flare.

Here’s a toast to a few more laughs around here sometime soon and continually seeking light.

I trust.

Amanda Viviers

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her shadows; mummy guilt, competing with others and happy pants.

Nepal, March 2016

I went to my first exercise class this morning since all my random surgeries over the last six months. Last night I was pumped. Breakfast laid out ready to go, thoughts of strength and skinny dreams motivating me. This morning, however, I was self-sabotaging left, right and centre trying to avoid the absolute incompetence that I felt deep in my soul.

One could say the moment my son strongly said to me “Mum, we are not a yelling family” that I had crossed the threshold into “Angry Bear”.

Despite my false starts, I ran my littles into the creche for the first time and landed on my back in the class. There were many parts of the class that I could just not stretch my body into, but the fact that I had made it there, the fact that I was having a go, was my greatest encouragement.

There are shadows from my past that always emerge in this arena of my life. Shadows that creep up on me at the most unexpected moments. Moments filled with fear, moments grounded in competition and comparison. Moments of guilt and shame that shroud my success in this part of my life.

Exercise is not my favourite, but I know the result is endorphins, a feeling of accomplishment and a Mummy that does not fall into the habit of raising her voice. Breathing deep is also an amazing response from exercise and its companions, drinking more water and reviewing what thoughts are plaguing my mind.

What shadows are stopping you from placing positive scaffolds in your weekly structure?

What self-sabotage moments have you struggled to recover from?

When we start to bring light into those shadowed places, when we refuse to allow fear, guilt and shame to have the final say, we step out into uncharted waters that build our inner person to achieve the dreams that we desire.

Over the weekend, I watched an amazing speaker step into her gifted places and as I leaned in to watch, observe and learn (note not compete, copy and compare), I realised something profound. Her strength had been developed in the quiet place. Her strength came from soul boot camp. Her strength was other worldly.

As I have been sifting through my shadows this week, I have realised many times in my novice motherhood journey, I have allowed my strength to be leached out by the whispers in the shadows.

So back to the gym, I went today, with my babies in tow and my heart hesitant and I said to my shadows…

“Mummy guilt you can take a back seat now. Competition and comparison you can nick off I don’t care if I am the most uncoordinated in the class and I pulled on my exercise pants.”

My happy pants became my armour and I just had a go.

Little by little,

Moment by moment,

The shadows are brought into the light and grace, mercy and truth become our vindicator.

talk again soon,
