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Embrace the shake

The last few days have uncovered many stories of brokenness. I have a lot of different dialogues currently with a group of different people, in all different ways are experiencing intense difficulty.

Then I found this video that one of my dearest friends recommended to me.

We all have a shake in our life.

Something that destabilises us. A hurting place that attempts to undo our creative imaginations.

Embracing our limitations and getting on with our purpose.

If you are struggling at the moment. Don’t worry so am I.

Embrace the shake.

All my creative love


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dreamerI have always been one that likes to dream big, the only problem is I like to be liked.

Living a life of empowered imagination, one where you actually do the things you dream of is never an easy one.

People will dislike you because living beyond yourself and living a large life will bring criticism.

The tall poppy syndrome is rife in the creative alley’s of our coffee shops and facebook pages.

I am not in competition with anyone, I am just running the creative race that I have been drawn upon.

When we constantly compare our creative pursuits with others, when we are desperate to be noticed by others and commended for our efforts our creativity is strangled.

It is impossible to create when we are stuck in the pit of competition and comparison.

I believe the best dreams are unleashed in a free place of uniqueness and freedom.

Are you stuck?

Is your dream struggling to take shape?

Stop comparing yourself with others. Stop trying to be something that you are not.

And live your creative dream.

Be more that you could have ever dreamed of.

Be that which no one else can be.

Uniquely you.


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Another world

another worldCritics may call me idealistic but just as Arundhati Roy says I believe that another world is possible.

A world where people are treated equally, a world where women don’t compete with each other and tear each other down. A world that allows a child to be just that, yet transitions them into adulthood with clarity and purpose.

I do believe that a better day is present and available, but it is mostly inhibited by the way we think.

Our thoughts and our imagination not only shape our own destinies but those around us.

Have you ever been awakened to the reality that the reason those closest to you mimic your thoughts, is because your perspective is powerful.

Racism continues to thrive because we allow it to take root in our minds and conversations.

Judgementalism causes decay because in some little ways we think we are more worthy than another for our little piece of the pie.

Our minds and the positions we hold strongly in them about others, causes so much more than stagnation in our everyday.

We pass it on to those closest to us.

Our children are a product of our thoughts.

Are you seeing self deprecation and self loathing in your child?

Its very possible it was birthed from you.

Are you seeing pride and envy, jealousy and strife brewing in those closest? then it is very likely that your mind is battling with the very same thing.

The way we treat others in the private space, is the way our children learn to treat others also.

In my imagination though, I see a better day. I see a bright and beautiful day, I see a generation of people rising up who are not consumed with themselves, but with others.

Where their innovation and their creativity is used to better our society rather than their own facebook profile.

I see a better day.

I imagine it often.

How about you?


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focusWhat do you spend your days focussing on?

A big question.

Many people I meet who are struggling to recreate into the future focus a lot on the negative.

Many people I meet who are struggling to see potential into their future are stuck in a place of why haven’t I?

What we allow our imagination to focus on, creates the paths we travel on.

Do you keep driving around the same roundabout in your mind?

What are you focussing on?

Do you struggle to turn down that road that leads you to a new day?

Where is your focus?

Focus is a necessary part of our everyday life.

What you focus on, will lead you towards or away from the things you desire.

Our imagination is powerful, because our imagination is the engine room of our minds.

See you tomorrow