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Breathing in books


Just a few days ago, my Aunty returned from her overseas holiday. She knocked on our front door with a little gift. A repurposed present, but a much loved one at the same time. She said ‘I’ve just finished reading this book and I thought you would really love it.’

A paperback.

A fictional story called ‘The prayer box.’

It’s not a revolutionary storyline, in fact the first few chapters were not that enticing, but something changed around page 103.

I got addicted.

I started to dream the plot line.

I found myself breathing in the story and its characters and soon I couldn’t put it down.

I’ve finished this little story now and I find myself missing the characters living on a little island, protecting that which is important and dreaming of better days.

What I adored about this little courtship over a few days, was holding a paper book in my hands.

Holding something tangible, folding its corners over like ears, eating its ink with my eyes and breathing in its touch with my fingertips.


My kindle and Ipad have a queue of books awaiting the flick that turns them on, however I am a little over the glare of the screen and I am most definitely over scrolling aimlessly through others thoughts.

I want to breathe in words again, how they were created.

Off to the library on tuesday for me.

Monday is a public holiday in Australia, otherwise monday morning would have been my friend.

Pick up some paper this long weekend and delight in its delicacy.



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Not all who wander are lost


Today my post is dedicated to one of the bravest women I know.

Someone who has overcome so many obstacles, remained her own unique self and grown significantly over the last year.

About a year and a few months ago she decided to not drink alcohol for a year, write everyday for a year and to stay single for that year also. Knowing where she came from this was no mean feat.

Through the highs and the lows, she made the most amazing decision to go to Florida this year and work with an aid agency in a voluntary capacity in the creative arts. She has now been there for just over a week and I felt like needed a little online support and encouragement.

Here is a little something she wrote about when we first met a few years ago. Not all who wander

Also this is her video done as a part of my capture project last year.

This little shout out, is to everyone who is living big dreams. Taking massive risks to live beyond their yesterday.

Even though some people in your world may be puzzled at the decisions you are making, continue to live beyond today, making choices for a better tomorrow.

Beth I think you are amazing.

You know that.

But now lots of other people do as well.

Follow her Florida YWAM journey here: Not all who wander 

And if you want to help her out financially for the creative outreach trips later in the year, email me and I can get the money transferred to her.

She is boss.

She is raw.

She is going to change the world.



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How often do we play it safe to protect ourselves from being hurt again?

In our creativity?

In our friendships?

In our families?

One of my favourite poems is from a magnificent lady ‘Marianne Williamson.’ I put it in my first capture book and have been drawn to it many times since. It is profound.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

You were created to shine.

You were creative to thrive.

Playing it safe, will never inspire another to step out of the boats that contain them.

Playing it safe, will never enable the dreams deep within your heart to burst open.

Playing it safe, never encouraged another to live beyond their limits.

Sail out of the harbour dear friend.

That is what you were created for.


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Your voice

20140120-204014.jpgSo many people forget that they have their own voice.

It is unique.

It is purposed.

It is beautiful.

Your voice is your capacity to create and bring your thoughts and brilliance to this world.

So many people echo other people’s ideas, innovation and creativity.

Rather than projecting their own voice.

Simple thought today.

Stop copying other people’s thoughts and use your own perspective and bring something fresh.

Use your voice.


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the vision awaits

20140119-200842.jpgLast night we went to the most beautiful setting to watch the most graphic of films.

I finished the evening with a sigh, I was glad to have had a night out but the content of the film was deeply disturbing.

I am glad that ‘12 years a slave‘ is getting acclaim with awards at the moment, because it means the topic will receive the focus globally it deserves.

However I am not sure it was necessary of the film directors and writers to dwell on the graphic content of the abuse, the violence and the disturbing treatment of the slaves.

Although the film was set in the 1800’s and focused on the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man, who was sold into slavery, I found myself relating it to the people who are sold into slavery still today.

Every image made me think of nations like Thailand and India where young men and women everyday are treated in the same inhumane ways, often to provide us with our cheap fish prices, that $2 tshirt from Kmart and the consumerism we take for granted.

I was so personally challenged about what I take granted here in Australia. The freedom, the beach, the safety of my family and more.

Every year Solomon was subjected to the most appalling racism and abuse the most striking part of his character was his undeniable patience.

A man who walked into his family after 12 years of the most appalling of circumstances, asking for forgiveness for being away from them.

He had every right to walk in with righteous anger, asking for preferential treatment, with an attitude of the victim. However he walked in with humility, so grateful that his vision had come to pass and his family were reunited again.

How do you carry yourself through the hardest times of your life?

Do you wait for the vision to be realised with humility and faith?

Do you walk in offence, expecting everyone to help you and make you feel better about the circumstance of your past?

This scripture from Habakuk has been taunting me all day.

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; It hastens to the end; it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Hab 2:3

The things I am waiting for are no where near as treacherous as the abuse that Solomon encountered, or people who are in situations of violence and mistreatment. My heart still aches though for the fulfilment of dreams that I long for.

Are you waiting on something of importance?

Do you feel frustrated at the journey?

I have learnt from the story of Solomon Northup and also this scripture today, that the way we carry ourselves in the in-between place, is more important to the fulfilment of the dream anyway. What we learn? Who we treat badly or well along the way?

Laying down our lives for another.

Although the vision awaits, I am desperate to do it with awareness of how blessed I truly am and how many people in our world live lives that are truly desperate and in need of freedom.

I want to live a life that sets people free.

A humble life

A present life

A life full of perspective.

How about you?

