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Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: My boating clothes on ready to go out on the water this afternoon! Oh I love summer…

This time of year is a great time for new movies, outdoor activities and much celebration. LOVE IT!

I saw the shorts for this new film coming out on Boxing day called ‘The pursuit of HAPPYNESS’ and it looks so amazing.

Over breakfast I was reading an article in a UK magazine about happiness, and what makes us happy. Some of the writers talked about; security, peace, fun, love…

For me, it was a great challenge this morning. What truly makes me happy. What makes you happy?

This Christmas, (in comparison to past ones) I really want to honour, love and cherish the quality time I am spending with my family.

We have my brother Jeremy and his son Jackson with us this Christmas and I don’t get to spend much time with them, and I just love them so much.


What my challenge is though, ‘My family bring out my best and worst!’ Sometimes I do it really well and other times I do it so badly. Dinner tables can create happyness, warmth and great memories but they can also bring out immaturity, hurts and offense.

I so want to be a big sister this year in every sense of the word. I want to believe the best in all of my family, be slow to speak and most of all cherish the time we have together.

Family really is my pursuit of Happyness!



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the gtc cookie bake off!

Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: My Church and the amazing day we have had!

The annual GTC cookie Bake OFF! 

Okay so it happened, with much hilarity and craziness. I cooked white choc, cranberries and pistacio cookies, and milk chocolate, mango and almond cookies.

I’ll let the photo’s speak for themselves, (sorry the photos take so long to load Im not sure how to change that, need to speak to my genius blog friends!!)

We had a ball.



gtc bake off.JPG

The girls (minus Miss Bonnie who was shifting house)


Miss E and the turkish delight rocky road…No wonder she’s married!!


My white choc, mango and almond bickies!!


We sung rudolph one to many times for Kymbo


Too much Talking ended up with burnt biscuits (they made it on the tree!)


A bit too much action for tracell’s and her mums kenwood!


wow that’s powerful!





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The Holiday

Place: Kyms House

Poison: Pinapple Juice

Favourite Things: 38 degree heat, pools and baby showers


Yesterday Kym, Elly and I hid from the 38 degree heat and went to the movies. We went chickflick all the way, and I haven’t stopped thinking about the film since.

The movie was about two women, who after love gone bad, decide to house swap the week before Christmas. I don’t want to give much away, because a movie with little profanity is rare these days and I want as many people to go watch it as possible.

Anyways, the thought that keeps rolling is this one. Are you the leading lady in your life or the stilted, jaded best friend. Kate Winslett has this beautiful encounter with this endearingly, quirky, retired film maker. Who asks her this question…

Are you the leading lady in your life or the best friend?

Some people act as though, especially in the realm of love that they are the best friend, who can be used, abused and refused. However we were born to be the leading ladies of our own lives.

Not all leading ladies are self centred and pride filled…But they always know who they are and how they should be treated.

I am not one of those feminist, obsessed with ‘where are all the men’ type of chicks! But I know who I am and how I deserve to be treated.

Yesterdays movie totally reenforced that fact for me.

Anyways, great flick…Check it out!

Leading Lady


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Sardines in the cupboard

Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: my travel plans for January that were booked today!!!


(Spot Bryce)

Last night, this crazy group of people, ran a muck in the Mounts Bay Apartments. It was our final connect group for the year, and we had a big dinner together, then randomly Tracy suggested we play sardines.

Okay, for those more mature people reading, the thought of playing a game with a big group of people (especially when your 30) is not that cool. However I beg to differ.

For some reason, the stress that was relieved, by running around a pitch dark apartment, with 15 other people was just the medicine that this little soul needed.

Sardines- is when one couple hide, then the rest of the couples need to come and find them and hide with them quietly until the rest of the crew find them.

However trying to stay quiet with 15 people squashed into a cupboard, with clothes, shoes and sweat all around is hilarious.

So for the stressed out there, gather a group and play sardines, it is water for the soul!!!

Very immature, very funny, GOLD!



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Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: new imate phone…(ahh, at last…no more brick)

Well, this time of year brings out the worst in all of us. After two days of a really strained neck and trying to keep all the plates spinning, this afternoon I had a bit of reflection time. Is stress circumstantial or is it our response to situations.

Its a bit of both, but is totally a choice on our behalf.

Stress is a part of our everyday lives, no matter what we do, it rears its ugly head. Whether its in another country and your completely out of your comfort zone, whether its family tragedy, whether its a work transition, with a new port folio, whether its a change in cities for work, whatever the circumstance, stress is laying around in the background, doing everything that it can to make its way forward.

I am all for processing, don’t get me wrong. I am Miss Verbal processor number 1, however offense is a choice and so is stress.

There is also a positive side to stress, its called adrenelin and in the area of production it helps me maintain momentum at times of high task orientation. However bad stress, causing relational breakdown, unfair responses and irrational worrying is totally a choice as well.

I need help in this, and some of you might have some thoughts, but I so want to get better in this area, but still maintain the momentum and adrenilin to live a large life.

Any thoughts?

