My Mum often comments that Max has a frown sometimes.
Not a frown as such but a quizzical look that he is deeply thinking about something.
I know what he’s doing, because he is part me, part my husband and part divine.
I know what he is doing, because I am often doing the same thing.
An other worldliness comes upon him and he is completely lost in his own or something eternals presence.
Ever since he was a baby, whenever we have gone into a sacred space. Whether a church or a gymnasium that is used regularly to worship in, he would stare off and point to the rafters.
I am sure that he saw angels.
I am sure he saw things, that we as adults in our more mature and logical minds have lost the capacity to see.
Other worldliness.
A space of contemplation.
I think our DVD plasma rich worlds, take up the time and space to imagine, pray, meditate and dream.
Our children need more time to themselves.
Developing a healthy understanding of the possibilities beyond.
Another world.
An eternal one.
With golden places and beautiful deep longings.