The world can be a cold and unforgiving place.
Agenda’s thrive, people disappoint, we feel misunderstood, speak a different language and seek to be heard.
If I just post one more post, share one more thought, filter one more image, then maybe someone, anyone might notice.
Last night I gathered with a group of women.
Creative souls who have a penchant to wander.
Women in midst of transitions.
Frustrated, emancipated, unsure, belittled, hopeful, idealistic, creative souls.
Girls who have not given up hope, but the thread is unravelling.
The lonely who need to know there is someone who will listen.
An environment that is not based on competence, but founded in inspiration.
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
Brené Brown
Who doesn’t want to live an inspired life?
I know I do, but inspiration leaks.
I start off so focused, then the berry stains on my new cushion trip me up and I give up on the possibility that I will ever do anything of substance again.
We all need our tribe.
We all need people in our lives that we can be completely honest with face to face.
Not through a screen, not through a speaker phone, we need to sit in complete honesty in front of someone who cares.
The kinaesthetic lover inside our souls needs to be touched.
The inspiration factory is awaiting more fuel to tick over once again.
We need each other.
Even if we are afraid to admit it.
I felt a reassurance that the purpose of last night was far beyond the gathering that was present.
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Isaiah 43: 19
Later this year we are running a retreat for creative women looking for an authentic community that will support, collaborate, love and live honestly.
Bloggers, photographers, entrepreneurs, singers, speakers, radio hosts, journalists, painters, writers and list goes on and on.
Last night we gathered to meet and greet, so that the first night of the retreat, is not full of comparison and competition.
It was sublime.
I could hardly sleep when I snuck into the shack after midnight.
Food, creativity, spoken word, honesty, original songs.
The heartfelt conversations whispered to me “welcome home.”
To gather is at the very foundation of our hope for belonging.
Step away from the computer in your in-between and find someone who cares.