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her rubble; Finding courage in the midst of ruins

Nepal, March 2016 Someone’s home.

Courage in the past has always come easily to my risk taking personality. From a young age, I traipsed across stages, travelled to unknown places, sung in front of thousands, performed, lead and coerced a life of inspiration. I am not sure if it was the combination of a legacy from a Mother who was an actor, designer, and baker or dancing classes four times a week for twenty years. Maybe it was just my natural creative energy, but I expect it is a combination of them all.

Courage in creativity has always come naturally. In fact, I would be as bold to say that I was addicted to its adrenaline charged satisfaction.

Until recently.

Recently I have become a little reticent. I have had this conversation with myself “Maybe I should remove myself completely from social media.” “Maybe next year should be my year of unplugged.” “Maybe I should pull back from writing, speaking and leading altogether.

Maybe a new me is emerging” one who disappears as Gilbert describes of the poet in her opening paragraph of our focus book for this month “Big Magic”. My life has felt somewhat reminiscent of a natural disaster zone and it has not been one huge seismic crack, but the culmination of lots of little ones. I feel like a small child sitting in the midst of a huge pile of rubble, trying desperately to find my house in the midst of it.

Courage in creativity often finds itself hiding. Courage in creativity can be easy in some seasons and downright difficult in others. Courage is not a once off cloak that is placed over our shoulders with a badge like a girl guide ranger. It is a daily piece of clothing that needs to be found amidst the pile of clothes on the floor, washed, dried and redressed again.

And then I found this book.

I have known I was meant to read it, ever since it first hit my internet feed, but the timing of its appearance on my bedside table is perfect. It has found me in the midst of a “rubble all around me” season and I believe its purpose is to help me rebuild again.

Gilbert asks this question…

“So this, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”

I know that the greatest stories of a resurrection of courage come from those who have loved and lost, have failed and got back up again and those who have allowed beauty to arise from the ashes. I know it was not a coincidence that I went to Nepal this last month and spent time with many different, beautiful people who sat in the midst of their world that had been rocked by an earthquake. I know that courage is found often in the very bowels of circumstance.

But today I sit with manuscripts unpublished, a list of emails to reply to, an office with boxes filled with my belongings, right in the midst of a massive transition. I could have put off this post, claiming that it is all too hard. I could have written to my dear friends and said this project in May, sorry it’s just all too unsteady. I could have withdrawn, regrouped and found my courage card again.

But once again, I am here, I am uncertain, I am unsteady but I am showing up with my unfinished projects awaiting, my children eating their lunch and I’m grabbing the tail of the inspiration tiger and yanking it into my today.

My question for our creativity sojourners is this one…

“What is the rubble in your season and how is it speaking to your courage?”

Till we meet again in the midst of our very ordinary,

May you live inspired despite the challenge my friends.


Click our picture below to catch up on all our book club posts.

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her dreams; every night.

Kat Wilson

With a splash of red and a hint of sass, I’ve watched this beauty pursue her dreams one day at a time over the last few years. One of the greatest privileges of this season is watching young creatives live out their dreams, laying in the grass musing, walking on our beach with them and listening hard to their dreams.

My friend, Kat Wilson has arrived at the business end of a project that has been in her heart for years. Rocking up to pub after pub, cafe after cafe and random friends backyard parties, she has packed and unpacked her instruments, day in day out, in pursuit of seeing her dream become a reality. With a gang of brilliant musicians and a bag full of blues rhythms that will make even the hardest heart smile, this Friday night her dream is scheduled to take flight.

A little gathering of songs, makes me reminiscent of my favourite sounds like John Mayer, Brooke Fraser, City and Colour and Corinne Bailey Rae. I can hear my favourite blues and roots hero’s shouting “This is soooooo good” in the corridors of music legend. Joe Harris, from Tone Deaf said this…

“The vocal haunts of Kat can be likened to taking a plunge into a wintery sea: bone-chilling but utterly refreshing.” 

She is sublime and her new EP “Everynight” is brilliant. 

Like I have not stopped playing it in my car since it arrived in my hands and it is sure to hit my creative muse repeat list. Have a sneaky listen here from Triple J Unearthed of her lead track EVERYNIGHT

The greatest part about being in a community of creative people who are pursuing their dreams, is when one of us wins, we all win. Celebrating, supporting, gathering and encouraging another’s dreams brings life and love.

So this Friday night, buy a ticket here, grab your gang, find directions to THE BOSTON, remember no thongs or steel capped boots ha, ha and start this weekend in style.

I know you won’t regret it.

Together let’s support creative dreams becoming a reality and if you’re not in Perth. Jump on I-tunes on Friday search Kat Wilson and download the EP, you will love it.


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her release

her release

As I opened my computer today to write, I wanted to tell you a little secret; my computer password I typed was: theshack. Two simple words. A funny little nickname. A space that has transformed my life. A cocoon. A seventies beach flat. A holiday. Two words that mean so much more than a computer password, but their reinforcement as we log onto our computer each day indicates its importance to us.

To some people a house is just a sleeping station. A house is no more than four walls, some flooring and somewhere to eat dinner at night. To us though, the shack has become our refuge.

Seven and a half years ago, I begrudgingly bought this little apartment by the sea, convinced I was going to be a spinster, combing the beach all day, destined to never have a family or husband to call my own. Sixty nine square metres in fact, with less than ten paces to the beach. I walked and walked, I prayed and sought, listened and learned and this little shack became my resting place.

It is like I was in need of a cocoon, a place of healing and hope from a season of deep loss. Only one week into getting the keys on this place, my friend (a handsome South African fellow) said he would come and help me build a bookcase, the beginnings of a dream realised. What would a budding author first renovate in her mouldy, old, beach apartment, of course a sacred place for her books.

Renovation after renovation, we have carefully together, as friends, as lovers, as early married folk, as novice parents we have painstakingly built a little refuge for our growing family.  Then a few weeks ago, quite unexpectedly we decided to put it on the market, for a price that would sell quickly and to release the cocooned place to another.

If we are to be completely honest the decision was not easy and also not planned, but we absolutely knew that it was right. At the end of last year I heard the words “The in-between is over” as clear as the music I am playing right now whilst I write.

I had to find my release and it has come swiftly with clarity more than I realised. Holding onto this little part of my history, was like trying to move forward facing backward.

We received a cash offer, at our asking price, with a quick settlement. Everything we had been praying for but the next part of the story is one that was unexpected to me. The buyer came by yesterday to meet us, which is a little unusual and he made an offer on all of our furniture. Like everything. Our washing machine, our fridge but most significantly my writing desk and chair. He loved the vibe so much and how all the furniture suited the home and he wanted it to remain.


Her release.

Letting go.

Stepping forward.

I cannot imagine what it is like shifting countries, not just the next suburb, but I felt this overwhelming fear and release in one.

It is like a new season has dawned and everything this season represented is being released.

So today, as I sit here with my coffee, trying to make sense of it all, I am leaping, I am throwing myself, heart and all, into this shift. I am believing that the physical mirrors the internal and that the dawning of a fresh new day is already here.

“Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.” Isaiah tells us.

Her release comes as swift as a thief in the night.

Do you not perceive it?

It takes courage, it takes grace but sometimes the new comes in the most unexpected form and the release is so scary but it is profound.

Here I am today letting go of my furniture and my little home and stepping into uncharted days. It is so much more than my furniture, my writing desk, chair…It is about me stepping into unknown places and trusting that we will be okay. My cocoon place has been released and I feel like wings of courage are growing as a statement to the new season that is dawning.

I am praying that if this is your prayer as well, that release would awaken at the most perfect time.

And for some that the time is now.

Having the courage to let go of the former things to leap into the new.


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her flare

her flare

My little twenty month old is gaining personality at the moment by the second. She is shifting from a clingy, wobbly toddler, to a little person who is even starting to choose and refuse what clothes she wants to wear.

She is starting to talk, protest and express herself quite unanimously. I however am finding myself wishing my little, meek baby back.

Whether it be her style, the skip in her step, her unique little flare, I am realising the power of personality even from such a young age. In fact I am realising that the first three years are more formative than I ever gave them credit for, in the foundation we are building for her flare.

I find myself often saying “Libby please be quiet or Libby calm down” but maybe the person who needs to calm their farm is the protagonist. A lot of my nurturing of her somewhat wild nature, echoes from my own experience of childhood, my own wants to fit it, not be different and not be too loud.

She has a leadership flare already.

She has a fire in her belly that is fierce.

She is loud and strong, independent and free, everything we named her with intention.

The problem however is me allowing her freedom to express its height and depth, but still raising a child with respect and kindness. Creative children are wired to break rules. There is something about the innovative personality, that thrives right at the border of boundary.

How could Steve Jobs, have reinvented every part of our today, if he accepted that the way we have always communicated was enough?

Thomas Edison, could never have invented the movie camera to capture our movement, if he believed that photography was the only way.

William Shakespeare and his way with words, Martin Luther with his penchant for justice, Joan of Arc and her scream. The list swells.

Today I have been thinking about the children of these world changers. Were they subdued, were they confined and were they broken in. If any of these titles fit your experience, then I am so deeply sorry.

My question to you today though is this…

What is your unique flare?

If you thought back to your obsessions and quirks as a child, what were they?

There in may lie your answer my friend.

Reignite your flare.

Reinspire your unique.

Reengage that place of passion.

Her flare is not the problem, the opportunity is my perspective.

Happy Thursday dear gang,


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her negative


The optimist in me seems to have left the building lately. I am struggling to hope, I am thinking the worst and I have been a slave to fear.

Hi, my name is Amanda and I have been crazy negative.

This morning in the midst of yet another grapple with fear, I saw a post on instagram from my friend from the book of Romans 4: 17

Speaking what isn’t as though it is.

And then I was walking around the house trying to find my hope under the couch, the rug or in my wool stash next to my favourite antique chair and a impression lead me to this scripture from Psalm 18

He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.

Then I was flicking through my music collection and this song took my breath away…(press play and then keep reading, Im sure it will take your breath away as well)

My negative has been weighing me down lately.

Today however, I seem to be turning a corner and trusting the One who knows more than I could ever know.

My greatest struggle has been the not knowingness of it all. I want to plan, I want to hang my hat on something, I want to take meditated steps towards our goals but some seasons just don’t give us the gratitude of clarity. There are some seasons where we just need to leap, we just need to let go, we just need to trust.

The waves and wind still know His name.

We need to step into the unknown even if we feel hemmed in on every side. I am believing that He is carrying us into wide open spaces. Into new seasons of discovery, purpose and great reward. I believe in Him and His promises.

And when I start to speak life her negative shrinks away.

When I start to speak truth her negative shuts up.

When I start to sing loudly her negative shrivels under the weight of purpose.

When I start to believe and hope her negative is unravelled by the power of presence.

It is well.

It is difficult,

but it is okay.

If your negative has been ruling the roost lately my dear friend, then I hope these three things that gave me courage today will tell her to be quiet.

I am believing for Mountains to be moved in both mine and yours today.

Much love and a touch of tiredness
