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Finding your passion


It took me years to work out that one of my passions was writing. 

I finished a English literature degree, you say?

I still didn’t ever consider or think of myself as a writer.

I published a book that sold thousands of copies you say?

I still struggle to say that I am an author. 

I think finding a place where we are comfortable to really talk about our passions and dreams is a difficult one indeed. 

This year is the first year of my life, despite the wrestle that I am able to edit my biography with confidence.

This year is the first year when someone asks me what I am passionate about? I can clearly answer communication, media, spirituality, culture and creativity.

It has taken conversation after conversation, coffee after coffee and deep breath after deep breath for me to be able to clearly say what I love.

Today I picked up my manuscript once again, I changed the title, I edited more and I emailed a letter to a publisher again.

Writing and publishing books seem so glamourous but it is confrontingly lonely, it is rejection after rejection. It is mistake found in said manuscript after another. 

It is opinion after opinion, it is email after email yet twenty fifteen, I am facing you head on and living the life of my dreams.

I am going to knock on door after door, fix my writing, one editor at a time and keep moving forward towards my passions and purpose.

How about you?

What dream lays dormant?

Amanda Viviers

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wholeness, women and leadership


If there is one thing I am passionate about it is young women who lead. I started my first business when I was fifteen years old and have always looked for people ahead of the journey than me to learn from.

I worried so often as a young leader whether I was good enough, whether I was too much, too loud, too disorganised. I struggled with my self image, I wanted to be liked by people. A journey of struggle, knowing I have always been out the front from a young age and destined to lead, but never knew if it was just too much passion, too many ideas and way too many opinions.

My friend Karina and I run a young women in leadership project with twenty girls under thirty. Leadership can be restricted to a set of rules, an understanding of what you are not allowed to do and a position that is given by someone in authority.

But what if our understanding of leadership in our modern society was so much more than this prescriptive approach.

What if women in leadership were not an anomoly?

What if girls were raised to believe they can lead and not be described as bossy?

What if we were okay with our femininity as leaders rather than pushing forward feminism?

I have seen women in leadership fall often into two quite clear categories.

1) ‘I’m here because someone forced me to be here.’

2) ‘I’m trying to prove myself, get out of my way.’

I believe we need to create a culture of wholeness surrounding women in leadership. Eliminating the need for people to feel like they have to prove themselves. Creating cultures where natural expressions of leadership no matter the gender is based in gifting, authenticity and grace.

A whole leader in my view is someone who is completely okay with their season and place. Someone who is not trying to prove themselves in a boys club. She is graced for the season she finds herself in, she is authentic and grounded in knowing who she is and who she is not.

She doesn’t spend her days trying to please everyone.

She speaks kindly and softly, bringing passion, colour and life to the conversations she happens upon.

She is strong yes, but she doesn’t have it all together.

She doesn’t compare herself to strangers on the internet or other women excelling in her field.

She doesn’t copy the ideas of those in her industry, she makes a way through her own intelligence and capacity and doesn’t make excuses for her unique insight and brilliance.

She is not afraid to say that she is beautiful.

Humility shrouds her words.

Creativity and grace is her gift to those closest.

Happy to say no and lift another up into an opportunity.

Excited to say yes, when she knows she has something to give.

Whole, healthy, strong, kind, perceptive, intuitive…

What an amazing picture of what women in leadership could truly possess.

Not competitive.





but grounded.


Oh gosh this excites me for what future generations can walk into.





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Look up


Look up dear friend,
There is more than you see.
Look up dear sister,
Those four lines contain lies.
Look up dear Mumma,
The bright lights of the device invade.
Look up dear leader,
Comparison is a thief.
Look up dear writer,
Google is not your creative friend.
Look up creative soul,
There is something so destructive about that blinking screen.
Look up.There is so much more.

Today I sat at the beach, relieved because I arrived early to an appointment. My inside voice said ‘ Yes, great. What’s happening on social media.‘ And I picked up my phone and mindlessly scrolled.

After a few minutes and an awareness of how special this time alone was, I heard another inside voice, one that is a little wiser say ‘ Look up. Look up.’

I took a deep breath.

And I did.

I put my phone away and saw the most beautiful view.







I Looked up.

I walked along the path towards the view and looked a lady straight in the eyes. We had a little chat.



A little reminder in my ordinary to put my phone away and…

Look up,

Amanda Viviers

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Back to basics

As I sit here waiting for the train I am reminded of the simple things that make my days peaceful.

Memories of our dinner last night with a group of friends, hanging for no other reason than company.

A short but valued sleep in this morning whilst my husband got up to our babes.

Whilst trying to do a yoga session at home this morning the delight on my sons face as he pretended to be my instructor and showed me the moves I needed to perform. (I declined at the forward roll on my yoga mat, oh to be three again.)

My sister and her friend who came to babysit last night and the sneaky drink we had at a wine bar before our scheduled dinner.

These brand new esperaildos that I found at my local op shop with the tags on for one dollar.

The smell of rain.

The cardigan I knitted sitting in my bag waiting to be worn if the weather turns.

The dance party that ensued with my family of four two minutes before I left the house with no tears or tantrums.

The twenty young women in leadership I’m going to hang out with this afternoon.




That make me smile by myself here on this train platform supremely grateful for the beautiful life that I have been graced with.

I am grateful.

All it takes sometimes is a go back to basics conversation with yourself and you will be amazed at what beauty lies in your ordinary

Amanda Viviers

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Daring and disruptive


I feel like I’m super late to the party but I have a new creative, entrepreneurial crush and her name is Lisa Messenger. With a freshly baked banana bread and a bottomless flat white, I have spent the morning reading her words from her book full of foundations for leadership, life and creativity.

fail fast

take risks

push the boundaries

start before you’re ready

just go

This book Daring and Disruptive has been my companion over the last few days and I have been riveted. Inspired to live on purpose, inspired to step outside of the boxes that contain my ideas and possibilities for tomorrow.

As a woman who is also a leader, I am often perplexed by what is appropriate in my response to opportunities that avail. Do I seek after the opportunities? Do I rest and see what comes my way? Is too much confidence considered arrogance? Am I too much? Does my passion put people off? Do I think too much? What dream is unattainable?

To find someone who explores these topics with authenticity and grace.

Who says it like it is.

Who is not afraid to fail.

Who has faced her fears front on is a deep breath of reality.

I feel like I have been sitting with a cup of coffee with a long lost friend. A mentor from a distance and it has been the most delightful of encounters.

If you want your live your life on purpose and make a difference globally, you will not be disappointed in this read.

Dare to be disruptive and challenge the status quo.
