Proverb 31: 19 She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, diligent in homemaking.
If any book shows us the partnership in a household, it is the book of proverbs. A quick read of the verse above and you would think the writer is confining one party to the domestic duties in the home and the other to the real work in the marketplace. A much broader read and look, shows a woman who is savvy in all forms of business, who contributes significantly to her household and is deeply involved in all affairs including business and finance.
She is a maker.
She is a hard worker.
She contributes significantly to the overall wellbeing of her brood.
Before I became a Mum, I had so many lofty ideas of what it meant to be a ‘stay at home mum’. Before I had children, I would have clearly told you I would be going back to work after 6 months of being with my baby and had such strong opinions of what marriage partnership looked like.
Enter reality.
After six months of being home with my little boy, I knew I was not meant to go back to work and I needed to reform all those impressions of what marriage and motherhood looked like, reforming essentially the very core of my identity.
I realised that novice motherhood completely turned my worth and value ideals upside down and I had to reform my sense of self, outside of my career. These last few years have been the most revealing and the hardest days of my life.
Am I glad I faced these dark crevices of my soul though?
I have come out of this novice season, realising that yes my worth is founded in so much more than what I do, but at the same time, I am deeply satisfied when I bring wisdom and contribution to places and people outside of my home.
I love to contribute.
I love to feel like I am part of a bigger story.
Every time I write, knit, sew, paint, teach, mentor, create, I feel deeply satisfied, because the journey of making something from not much is deeply ingrained in the way that we as women communicate.
We process as we make.
We focus as we create.
We connect our thoughts to our kinaesthetic touch when we create.
We contribute significantly.
Although I often look at this website hoping it could be so much more, I think about my photos, I grieve my grammar, I long for hours of quiet writing and moments of deep contemplation without a child scaling my thighs, I know a day will come when I will look back at these days and know they were transformative because I have surrendered to their anonymity.
Whether you are a working mum, who is doing her very best to provide for the needs of her household or a mum who is mostly at home, finding ways to contribute significantly beyond, it deeply changes our perspective and outlook.
You were born to contribute.
Your were designed to work hard and bring your best to inspire others.
Every time we see our purpose connected with another, we live a life that is deeply satisfying.
Are you feeling unsatisfied?
Maybe reviewing and refining the way you are contributing to others and your household, will realign your sense of perspective and help you see ways that you can live more engaged in your season.
Speak tomorrow,
Day Six click here: She smiles at the future