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Place: home

Poison: chocolate shake

Favorite Things: silence

I made it back to the office today after a weeks leave of absence and it was really great.


There is always a but or a however with my writing. Today I officially was the cover girl for pregnancy brain. From loosing my phone, to forgetting my lunch, I was completely unable to multitask.

For a girl who not only multitasks, I often multitask on multitask. I am like a task list on steroids. I think I hit a wall today, especially whilst in a meeting with one of my staff trying to write some copy for an Eletter, I was completely dumbfounded as I said to her ‘Michelle I’ve lost the asterisk on my computer keyboard’ not one of my finest moments, I simply sat there for 5 mins trying to find it and she had to come to my computer and help me.

The scary thing was, I’d only used it the previous sentence, 5 mins earlier.

Forgetfulness can be really annoying or really funny. Depends how we accept it.

I have a knack for going through forgetful stages especially when I am consumed with another task or a big project.

Obviously baby V is consuming some of my brain cells right now, because today was simply forgetful.

Another day tomorrow.



It’s a wonder!

Mrs V

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A special group of people

Place: Waylen Bay Scout Hall

Poison: Water

Favorite things: the people in this room…

Today is our youth and young adult leaders day today. We’re sitting in a random scout hall on the river, with a fresh breeze floating through and I am so expectant about this coming year.

Our youth and young adult leaders are the most amazing group of everyday people. As we are supposed to be inspiring them towards their new year in leadership, they are inspiring me.

The potential in this room is truly amazing. The potential to create, the potential to inspire, the potential to lead cultural change is breathtaking.

I can’t wait to see what picture is painted this year.




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Place: home

Poison: juice

Favourite things: being married!

This morning was true bliss. Nothing radical, nothing to extravagant, just true contentment in the little things that make life grand.

After a generous sleep in and an early to bed (we are soaking it up pre-baby) my husband woke me with a cold glass of cranberry juice.

Simple, but lovely.

Then we both threw on our bathers and ran across the road and snorkeled. In my husbands words ‘Babe soak up the atmosphere!’ that’s him saying wow, how blessed are we!!!

Then we cruised to a local cafe and I read the paper front to back whilst eating poached eggs on toast…then my husband said ‘babe lets get you a pedicure.’

Not much more needs to be said.

I married the most lovely man in the world.

I am content.

I am happy.

It’s the little things.

Soaking up the atmosphere…


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Organising my life to my priorities

Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: A fan right next to me on a 35 degree day…

As I was skimming some Blogs last night, I found the most delightful daily organizer from a blog called A holy experience.

I have been reflecting a lot lately what I am going to do, when I am home all day everyday. I know our babies routine is going to be exausting, I know lots of nappy changes, long feeding routinues and hours trying to coax our baby to sleep. Then there is the washing, the cleaning, the cooking…Yes the list goes on…

I also want to take moments for myself and inspiration and dont want to fall into a land of daytime television, a hourly check of facebook and lay on the couch to catch a moment of sleep bank positive gearing.

I am sure I will do all of this, but I also want to fill my days with some priorities and stay connected in a place of inspiration. You see, I have worked in the same place for twelve years. My job has changed periodically, but have driven to, sat and eaten lunch with and stretched my mind and heart towards large endevours for a long time and I want embrace this new season well and not fall into a land of entropy.

I came accross this Daily planner and I love it!! Although it may not get used in the first six weeks, I have printed off a pile to work on organising my life to my priorities, when our baby is in a bit more of a routine.

Even if I only accomplish one thing of the list… ie- Write a blog everyday of 2012, I am winning!

Hope this helps, all credit to the writer of ‘a holy experience’ blog.

Ahhh, I feel more organised already and I havent even done anything.



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cute as little tshirt design

Place: doctors surgery

Poison: frappe

Favorite Things: lip gloss my husband gave me for Christmas

Here I am waiting once again for an appointment and I am all stocked up on time wasters. The Internet, a great book and my trusty iPod.

I’ve been told the doctor is at least an hour and a half behind, so I am going to try and make the best out of the wait.

I found the cutest T-shirt design today that I am going to try out on some little onesies or small T-shirts. A boy version and a girl version, I’ll give away whichever one doesn’t get used.

Well, I’m going to start looking now for iron on transfer paper where I can find it from?

Happy creating
