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Category: Creativity
Organising my life to my priorities
Place: My Office
Poison: Water
Favourite Things: A fan right next to me on a 35 degree day…
As I was skimming some Blogs last night, I found the most delightful daily organizer from a blog called A holy experience.
I have been reflecting a lot lately what I am going to do, when I am home all day everyday. I know our babies routine is going to be exausting, I know lots of nappy changes, long feeding routinues and hours trying to coax our baby to sleep. Then there is the washing, the cleaning, the cooking…Yes the list goes on…
I also want to take moments for myself and inspiration and dont want to fall into a land of daytime television, a hourly check of facebook and lay on the couch to catch a moment of sleep bank positive gearing.
I am sure I will do all of this, but I also want to fill my days with some priorities and stay connected in a place of inspiration. You see, I have worked in the same place for twelve years. My job has changed periodically, but have driven to, sat and eaten lunch with and stretched my mind and heart towards large endevours for a long time and I want embrace this new season well and not fall into a land of entropy.
I came accross this Daily planner and I love it!! Although it may not get used in the first six weeks, I have printed off a pile to work on organising my life to my priorities, when our baby is in a bit more of a routine.
Even if I only accomplish one thing of the list… ie- Write a blog everyday of 2012, I am winning!
Hope this helps, all credit to the writer of ‘a holy experience’ blog.
Ahhh, I feel more organised already and I havent even done anything.
cute as little tshirt design
Place: doctors surgery
Poison: frappe
Favorite Things: lip gloss my husband gave me for Christmas
Here I am waiting once again for an appointment and I am all stocked up on time wasters. The Internet, a great book and my trusty iPod.
I’ve been told the doctor is at least an hour and a half behind, so I am going to try and make the best out of the wait.
I found the cutest T-shirt design today that I am going to try out on some little onesies or small T-shirts. A boy version and a girl version, I’ll give away whichever one doesn’t get used.
Well, I’m going to start looking now for iron on transfer paper where I can find it from?
Happy creating
Cool Blog I found
Place: At my mums
Poison: Homemade Bannana Muffins
Favourite Things: My husband setting up our cot!
Whilst surfing pinterest I found the following new tradition of asking children to each fill in a form like this and creating a family book but more importantly I found a kindred spirit.
Check out this blog
362- swollen ankles
Place: My Desk
Poison: Lemon and lime soda
Favourite Things: Getting jobs done…
I haven’t really had many moments of nesting during this pregnancy, but today it has felt so rewarding to get jobs done. Post Christmas messyness, my bathroom is now finished therefore I have a washing machine now plugged in and good to go…so 4 loads of washing later, a good food shop full of fresh fruit, vegi’s and meat, paying bills, cleaning the house and a couple of vases of my aunts roses from her garden and I feel more sane.
What is it about clean washing, flowers and bills paid that makes us feel satisfied?
I think its the capacity to strike things off the memory banks task list, leaving our head space a little clearer to think about more lovely things.
My husband can’t understand how obsessive I am about having the house with a sense of order before I can relax. I was chatting with my friend Annie today about it, and we both agreed that creative people, have a high sense of skinlessness, which means that we sense and feel the overall order of a room, party, place. This skinlessness means that I love creative chaos, but I also need order and clarity to be able to re-create.
All of this activity has ended in very swollen ankles, so off to the beach I go to soak them back into some sense of normality.
If you relate to this skinlessness, make sure you declutter your creative spaces and homes. As much as you love a plethora of bits and bobs, they will also make you feel overwhelmed, confused and frustrated if everything doesn’t have its proper place.
This is the best time of year to clean out and recycle. Declutter and create space for the new. Donate all your goods to the op shop and make your head clear enough for some fresh inspiration.
swollen ankles are so worth this sense of satisfaction, with my house just a little more ordered!
Love ya
Mrs V