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Finding your unique

anyway two

Today’s post on Green Couture in the series Winter Hues went live today. The series has been about interior design and creativity.

My post today is titled Find your unique and here is part of my article;

‘I live in a beach flat, that was built in 1972. We live ten paces from the ocean and our house is built completely underground.

There is a lot of unique in our little patch of Australia, but my favourite part of our shack are the elements that make memories of the life we have lived within it.

Our unique.

Simple little elements that we highlight to bring character subtly.’

To continue reading, join me over on Kate’s blog.

Also standby, I have been working on some amazing guest writers for the month of August as well, when my little miss V arrives.

Enjoy finding your unique!

Speak tomorrow


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Debriefing Events Effectively

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH

Recently I was asked to do some consultancy on Event Management Debriefing. One key request from the client was for a debrief meeting overview that they could work through after a major event.

It’s been a long time since I have been an event manager, so I searched and searched and couldn’t find the meeting overview for a effective team debrief after an event I wrote a long time ago.

So I designed a new one and here is is to download for free;

Event Debrief

Back in the day, I would plonk everyone in the room who was involved and slug it out.

Today, I would do an event debrief very differently.

I would hold two different kinds of meetings.

1) Individual meetings with key team leaders.

2) A combined event forward planning meeting with all key players in the room.

Before the individual meetings would happen, I would ask the team leaders to consider the questions I have included in the overview above you can download for free.

At the combined team meeting, I would set clear boundaries (in the document above) about how the meeting is going to be run.

Hope this is helpful.

Debriefing is one of my least favourite parts of event management but I have found the quality of an event is always dependant on the teams ability to authentically debrief, learning from past events and building into the future.

Speak tomorrow,


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kind, brave and true


strawberries and creambrave

Most mornings we are woken by a two year old, suggesting strongly ‘Wake up, Mummy…’ ‘Wake up, Daddy…’

I am sure this sounds ultra cute but at 5.30 in the morning, when it is raining and cold, the cute factor wears a little thin.

This morning however, I opened one eye slowly, hoping that even the sound of that movement wouldn’t stir the troupes.

Then I remembered, our little morning man, had a sleep over at his Nan’s and the silence of the morning was golden.

As I opened my eyes again, the sun rising and the house stilled, I looked at a piece of artwork I had recently shifted to hang at the end of my bed and I contemplated.


My thoughts went a little like this…

Am I kind?

Am I brave?

Am I true?

I know in my day to day, there are moments, when I am far from kind. Wanting to slow down and be more intentional with my words and my moments.

I know yesterday, as I gathered courage about a situation in my world, I felt far from brave but I started a conversation that mattered and the heaviness lifted.

I know that often I exaggerate, in the wonder and joy of the moment and it is something I have been daily working on, to be more true to the moment and the information.

How are you going in these areas?

I sit here this afternoon, with a strawberry and cream tea, the wind blowing through my window and I am so grateful for time to contemplate.

I am so grateful, that these days my life is not busy, it is intentional.

I am so aware of the moments with my little ones, that pass so quickly.

Today I am aware of being kinder with my words, braver with my choices and truer with my conversations.

Delighting in those moments, that wash away so quickly.

Till we meet again tomorrow.


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sleepless nights, vegemite kisses and wet laundry



Last night I didn’t sleep a wink.

I laid there for pretty much the whole night, rolling, praying, thinking, wondering.

My little man wasn’t awake, neither was my big one, I just had one of those nights.

I was speaking at an event this morning, so the timing wasn’t ideal, but what could I do?

The more frustrated I got, the more restlessness set in.

Call it third trimester discomfort, call it my humanity, call it thoughts about past circumstances and present realities that rolled around my head.

This morning as I prepared to leave the house, my husband playing so contently with my little man, I thought about the whole load of washing on the line, that was now dripping wet, with the downpour of rain falling.

I wanted to dwell in that place of discontent. No sleep, wet laundry piling, but I didn’t I went to kiss my little toddler goodbye and I smiled.

I had blow-dried my hair and put make up on for the first time in ages, ready to go and meet a whole new group of people and he smothered my face with vegemite kisses.

I walked out of the house feeling different, feeling loved, feeling overwhelmed at the possibilities that vegemite perfume gave me.

Recently my little family went to our city zoo.

My pregnant belly, couldn’t stand any longer, so I sent my men into the snake exhibition and I sat on a park bench and rested.

As I sat there this little sparrow came and played around my feet.

I took a quick photo and didn’t think much more of it till today.

I was reminded of this photo as I prepared to speak.

letting go

There is a scripture that says this;

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  Seek the Kingdom of God, above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6: 25- 34

As a mother, as a sister, as a friend, it is so easy to focus on all the things that you are not. All of the worries and the concerns of life can overwhelm us at times. The sleepless nights, the wet laundry, those words that people have spoken that are not the truth, people who reject and ignore us… The list goes on.

Just as this little sparrow, flits about his day and works towards gathering food for his little family, God looks out for him.

With no worry.

He just get’s on with his life.

And if God cares so wonderfully for the wildflowers and the sparrow, he indeed looks out for us the prize of his creation.

Today, I am remembering a quote I read recently from Brene Brown;

Letting go of the mother I think I am supposed to be and embracing the one I already am…

For you it could be letting go of the daughter, friend, work employee…Wherever you are anxious and worried and embracing who you already are and the possibility and potential of your beauty.

Vegemite kisses, so not perfect but full of delight and wonder.

Innocence and privilege.

Every day ordinary moments, that truly make us wealthy.



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Every child

Every child

I am speaking at a MOPS group tomorrow about creativity.

As I prepare my message I am so aware of how many people do not think they are creative because of fear and intimidation about what others will say about their pursuits.

Can you remember the first time you realised, that maybe you weren’t that good at something creative?

Humanity, our brokenness, comparison, competition…

Negative words spoken over our lives that are not true…

Our creativity is often the first part of our lives, that is affected when are worried about what other people think.

Very quickly, we start to question and doubt our abilities.

As a child we are transformed from these young girls, who dance freely around the kitchen whenever music is played, to women who are uncomfortable that we may look silly or childish or fat.

As a young child, we play up to the camera, wanting someone, anyone to take our photo, we smile, we play, we react to the camera and then one day we become shy and worry about whether I am good looking enough, what I am wearing is okay, what others will think of my outfit.

As young children we cook with delight, making the most terrible breakfasts for our mums in bed, with cold toast and burnt coffee, but we are so proud, as we grow older we become afraid of inviting guests over for dinner, because my food isn’t up to ‘masterchef standard.’

We draw, scribble, outside of the lines as a toddler and preschooler and then we hear negative word, one after another at school that we cant paint the sky purple, that girls must like butterflies and boys trucks and our creativity is year after year squashed into a place of perfection.

We are terrified at looking at a blank canvas, because what if I produce something that is not good enough and someone laughs at me.

Our creativity, goes from being so satisfying to a terrifying land of imperfection and drivenness to be amazing and over the top.

In the midst of our lives as women, the busier we get, the more we neglect the simple things, the more we neglect the languages of our heart (creative stuff) to the too hard basket. Whether we have a cupboard full of material offcuts, a big box of wool that we used to delight in, cookbook upon cookbook that we ignore, a plan for the garden that we just never get too, a dream to take photos, a niggle in our heart to write…

Remember what it was like to be a young child who was free and able to express themselves without judgement and fear?

How can you recapture those moments?

How can you create again without worrying what others may think?

How can you confront those feelings of lack?

In the beginning God created and his initial response was…

It is good.

Can we also do this again, finding satisfaction in our uniqueness rather than comparing ourselves to others perfection?
