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A meditation for writers

I am hosting a writing retreat in New Norcia, Western Australia. This is a small town, two hours from Perth City. It is Australia’s only monastic town. It is run by an order of monks who spend their days in hospitality to guests.

Walking through the guest house this morning, I heard someone doing the laundry and singing vespers to God. He sang loudly, repetitive psalms as he did his daily work of lifting, washing and folding all the laundry from this resting place.

Guesthouse, New Norcia

I am not good at doing laundry. How can I rephrase that? Laundry frustrates me. I do not sing and meditate upon the goodness of God as I push clothes into the washing machine.

You can often hear me huffing and puffing. Muttering and deep sighing. Shouting out to my children, did you wear this? Folding the clothes whilst listening to the news. This little moment of meditation caught me unawares. It reminded me of my everyday chores but a reframing into a way of meditating on lovely, true, meaningful and purposeful things.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippines 4: 8

Today, as the retreaters began to write and explore together, I wrote a meditation for them. I thought you might also want to consider something good, lovely and accurate. And maybe one day, I will record this meditation to help you have a moment of rest and clarity as you write.

The fields of New Norcia

Spotify Playlist for Writing

Firstly put on some music, as I have linked above, to set the atmosphere for focus.

A meditation for writers

Welcome, writing companions; this is a time for peaceful reflection. 

Whether you are an experienced writer or just beginning your journey, know that you are in a space filled with grace, creativity, and the love of God. 

Let us take this moment to still our minds and open our hearts to the divine inspiration that can guide our words, stories, and hearts.

Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. Please close your eyes gently, take a deep breath through your nose… hold it for a moment… and exhale slowly through your mouth. Let go of any tension, worries, or distractions clouding your mind. You are invited to enter a place of peace and creative surrender with each breath.

*Body Relaxation*

As you continue to breathe deeply, notice the stillness of your body. Feel your feet grounded, connected to the earth. Imagine roots extending from your feet deep into the soil, strong and steady. With every breath, feel yourself becoming more anchored in this present moment.

Let that sense of grounding move upward through your legs into your torso, arms, neck, and head. With each inhale, you breathe in peace. With each exhale, you release any tension. Allow your body to relax, to surrender to God’s presence.

*Opening to Inspiration*

Let us invite God’s Spirit to guide us in this creative space. Quiet your heart and listen to the still, small voice within you.

Take a moment to reflect on your writing journey. What has inspired you to write? What stories or messages do you feel called to share with the world? In this sacred time, we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, trusting God has planted inspiration deep within our hearts.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Let this truth sink deeply into your soul. God is with you now, in this moment, in this place, filling you with peace, guidance, and creative energy.

As you reflect on your writing, take a moment to ask God for clarity. If you’re unsure where to go next in your work, ask for direction. If you’re feeling stuck, ask for wisdom. If you’re experiencing doubt, ask for reassurance. Trust that God hears your prayers and is faithful to guide you.

*Prayer of Surrender*

Heavenly Father, we come before You today with open hearts and hands. We offer your writing, creativity, and very selves to You. We surrender our doubts, fears, and anxieties to Your loving care. We trust that You are the source of all inspiration and have gifted us with the ability to share Your love and truth through our words.

Lord, we pray that You would fill us with Your peace, that our minds would be clear, and our hearts would be full of Your light. Inspire, guide, and strengthen us as we seek to bring forth stories that honour You.

Please help us write with courage, authenticity, and a deep sense of purpose. May our words reflect Your love, grace, and truth, touching the hearts of all who read them. 

We trust in Your perfect timing and Your plan for our writing journeys. May we be faithful stewards of the gifts You’ve given us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*Silence for Reflection*

Take a few moments of silence now. As you sit in this stillness, allow your thoughts to come and go. Let God’s presence fill every part of your being, giving you peace and renewing your creative spirit.

If any words, images, or ideas come to mind during this time, don’t force them—observe them. Trust that God is speaking to you in this quiet space.

*Closing Words*

As we come to the end of this meditation, know that God’s presence goes with you. May you walk in His peace and confidence as you continue your writing journey. Know that He is with you, guiding you, and inspiring you every step of the way.

When you’re ready, bring your awareness back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath, and slowly open your eyes. May you feel refreshed, restored, and ready to write with new purpose and clarity.

God bless you in your writing, and may His Spirit continue to guide you.

Creatively Yours,

The writing retreat this weekend is using exercises from Simplify. Download your bundle of writing exercises today and write to heal!

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The engineers of our future

Our honeymoon lime tree.

It was only last year when he threatened to chop it down. Looking at me across the washing line, as I hung work and school uniforms out to dry “It’s producing no fruit!” It was a matter of fact.

I am the plant rescue-er in our relationship. We even have a designated part of the garden called the plant hospital. A location that we walk past every morning as we enter our days, reminding us to water the plants that are most susceptible in our arid soil.

I looked through the wet clothes hanging on the line, with eyes that begged him not to rip out the tree. And a little smile awaiting my response ” Just one more year love.”

“It’s one of those non-fruiting trees I’m sure of it,” he said with frustration. And I just sighed at the sheer tenacity of trying to grow anything in a garden with a family and big life.

Lately, I have been a little obsessed with seeds. I seem to see them everywhere. On the floor when I walk the path to the beach, in the shops up on the shelf and over the fence on the floor of my friend’s house. They are small, but the capacity for them to grow into shady trees, keep drawing me back to the beauty of slow.

We couldn’t afford an overseas honeymoon when we got married. In hindsight, we didn’t need one, just a room with a big bed and a beautiful vista. We laugh often about the fact that our car door broke, the week of our honeymoon and we had to climb across the gear stick each time we got in and out of the car. Some days lately we have forgotten what it was like to just have one car with a broken door.

I think God has a brilliant sense of humour and imperfection often makes for the best of stories. We ended up down south from where we live, visiting wineries with that wonky door. No fancy cars or taxi’s for our arrival, just two people climbing out the passenger door.

At one of those wineries, we found a half wooden barrel and we decided to buy it to plant a tree as a memento of our honeymoon. We got home and decided on a lime tree (my man quite likes a drop of Mexican brew).

Eight years ago we planted that lime tree in that wooden barrel, it has survived two children, two houses and many bbq’s alongside. It even survived the wooden barrel that fell apart last spring and we planted that non- fruiting lime tree in the ground, hoping it would at last produce.

Then last week eight and a half years after we planted that tree I saw hiding in the flourish of green leaves, five or six or maybe ten little limes on our tree. I couldn’t wait for my husband to come home and I walked him around to see.

He looked at me and smiled with his eyebrows lifting and said quietly “Lucky I didn’t rip it out last spring hey?” And I didn’t say anything, just marvelled at the beauty of the very simple things.

I think we have lost the art of patience, in a society so intent on producing. Since the beginning of July, I have had some time off social media and it has been the best thing I have done all year. It is hard not to be drawn back to it, but the resting of the ground in my heart has needed some time to realign. L

“But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance.”

Luke 8: 15

I often spend a lot of time thinking about the future. Thinking about my children, my house, the contribution of my life. It is something that I have always enjoyed spending my procrastinating, in-between moments doing.

It is in these times though that I forget that the seeds I am planting today, will bear my fruit in my tomorrow. Holding fast to what is good, changing my mindsets to ones of servanthood and humility. Finding ways to surrender in the ever present tide of self obsession.

What seeds are you sowing for harvest in your future?



Cutting off




These very simple principles found in the earth of our gardens, go against the success mantras of our day.

I have been reminding myself lately, to reset, to read simple wisdom and to begin again. Creating great soil for the new growth awaiting and surrendering to the beauty of a simple life.

“The engineers of the future will be the poets”

Terrance McKenna

I do wonder what is the condition of our poets soil?

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Living Brave with Boundaries

Brave with Boundaries

Boundaries are not the easiest thing to institute when you are a reformed people pleaser. Add into this equation that one of your strengths is achieving and it is easier to solve everyone else’s problems and procrastinate with your own. If I am to lean into the dreams I have for my future, which includes writing and publishing then I need to set boundaries and be brave with them.

I have an acronym that lately has been forming my work and family life balance. It makes up the word BRAVE. I found part of it from a podcast that I have listened to more than five times over the last month. And I have added my own little version to the end.


I have been taking time to remember what boundaries are important in my life. As I lean into July and the second half of the year I sat and did my own one-hour RESET retreat. Reminding myself of the goals I set at the beginning of the year when I pressed PAUSE. There were very specific goals that I set for my work life and family life that I needed some reminders of.

  • Taking time for myself to rest and reflect.
  • Not allowing people to be time stealers but at the same time being generous in moments that are divinely appointed.
  • Understanding other peoples needs but also my own.
  • Setting boundaries around social media and long text messages.
  • Holding my ground in places of energy drain.
  • Reframing the messages I am sending myself.

What boundaries do you need to set in this next season?


As a leader, wife and mother I am learning the power of consistent small conversations so that I can be reliable to those who are closest. I was taught something a long time ago which really impacted my leadership journey. It was to under promise and over deliver. As a people pleaser it is easier at the moment to promise the world and then under deliver. So when the moment that life brings, I am learning to say less but when I give my best yes to surrender completely. Giving my focus to gatherings of people like my writing retreats and a small group of friends.

Are you reliable to the promises and commitments you make?


Last week my husband and I had a hard conversation. We were talking about money and my current stress load, leaning into the next quarter. It wasn’t an easy conversation but it was so worthwhile. I have noticed a funny culture being created in our online worlds. That we are more vulnerable to those who live on the other side of the world, through private messages and online conversations. However, we don’t have the hard conversations that hold us accountable to those under our own roof.

Who is in your circle that holds you accountable?


I have learnt that I can easily talk about others, instead of talking about myself. It is easier to throw others under the bus, rather than bringing it back to our own needs, growth and imperfections. Lately, I have been really trying to be a vault for my friends and their conversations. It is hard in a world that promotes openness as a lifestyle, but I am remembering as a leader that when someone else is sharing someone else’s story (that is not theirs to tell) it probably means they will share yours too.

Are you a vault to the stories of others?


If you follow along any of my online spaces, you would have picked up a tone of defeat lately. There have been some significant algorithm changes, but also a culture of passivity has set it. The people I really want to start conversations that matter to I am finding a massive radio silence. It has made me assess my relationship with Social Media. At the same time I have just decided to start encouraging people. I want to be a voice that people feel the encouragement that they so desperately desire. I don’t want anyone to walk away from a conversation with me, either online or in person and not feel encouraged.

BRAVE leadership.

BRAVE in friendship.

BRAVE in my marriage.

BRAVE in my family.

BRAVE in my writing.

Who wants to live BRAVE with me. Setting boundaries, being reliable, open to accountability, a vault with precious stories and living a life of encouragement.

Yours creatively


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The story keepers

Through the night, the wind kept waking me as a storm swept past the bay. I tossed and turned, falling asleep and then another bang, shudder and howl. I wondered if the rain would leak under the front door, soaking our jarrah floorboards. Worry came knocking around 2 am that the flu that has been hanging in the shadows of my home would settle in to stay.

I stood at the sink today and saw that the passionfruit plant that had taken months to climb up slowly covering the unfinished fence had died, when nobody was looking. I picked up the tea towel off my oven and I stopped mid sentence and remembered her house.

This year we packed up my Grandmothers house, after many decades of living close by and she went reluctantly to a nursing home. Her things divided between family members and honestly, I wasn’t that interested in her belongings, I’d prefer to hold her hand. A box of things, however, were placed on the back seat of my car and my favourite overall the antiques, jewellery and letters were her old linen tea towels.

Most of them antiques in their own right. But each time I hold them, I think of the Carrot Cakes she would bake and the Christmas cookies that no one has managed yet to replicate. My grandmother is old farm stock and I’m sure these pieces of cloth have been held whilst she watched the news on days when history was smashed open and also the days when baked fish was on the menu for dinner.

Story keepers, of the hands that washed them. Story seekers of hearts questioning as they went about daily life with a menial task. Story capsules of the people calling to chat with her on the phone and gossip about that irritating neighbour.

There are moments of our ordinary days, that no one will ever see. Times when words become powerful carriers of emotion and change. When we realise that the stories laden in the processing of our days are the economy of legacy and hope.

Lately, I have been really off Instagram, social media and the hungry machine of content creation. I have been reminding myself of the power and beauty of creativity and story to leave a legacy that remains.

We are the story keepers. We are the story shapers. We are the story holders.

Robyn McKee says it this way:

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.”

Robyn McKee

If you look across history, the main keeper of human wisdom and tenacity has been recorded through story. I strongly believe that somebody needs your story. The highs, the lows, the in-between and the not enough yet.

As we begin to find ways to allow writing to heal, when we show up to our blank pages and work through our stories to find clarity, hope and courage God brings strength in these places.

Human beings are shaped by stories.

We find encouragement through stories.

We leave lessons for those coming behind with stories.

We were born into a story from the narrative of our parents.

We live in the story that we are telling ourselves.

There is a story in the Bible that talks about legacy in the midst of our current story and narrative. Joel was an amazing scholar and prophet, a man of wisdom to his local community. He wrote this;

“Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation”

Joel 1: 3

I wonder what stories will be told to our children’s children about the tone and tenure of our current novel in history. This symphony of peace and chaos, an era of change and technology, ignorance and platforms.

What lessons are we teaching and showing, changing and leaving?

We are the story keepers, the culture changers and the life legacy leavers. As we dig deep into our places of freedom and hope, we unveil the beauty of discovering and wisdom for those who sit alongside. Further more, we leave a trail of inspiration for those who follow behind us.

Write hard, my creative friend. Unveil the promises, lean into the new, discover your voice and allow liberty to set the captives of our hearts free.

Amanda can often be found with a pen in her hand, food spilt down her blouse and a fresh story in her heart.
She is an Author, Public Speaker and Radio Presenter. 

If you would like to help to write hard, here is my online course. Four sessions designed to encourage you in finding, developing and expressing your story. $59 delivers straight to your inbox. If you’d like a simple download tool as a process to help you answer all the questions about publishing and writing. I developed this tool for $9.95 just for you. Somebody Needs Your Story.