I am hosting a writing retreat in New Norcia, Western Australia. This is a small town, two hours from Perth City. It is Australia’s only monastic town. It is run by an order of monks who spend their days in hospitality to guests.
Walking through the guest house this morning, I heard someone doing the laundry and singing vespers to God. He sang loudly, repetitive psalms as he did his daily work of lifting, washing and folding all the laundry from this resting place.

I am not good at doing laundry. How can I rephrase that? Laundry frustrates me. I do not sing and meditate upon the goodness of God as I push clothes into the washing machine.
You can often hear me huffing and puffing. Muttering and deep sighing. Shouting out to my children, did you wear this? Folding the clothes whilst listening to the news. This little moment of meditation caught me unawares. It reminded me of my everyday chores but a reframing into a way of meditating on lovely, true, meaningful and purposeful things.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippines 4: 8
Today, as the retreaters began to write and explore together, I wrote a meditation for them. I thought you might also want to consider something good, lovely and accurate. And maybe one day, I will record this meditation to help you have a moment of rest and clarity as you write.

Firstly put on some music, as I have linked above, to set the atmosphere for focus.
A meditation for writers
Welcome, writing companions; this is a time for peaceful reflection.
Whether you are an experienced writer or just beginning your journey, know that you are in a space filled with grace, creativity, and the love of God.
Let us take this moment to still our minds and open our hearts to the divine inspiration that can guide our words, stories, and hearts.
Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. Please close your eyes gently, take a deep breath through your nose… hold it for a moment… and exhale slowly through your mouth. Let go of any tension, worries, or distractions clouding your mind. You are invited to enter a place of peace and creative surrender with each breath.
*Body Relaxation*
As you continue to breathe deeply, notice the stillness of your body. Feel your feet grounded, connected to the earth. Imagine roots extending from your feet deep into the soil, strong and steady. With every breath, feel yourself becoming more anchored in this present moment.
Let that sense of grounding move upward through your legs into your torso, arms, neck, and head. With each inhale, you breathe in peace. With each exhale, you release any tension. Allow your body to relax, to surrender to God’s presence.
*Opening to Inspiration*
Let us invite God’s Spirit to guide us in this creative space. Quiet your heart and listen to the still, small voice within you.
Take a moment to reflect on your writing journey. What has inspired you to write? What stories or messages do you feel called to share with the world? In this sacred time, we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, trusting God has planted inspiration deep within our hearts.
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Let this truth sink deeply into your soul. God is with you now, in this moment, in this place, filling you with peace, guidance, and creative energy.
As you reflect on your writing, take a moment to ask God for clarity. If you’re unsure where to go next in your work, ask for direction. If you’re feeling stuck, ask for wisdom. If you’re experiencing doubt, ask for reassurance. Trust that God hears your prayers and is faithful to guide you.
*Prayer of Surrender*
Heavenly Father, we come before You today with open hearts and hands. We offer your writing, creativity, and very selves to You. We surrender our doubts, fears, and anxieties to Your loving care. We trust that You are the source of all inspiration and have gifted us with the ability to share Your love and truth through our words.
Lord, we pray that You would fill us with Your peace, that our minds would be clear, and our hearts would be full of Your light. Inspire, guide, and strengthen us as we seek to bring forth stories that honour You.
Please help us write with courage, authenticity, and a deep sense of purpose. May our words reflect Your love, grace, and truth, touching the hearts of all who read them.
We trust in Your perfect timing and Your plan for our writing journeys. May we be faithful stewards of the gifts You’ve given us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
*Silence for Reflection*
Take a few moments of silence now. As you sit in this stillness, allow your thoughts to come and go. Let God’s presence fill every part of your being, giving you peace and renewing your creative spirit.
If any words, images, or ideas come to mind during this time, don’t force them—observe them. Trust that God is speaking to you in this quiet space.
*Closing Words*
As we come to the end of this meditation, know that God’s presence goes with you. May you walk in His peace and confidence as you continue your writing journey. Know that He is with you, guiding you, and inspiring you every step of the way.
When you’re ready, bring your awareness back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath, and slowly open your eyes. May you feel refreshed, restored, and ready to write with new purpose and clarity.
God bless you in your writing, and may His Spirit continue to guide you.
Creatively Yours,
The writing retreat this weekend is using exercises from Simplify. Download your bundle of writing exercises today and write to heal!