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A This and That World

A few years ago, I had a dream centred around a circle of people. The dream then panned out like a movie into a path in the woods. It was a dream of contradictions, where words flew at me as I saw the path diversifying with a wider gap in between. It was like the two worlds were getting further and further apart. It was not bad or good; it was just different.

Have you ever found yourself in a period of polarisation of opinions?

Today, I came across the drawing I did when I woke from this dream. It was a stark reminder of how much this widening gap between two philosophies is a case study of the world as we know it.

Slow Fashion vs Fast Fashion

Creative Voice vs Artificial Intelligence

Local vs Global

Small, Grounded vs Large, Paced

Discipleship vs Evangelism

Organic, Earthed vs Tech, Metaverse, NFT

Feminine vs Masculine

False Influence vs Wisdom

Lived Experience vs Quick Knowledge

Tables vs Platforms

Environmental Impact vs Healing and Regeneration

Urban vs Rural

Fluid vs Rigid

Circles vs Triangles

These words flew across my mind’s eye-screen, and I couldn’t write them fast enough as I reflected on the paths set before me. A scripture reminds me of this diversity of experience.

I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.

Deuteronomy 30:19

We each face choices every day—choices that we make by leaning into ideas, revelations, and life pathways. However, a difficult place we find ourselves in is the seasons we face when we are unaware of the path of our decisions and the consequences of these decisions. Proverb after proverb warns of seasons when the consequences of our decisions are the paths we choose.

The decisions we make matter; they have consequences. The wisdom we seek in these decisions gives us the ability to see with foresight into the pathway we choose for our future. Psalm 25 is a beautiful song that draws us back to the One who knows the times and seasons. The book of Acts says His Authority creates the tides and embers; he is the season’s Author.

Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.
Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love,
    for they are from of old.

Psalm 25: 4-6

The dream reminds me to be careful with my next steps and surrender my seeking ways to the Lord alone. Prayer is a powerful way to lay down our selfish ambitions and seek out the path rarely taken.

Lent begins this Wednesday, and tomorrow’s eve is Pancake Tuesday. It is an opportunity for us to celebrate before the Christian calendar walks towards fasting, repentance and renewal—a season of this and that—a time of divergence of thought and surrender.

What decisions will you make across the next 6 weeks?

Are you praying for something you need God’s wisdom on?

Seek is a devotional designed to help you pray, reflect, and renew your decisions this Lenten season. Let’s find ways to regather again, as our world is falling apart more than ever.

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A meditation for writers

I am hosting a writing retreat in New Norcia, Western Australia. This is a small town, two hours from Perth City. It is Australia’s only monastic town. It is run by an order of monks who spend their days in hospitality to guests.

Walking through the guest house this morning, I heard someone doing the laundry and singing vespers to God. He sang loudly, repetitive psalms as he did his daily work of lifting, washing and folding all the laundry from this resting place.

Guesthouse, New Norcia

I am not good at doing laundry. How can I rephrase that? Laundry frustrates me. I do not sing and meditate upon the goodness of God as I push clothes into the washing machine.

You can often hear me huffing and puffing. Muttering and deep sighing. Shouting out to my children, did you wear this? Folding the clothes whilst listening to the news. This little moment of meditation caught me unawares. It reminded me of my everyday chores but a reframing into a way of meditating on lovely, true, meaningful and purposeful things.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippines 4: 8

Today, as the retreaters began to write and explore together, I wrote a meditation for them. I thought you might also want to consider something good, lovely and accurate. And maybe one day, I will record this meditation to help you have a moment of rest and clarity as you write.

The fields of New Norcia

Spotify Playlist for Writing

Firstly put on some music, as I have linked above, to set the atmosphere for focus.

A meditation for writers

Welcome, writing companions; this is a time for peaceful reflection. 

Whether you are an experienced writer or just beginning your journey, know that you are in a space filled with grace, creativity, and the love of God. 

Let us take this moment to still our minds and open our hearts to the divine inspiration that can guide our words, stories, and hearts.

Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. Please close your eyes gently, take a deep breath through your nose… hold it for a moment… and exhale slowly through your mouth. Let go of any tension, worries, or distractions clouding your mind. You are invited to enter a place of peace and creative surrender with each breath.

*Body Relaxation*

As you continue to breathe deeply, notice the stillness of your body. Feel your feet grounded, connected to the earth. Imagine roots extending from your feet deep into the soil, strong and steady. With every breath, feel yourself becoming more anchored in this present moment.

Let that sense of grounding move upward through your legs into your torso, arms, neck, and head. With each inhale, you breathe in peace. With each exhale, you release any tension. Allow your body to relax, to surrender to God’s presence.

*Opening to Inspiration*

Let us invite God’s Spirit to guide us in this creative space. Quiet your heart and listen to the still, small voice within you.

Take a moment to reflect on your writing journey. What has inspired you to write? What stories or messages do you feel called to share with the world? In this sacred time, we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, trusting God has planted inspiration deep within our hearts.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Let this truth sink deeply into your soul. God is with you now, in this moment, in this place, filling you with peace, guidance, and creative energy.

As you reflect on your writing, take a moment to ask God for clarity. If you’re unsure where to go next in your work, ask for direction. If you’re feeling stuck, ask for wisdom. If you’re experiencing doubt, ask for reassurance. Trust that God hears your prayers and is faithful to guide you.

*Prayer of Surrender*

Heavenly Father, we come before You today with open hearts and hands. We offer your writing, creativity, and very selves to You. We surrender our doubts, fears, and anxieties to Your loving care. We trust that You are the source of all inspiration and have gifted us with the ability to share Your love and truth through our words.

Lord, we pray that You would fill us with Your peace, that our minds would be clear, and our hearts would be full of Your light. Inspire, guide, and strengthen us as we seek to bring forth stories that honour You.

Please help us write with courage, authenticity, and a deep sense of purpose. May our words reflect Your love, grace, and truth, touching the hearts of all who read them. 

We trust in Your perfect timing and Your plan for our writing journeys. May we be faithful stewards of the gifts You’ve given us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*Silence for Reflection*

Take a few moments of silence now. As you sit in this stillness, allow your thoughts to come and go. Let God’s presence fill every part of your being, giving you peace and renewing your creative spirit.

If any words, images, or ideas come to mind during this time, don’t force them—observe them. Trust that God is speaking to you in this quiet space.

*Closing Words*

As we come to the end of this meditation, know that God’s presence goes with you. May you walk in His peace and confidence as you continue your writing journey. Know that He is with you, guiding you, and inspiring you every step of the way.

When you’re ready, bring your awareness back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath, and slowly open your eyes. May you feel refreshed, restored, and ready to write with new purpose and clarity.

God bless you in your writing, and may His Spirit continue to guide you.

Creatively Yours,

The writing retreat this weekend is using exercises from Simplify. Download your bundle of writing exercises today and write to heal!

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Keep refining

Little Creatures, Perth WA.

The beauty of personal growth, is the fact that you never arrive. We live in a destination orientated world.

“What did you get for Christmas?”

“What are your New Year’s resolutions?”

“Where are you going this year on holidays?”

We start with the end point in mind and we are trained to assess the success of our everyday lives, from the things we attain, the places we visit and what we consume.

The destination is not a key performance indicator, especially in relation to the expansion of our leadership capacity or life’s goals. I think the growth that happens along the way, is the incremental joy, found with experiencing life through the lens of a curious mindset.

Today I pulled out my simplify journal, when it was a hard moment in my work day. I opened the pages to the letters to myself section and I started to journal in a way that showed up to what I was feeling. This is a powerful leadership tool, when you lead in spaces where things change constantly.

“Are we there yet?” Herald my children from the back seat.

When we own our feelings, give space to the insecurity and show up for ourselves— life changes. When we numb the reaction, it sits dormant under the surface, waiting to be waded through.

Life is muddy.

Growth is shocking.

Maturity is humbling.

Journaling is a powerful tool to help us reset the expectation of others and learn from our own stories. What stories have you been ignoring?

2024, was tough for us. The repeating misunderstanding of grief, held us captive. Cars broke down. Friendships stalled. Careers were redirected. The list continues.

The way we show up to the residue left from these experiences, is the insight required for the coming days. So here I am again, sitting in a little pub, in the outskirts of Perth, showing up to my pages. Let’s begin again.

Simplify is a yearly release with worksheets to help you reflect.

Simplify is designed to be a degustation, not just a one time sitting. My end of year review, is a daily contemplation to articulate the things held within my deep ocean. The desire for that which is difficult to express.

It does not need to be perfect. It is an unwritten rule of contemplation. The question is … when did you stop delving?

Is it time to return again and keep refining? Your end of year review and yearly intentions do not need to be set in stone, in fact the facilitation of thought and process, brings the gold lying deep within.

Creatively Yours,

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Less Voices— Simplify.

You can find any opinion that supports your views if you know where to look. The internet has created a buffet of information without the accountability of digestion.

In 2025, God said, “Fewer Voices = More Clarity”. Across many seasons of leadership, I have been the kind of person who values a company of voices: differing opinions, cultures and experiences than mine.

I believe in vast friendship circles and don’t believe in the Hollywood myth of a singular best friend. I have friends older than me, younger friends, and those who live in other countries with different upbringings and beliefs. I will sit at a table with someone of varying religions and am willing to explore the width and depths of humanity for wisdom. Some of my most meaningful friendships have walked daily with me in a season, and then that season changes.

I am well-connected across many different spheres. Yet, I often feel overwhelmed and lonely and look for wisdom outside these circles.

There are too many voices, opinions, stories and a lack of real-life application.

New Year’s Eve writing at Stellenbosch: Bertha Wines.

A few years ago, amid my New Year reflections, I decided to stop reading non-fiction books for a year. I realised I could buy and consume many life-changing philosophies, but it was just more noise unless the concepts were applied. So, that year, I only read fiction. I allowed my imagination to thrive and explored the creative side of writing for a while. It was a great year of reading and storytelling. I grew and still focused on professional and personal development without self-help books. Non-fiction books started to come back on my reading menu, however these days I have a steady stream of both.

Another year, I stopped purchasing new clothes. I realised I had over-consumed in this area and allowed other voices to determine my style more than my sense of expression. Fashion cycles come and go, but the impact on our environment is compelling. So, outside of a few second-hand swaps and op shop buys, I didn’t buy any clothing for a year. The noise of consumption was reduced, and I trained my mind to imagine new outfit combinations with a smaller and well-used cupboard of clothes.

The less voices theme for 2025 has developed from my online consumption, especially from Christian content creators.

What I am learning in this season from this warning, I believe whispered from God, is this…

Every word of knowledge, scriptural teaching, and opinion about the world around us needs localisation to bring about application and significant change. Preaching, teaching and reflection— should bring transformation, not comfort.

Who wrote the quote is just as important as my interpretation of it! Who filmed the clip is just as important as the message received. It is easy to listen to a podcast, but sitting with a pastor or counsellor on a couch and applying it holistically to our lives is more challenging.

It is easy to read a prophet’s post and accept it as gospel for our season, but the rigour required in interpreting the word involves skill. We all need accountability, but it’s unpopular in a world that prefers individualisation. Our over-saturated, content-rich worlds have created a buffet of inspiration that requires verification before we re-narrate its meaning for our lives.

This is why all social media apps this year have been removed from my phone. I am also attempting to decrease the number of people I listen to and consume online. I will use the time spent grazing to communicate deeply with a smaller group of people— in person and read the Bible for myself- with the Spirit of God bringing the application to my daily life.

Tomorrow night it begins with a group of local women pastors having dinner together once a month. I want to sit and listen to my local community’s needs and decrease the number of voices in my world. I’ve also said no to quite a few opportunities in my everyday life so I can focus more this year on finishing my master’s and learning more about my faith in this season with applied knowledge in my own life.

What big, courageous ideas have you been thinking about applying?

Whose opinions are noisy in your life?

How can you reframe their opinions through accountability and localisation?

I.e., how can you start to apply the inspiration rather than consume more and more ideas?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on my blog as I’m not on social media much this year, reframing my relationship with scrolling.

Creatively Yours,

My latest release is called Simplify. It is a series of journalling worksheets to help you find clarity.

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Resolve; why simplicity matters.


11 January

We are at the tail end of our trip home and it’s time to say goodbye to our family. Spending Christmas in South Africa, was a dream come true— a country of contradictions. As we have travelled from Stellenbosch through to Port Elizabeth, the clear impact of the class systems here shocked us.

Meeting up with Charl’s friend from primary school.

Each settlement that we passed, I heard my children ask for clarity with curiosity. They hear about poverty, the impact of the systems and injustice of our world regularly at our dinner table. However, seeing children play in dirty river beds, sewerage flowing onto the beach, watching families walk for miles upon highways and women stand alone on street corners. The stranger hitchhiking and the signs held at traffic lights by the homeless asking for money. The fear of car jacking and finding our belongings at risk was ever present. The misunderstandings etched into the soul of a culture, from years of colonialism.

We stood on a pier in Gqurbeha (Port Elizabeth), reminiscing about my husband’s youth and the times he spent with his family on the beach. I looked out upon hundreds of people swimming and I heard a sound from a group of men. They were singing. Loud, strong and free.

Their laughter and passion, made me smile. It was a sound of hope, an anthem of resilience and an expression of hope for tomorrow. I stood on the pier with the tension of so much challenge and violence, heartbreak and fear, yet creativity asked us to look beyond the horizon and look for resolve.

Each persons story made an impact yet it is difficult to see complexity and not be able to do something about it.

Since the beginning of 2025, I have removed all apps from social media off my phone. It’s an intentional separation of my life, to find more space for reflection. In an act of simplicity, I am intentionally quietening the stories I consume. I have quickly realised, with less scrolling, that I carry so many stories. I can’t help but absorb the emotion of the information that I am consuming online. Each post I read, each picture I observe, takes a moment of interpretation and asks me to respond. If I don’t respond, I am intentionally numbing myself to what I am seeing. This accumulates.

We have a choice, do we ignore what we have witnessed or do we engage? We are designed to respond. Empathy is the ethical response to the challenge of being human. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are digesting the information that you consume. Every highlight, lowlight and in-between, creates a reaction in our souls.

We have a choice do we numb these feelings? This has an impact. This translates into the way we communicate with the environments we exist within and the families we live our days with.

These last two weeks have been an unravelling of my soul. It’s like a tight coil of stories sits in my chest and I must untie them from my emotions. On social media I read stories of difficulty, I see the impact of your divorce, I know about your child’s diagnosis and I contribute to go fund me’s from strangers I’ve never met. Every day I am reading hundreds of stories, whether it’s a piece of artwork, your new business or the impact of something that you are expressing online.

Humans were not designed to carry this many stories.

We were designed to care for a handful of narratives. We were designed to hear about difficulties and respond with compassion. The more stories we carry, the more weight we absorb, without realising, we are unable to do something about the impact of the world around us and it loads.

Each piece of content, designed to engage my heart and life, means that I carry too many stories. My heart was not designed to lift the weight of the world. We were designed to live a village life. This enlarging of world, has meant I stay in touch with many more friends than I ever would have historically. Which is so beautiful, but it carries a cost.

The township of Addo.

Like tabs open on a computer, these tabs in our mind remain open and our soul needs resolve. We need to bring closure to the emotions we have shared. Life needs to be reset. I realised in 2024, I have so many online friendships, but they do not translate into every day relationships. I call these my 5 minute friends. Someone I can sit on my couch with an have a cup of tea. People who know the stories I don’t share online. Someone to hug and hold.

How have you resolved the stories you consume?

Has this online culture made you feel as alone as I have felt?

Paul speaks about our stories being letters written on our hearts. We are created to spend time with a group of people, to journey with them and to listen with compassion to their stories.

“You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to one known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” — 2 Corinthians 2: 2-3

The meaning of the word resolve is “settle or find a solution to (a problem or contentious matter). The ability to communicate and translate the stories that we are each consuming means we must find ways to express the concerns, the etching of our hearts and allow our minds to rest.

Peace is not just an external lack of conflict, it is also the internal settling of our hearts and minds, to be able to rest fully with resolve. One of my intentions for this new year, is to be more present to people in my local environments, than those online. My catalogue of stories in my heart, is overfull. My internal hard drive is at capacity. I need God to reset these places so that I can pour out my life with compassion once again.

Our world is writhing with stories of conflict, challenge and poverty. Our neighbourhoods are filled with need, children at risk and difficulty. We are asked to respond, but we cannot do something about every story we observe. We cannot do everything, but we can do something.

In fact, when I spend time with people helping and bringing resolve together, a conversation that brings insight and reflection—life becomes so much more meaningful.

In comparison when I consume story after story, read the news, hear strangers narratives and opinions, without the capacity to engage fully, my heart increasingly feels burdened by the state of the world.

My challenge to you today is this;

  1. How many stories are you consuming?
  2. Are you numbing yourself to these real people, with real challenges?
  3. How many 5 minute friends do you have?
  4. What can you do this year, to be intentional with them?

Let’s resolve to live life simpler. My latest journaling worksheet bundle is designed to help you unpack the stories you carry. Purchase simplify today and host a private retreat to reset your heart and mind.

Creatively yours,