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the best is yet to come

the best

How often do we think that our best days have past us?

We dwell in nostalgia, forgetting all the struggle and strife in those days, yet truly the best place for us to dwell is in this very moment.

We reminisce.

Those skinny years on the beach, those carefree moments in university without a mortgage and early morning wake ups. That job we loved and lost, those late nights at cafes with friends with no responsibilities and the list goes on.

Today I have woken with a very sneaky hunch. I baked banana bread for my favourites and smiled at the days to come and thought…

‘The best is yet to come.’

It is resounding in me like a song that plagues.

‘The best is yet to come.’

I kinda have a feeling that this promise is not just for me and mine, but you and yours as well.

‘The best is yet to come.’

The reason I believe this, is every new day has potential to be something magnificent that we have never experienced before.

To be captured.

To be revelled in.

To be lived.

The lessons we have learnt from those failures, have the capacity to gird us with strength for the new journey’s.

The people we have loved and lost, have taught us faithful lessons of patience, peace and what we are really worth in relationship.

Lately my little Maximus, has started noticing rainbows. Everywhere we go, he notices them, even when I don’t. The power of a rainbow, is it was created as a promise for tomorrow. Every time we see it, we know that God see’s and knows the struggles of today and he delights in the potential of tomorrow.

Every new day has a promise like no other and all it takes for us to step into it, is guarding our heart from the hurts of the past and stepping up to the promises of tomorrow.

What do you have to loose?

Step into new days, new moments and new possibilities.

Throw off the weights that hinder, they hold you back and do something brilliant towards your new day.

I’m inspired about tomorrow.

How about you?


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My ode to Maya


One of my favourite authors Maya Angelou, died this week after living a large life of communication, advocacy and overcoming insurmountable odds.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri she lived a life battling racism, abuse and hostility. Post the trauma of being raped by her mothers boyfriend she stopped speaking for six years.

Coming from a past full of oppression, who would have predicted this young mute girl would end up penning 30 books throughout her life, including powerful poetry and become a famous playwright.

20140531-182304-66184389.jpgI believe it just proves, the power of the human spirit to overcome any circumstance and love beyond our past.

“She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace. The family is extremely appreciative of the time we had with her and we know that she is looking down upon us with love,” her family said.

On Friday after news of her death, I called my local library and borrowed her first autobiography ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.’

I am currently immersed in the early years of her life as I read this riveting book.

One of my favourite quotes of hers is this;

I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they’re gone from your life. I’ve learned that making a “living” is not the same thing as making a “life.” I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one. I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou

Rest in Peace Maya.

You inspired hundreds of thousands.

You did good.


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Finding your unique

anyway two

Today’s post on Green Couture in the series Winter Hues went live today. The series has been about interior design and creativity.

My post today is titled Find your unique and here is part of my article;

‘I live in a beach flat, that was built in 1972. We live ten paces from the ocean and our house is built completely underground.

There is a lot of unique in our little patch of Australia, but my favourite part of our shack are the elements that make memories of the life we have lived within it.

Our unique.

Simple little elements that we highlight to bring character subtly.’

To continue reading, join me over on Kate’s blog.

Also standby, I have been working on some amazing guest writers for the month of August as well, when my little miss V arrives.

Enjoy finding your unique!

Speak tomorrow


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Debriefing Events Effectively

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Recently I was asked to do some consultancy on Event Management Debriefing. One key request from the client was for a debrief meeting overview that they could work through after a major event.

It’s been a long time since I have been an event manager, so I searched and searched and couldn’t find the meeting overview for a effective team debrief after an event I wrote a long time ago.

So I designed a new one and here is is to download for free;

Event Debrief

Back in the day, I would plonk everyone in the room who was involved and slug it out.

Today, I would do an event debrief very differently.

I would hold two different kinds of meetings.

1) Individual meetings with key team leaders.

2) A combined event forward planning meeting with all key players in the room.

Before the individual meetings would happen, I would ask the team leaders to consider the questions I have included in the overview above you can download for free.

At the combined team meeting, I would set clear boundaries (in the document above) about how the meeting is going to be run.

Hope this is helpful.

Debriefing is one of my least favourite parts of event management but I have found the quality of an event is always dependant on the teams ability to authentically debrief, learning from past events and building into the future.

Speak tomorrow,


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kind, brave and true


strawberries and creambrave

Most mornings we are woken by a two year old, suggesting strongly ‘Wake up, Mummy…’ ‘Wake up, Daddy…’

I am sure this sounds ultra cute but at 5.30 in the morning, when it is raining and cold, the cute factor wears a little thin.

This morning however, I opened one eye slowly, hoping that even the sound of that movement wouldn’t stir the troupes.

Then I remembered, our little morning man, had a sleep over at his Nan’s and the silence of the morning was golden.

As I opened my eyes again, the sun rising and the house stilled, I looked at a piece of artwork I had recently shifted to hang at the end of my bed and I contemplated.


My thoughts went a little like this…

Am I kind?

Am I brave?

Am I true?

I know in my day to day, there are moments, when I am far from kind. Wanting to slow down and be more intentional with my words and my moments.

I know yesterday, as I gathered courage about a situation in my world, I felt far from brave but I started a conversation that mattered and the heaviness lifted.

I know that often I exaggerate, in the wonder and joy of the moment and it is something I have been daily working on, to be more true to the moment and the information.

How are you going in these areas?

I sit here this afternoon, with a strawberry and cream tea, the wind blowing through my window and I am so grateful for time to contemplate.

I am so grateful, that these days my life is not busy, it is intentional.

I am so aware of the moments with my little ones, that pass so quickly.

Today I am aware of being kinder with my words, braver with my choices and truer with my conversations.

Delighting in those moments, that wash away so quickly.

Till we meet again tomorrow.
