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Place: Milkd

Poison: Skinny Cap- perfect brew by Lauchie

Favourite Things: The GTC & my travelling friends, GOLD COMBINATION…


We have been slightly obsessed with the cupcakes from milkd since my party. We have a supper tonight with the crewbies and Claudine is the chef of the moment, but the 20 cupcakes we’ve ordered from Milkd are the top of the craving list.

Why is it, when we taste something that we love, that we want more and more and more…Random thought by you know what for me, the more I taste of connection, God friends and especially spirituality I totally want more.

This weekend is the BIG weekend at Riverview, a time when we are spending most of the weekend with friends, family and at church. For some this sounds like a complete drag…Church the whole weekend. NO WAY!

For me, I am so expectant, so excited and the thought of spending time with the people I will be with, is the best place I could be in the entire world.

Seriously, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, other than in church, stilling my senses to the craziness of life and focusing beyond myself!

Cupcakes are the new GTC favourite, but hanging out in the house of GOD, with expectancy, joy and purpose is my favourite thing right now!

So if your in Perth, come along! If your in another country, Podcast the messages, it will be worth it, if your in another world, be with us we want and need it!

Cupcakes and God…

I reackon he’d be into it!

I know I am



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Place: Milkd

Poison: Whatever Lorenna made me!

Favourite Things: John Mayer in my ears…

Today as I was driving to milkd I was thinking all about the law of momentum! (andrea are you impressed, milkd and a new thought all in one!) Anyway, the big thought was ‘How is it when you are busier you seem to get so much more done, than the days that you have nothing planned.’

My own Answer ‘the law of momentum’…Event Management is all about momentum, and it is not something that you can force or muster up, its just something that is ridden.

In years gone past, when really busy I have stressed, driven and tried so hard to get everything done that needs to be done in the midst of manic event weeks. However this week is the busiest one I have ever had, in my 7 years of event management, but I am doing everything that I can to ride the momentum rather than force it.

Random thought, but a great one. On the days, months or seasons when you don’t have much on, enjoy that time, rest in it and restore. On the days, months, seasons where it is HUGE, manic, full on and jam packed, rise to the occasion, ride the momentum and go for it.

It is in those weeks more washing gets done, more tasks get striked off the list and more love gets shared.

Love it, harness it, enjoy it. There is nothing worse than a stressed out, manic, painful person who grits their teeth through the business of the everyday. If you’re hating it- change something. If you’re tired- sleep more and say no to something. If you’re busy- embrace the momentum, you never know what could unwrap itself in your life.



ps- if you are in Perth, get ready for the BIG weekend and Church Together this very weekend. Promises to be a weekend of MUCH MOMENTUM for our entire city!


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Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: Lebanese Food from Jihad’s resteraunt, and of course Miss Claudine in town!

Well, a big fat apology for the lack of posts, it has reflected in the number of hits so I am really sorry. The last week has been so full on, so great, yet filled with lots of real life moments also.

It started last friday with Tracy and Dom’s wedding which was such an amazing celebration of family and all things italian… Check out the GTC below;


Then My beautiful friend and amazing flatmate for a couple of years, passed away Nicola Trethewey. The funeral was so inspiring and reflected the amazing woman that she is. We had the most defining moment down at the beach as a memorial service for her where we threw 100 lilium’s into the water, it was such a fine send off into the land of eternity, for someone who carried such a great sense of another world already!

The South Building was Launched, and it went off with a bang literally. We lost all power right at the start of the service and it was so funny and stress-full all in one! With a bit of energy conservation (urns off, toilet lights out, candles lit) we were ready to go. With 390 people in the building it was a fine start to a memorable moment in history for our Church.

Then it came to friends arriving in droves for the big weekend and my 30th! I am so overwhelmed at the amazing way that everyone who has been around has celebrated together.

 The travellers- Ruth (Auckland), Sara(Brisbane), Claudine (Sydney), Hannah (Auckland)

We had a moving party on Friday night, starting at Milkd, then moving to a groovy bar with a fine funk duo, then it ended with port, krispy kreme’s, sticky date puddings and a solo jazz player at the north perth town hall. Can’t wait to post the photos!

Saturday we spent the day in Freo at Harvest, then Saturday night headed down to rocky for a pirate party with the fam! Thanks so much to my amazing family who celebrated in style.


Some of my amazing family!!!


Me and Charotte (God Daughter) on Saturday night!

The weekend plowed on with lunch at Little Creatures, then a supper last night with prawn linguni, spinich salad and icecream. More than the food though the toasts to life lived with people and the love that spans accross the oceans.

For those who couldn’t be with us this weekend, I dedicate this blog to you. I miss you and pray the best for you, you know who you are!

Anyways, should be back to normal with a event management packed week.

Promise to stay more in touch.



PS- I got the coolest digital camera for my bday, so standby for many more captured moments.

PPS- Just need to learn how to use it!!

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leunig and life

Place: Office

Poison: Lollies

Favourite Things: baby aquamarine blue jacket

I got given the coolest little book this week ‘Leunig- the book of common prayers’ and I have loved the simplicity within its folds.

Many of his random musings to God, make me smile, but this one is one of my favourites.


For those who can’t read it, it says ‘There comes a moment when all the cables, leads, battery chargers and power adaptors we have ever owned gather together and assemble themselves around us and ask the terrible question, “What happened to your life”…

I have seriously been asking that of myself today. I have waited 3 weeks to get my mobile back from the fixer man, and I have had major withdrawals from it. It is one of those blackberry/internet/phone/camera/everything in one little package deal.

However I have become so used to getting my emails whenever I want them, checking my diary 500 times a day, that I have lost perspective of what life was like without it!

It came back today and seriously you would have thought that I had seen Jesus, or at least won the lotto. However this mortal soul was in trouble as it STILL DOESN’T WORK!!!

So, after much counselling, a bag of lollies and some prayer later, I am sending it back, and hopefully gaining a bit of perspective at the same time.

Mobile phones and technology do not equal life!


They help, but they don’t dictate it. Turn off your phone during dinner, why not be wild and leave it at home sometimes and for the very daring send them back!



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the little things

Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: My new shoes…


I have been quite unwell the last few days, and with the South Launch, Tracy and Dom’s wedding and a big week of event management I have just not been myself.

To brighten my cold-filled world though, Miss Hannah has arrived from New zealand, and seriously she is like water to my soul.

In my sick, impatient state, she has just served and loved on me and made my busy days bareable. When your unwell, a shining light of inspiration is someone who notices the little things.

She walked down to 130’s early this morning and walked me back a long black! She has encouraged and loved me, made my bed, cleaned my room and those things just mean so much in the midst of cloudiness.

Much more to write about this beautiful woman, but not much time or energy!

I brought a T shirt in New Zealand in January this year that says ‘Be light in the darkness’ for me light is noticing and loving on those around you with the little things.

hmmmm, nice!


Ps- Trace and Dom’s wedding was fabulous, photos soon. An amazing night last night.