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Christmas Countdown

max christmas

The Christmas Countdown has begun in my home.

I haven’t put my Christmas tree up yet or succumbed to my obsessive desire to play my Christmisification list off spotify, but I did smile as I walked through woolworths this morning and a carol was heard by my wandering heart.

I spent the morning with my Mum and a few friends learning some new ideas for gifts this Christmas. My mum inspired a great love of the beauty of Christmas and all things homemade from a very early age.

She is a firecracker, always learning and so generous with everything she gathers. Just one year ago today I launched a little online ebook all about Christmas ’30 merry days.’ I dedicated it to my Mum and her amazing creative legacy.

It has 30 different Christmas homemade gift ideas and many links to Christmas creative websites.

With 44 days till go to Christmas, it is now time for this house to get making.

I am not that interested in the overwhelmingly gross commercialisation of this special holiday but I love people and generosity.

So you will find me crafting, giving, sharing and loving.

We have launched a new subscription option here on Capture on the front page. I’d love you to join the creative conversation.

Happy Days.

Let’s get creative this Christmas and share the beauty of the season.


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Quick to forgive, slow to let go of the offence.


(roses from my Aunty’s garden)

Lately I have been thinking a lot about forgiveness.

What it means to truly forgive someone.

How to move forward and find new ways to relate with people involved but not hold an offence.

These have been the deep wanderings of my heart that have surfaced over the last few weeks.

I am mostly quick to say sorry. I also try my best to say someone is forgiven as soon as possible, but it takes me months, sometimes years to forget or let go of the offence.

I will contact someone if I feel like there is a awkwardness or problem but I am realising that I can say someone is forgiven, but feel deeply wounded inside.







Last night we said goodbye to my parents in law and afterwards I stood under the full moon and hung out the washing that had piled over the days.

I found myself thinking about stuff I had forgotten over the week because I was somewhat blissfully distracted.

My thoughts were loud.

Like the layering of a flower, petal after petal, hue after hue.

I stood there mid hanging of sheets and refreshed my heart and my mind, determined to let go of that which was just not helpful or true.

Today I started a Mums and Bubs Yoga class. I sat and stretched, rolled and breathed, aware of the thoughts that often plague my mind.

Every breath and every stretch reminded me of my commitment to cleansing the stream of thoughts that commit combat in my internal world.

8 Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. 9 Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realised  Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. 10 I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess – happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. 11 Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. 12 I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Philippians 4: 8-12

How do we forgive and let go well?

I am not sure it is a quick exercise.

I am sure it takes time, depending on the size of the hurt and the depth of the wound.

One thing I do know though, is the more we confront these ebbs in our hearts, the quicker we are to admit our own fault and when we accept that sometimes the relationship will never be the same again, the more complete is our transition towards forgiveness can be.

What thoughts do you have about forgiveness and letting go?

I am thinking a lot about 2015 at the moment and I feel a hint of a direction towards spending the whole year writing and learning about friendships.


How to be a better friend?

How do we make friends?

De-bunking the best friend theories?

How to commit and let go in the midst of transitioning seasons?

Lowering our expectations of others and ourselves?

How to be a good friend to your partner for life?

Friends with similar hobbies?

Deep Spirited soul friends?

Friendship in an online saturated society?

I am thinking of focussing one month on each topic, getting back to how this blog began 7 years ago, with the focus on 30 days of change and reflection.

Anyways, maybe this is why I am so drawn towards forgiveness and letting go of offences in this season, in preparation for the new.

Ever learning, ever growing, I am a work in progress.

Till tomorrow




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off the grid

off the grid 6

off the grid

off the grid 4

off the grid 3

off the grid 2

off the grid 5

After nearly three years of being a stay at home Mum, I nearly wrote my resignation letter this week, got a job at my local cafe as a barista and bought a 4 X 2 from a catalogue in the suburbs.

I considered giving up this blog, settling into a mothers group and living a very quiet life.

Don’t feel sorry for me I haven’t had a hard week, it has been delightful.

Sublime, in fact.

My in laws have been here from New Zealand and we have been on a stay-cation.

I’ve fallen in love with my local area and my bodybuilder more than ever before and have been off the grid from social media and online communities.

The more time I have spent away from Instagram and its friends, the more I have embraced my moments with my family.

It’s a grapple.

It’s a fight.

I want to contribute and find a way to express and create, but I find myself wanting more and expecting more of my family when I compare myself to all of your lives.

I just don’t want to be that person.

I want simple.

But honestly I am far from a simple person.

I want ordinary but at the same time am bored very quickly.

I have realised my Bible has become more of a fashion accessory than a well referred to friend.

I have found little reminders of what lies deep in my heart surfacing through this time of reflection and relaxation.

I’ve been reading ‘Hands Free Mama’ by Rachel Macy Stafford and it has been encouraging me to lay down my distractions without feeling shame and resentment.

What is resounding in your heart these days my friends?

My heart has been thundering and I am okay with this, because the opposite is just not an option.

Till we meet again


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for life


Amanda 2I am just getting ready to go live on radio and talk about something that I have always found difficult. A few girlfriends and I started a little experiment a year or so ago and it has gone a bit crazy. Our goal was to celebrate womanhood and encourage women in the fact that we are not each others competition.

Life around my house lately has been quite wild, so writing here has been difficult but I am back and excited to be making a contribution even when it hurts.

My topic today for the live interview is eating disorders and I will be sharing my story about how difficult it was to overcome one in my life in my late teens and early twenties.

Our world is slightly (okay a lot) obsessed with our exterior image, but we don’t realise that everything shaped on our exterior begins its fruition on our interior.

The root cause of my eating disorder was worrying about what others thought about me and my desire to fit in. I may not be throwing up my food any more but I still battle this problem everyday. I battle after two babies in three years, a complete change of lifestyle and career, to find my equilibrium and use food as a fuel rather than a reward.

I grew up in a culture when there was always another diet or fad on the cards, I grew up in a dancing school that promoted ‘The skinnier the better dancer’, I grew up in the eighties wanting to fit into those MC Hammer pants and not look like a Oumpa Lumpa.

Many years of culture and decisions have left me as an adult wondering, will there ever be a day where I am not battling what I am eating from the moment I wake up.

My goal this Spring and Summer has been to walk everyday with my family.

To lay down my phone and engage with my family.

To make my food choices about wellbeing and health, rather than quick weight loss and shame.

How about you?

What are you struggling with this Summer?

We all are, just some of us are more open to confront it than others.

Tune in here: at 8.40 perth time for my interview, or take time to encourage another towards wellness this Summer rather than a desire to fit into a culture that promotes skinny as best.

Skinny is not successful, skinny can be very unhealthy.

Wellness, health, fitness these are brilliant pursuits.

Skinny can be very deceptive.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, get in touch with a health professional today and find strength in being honest and seeking health.

All my love


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Cheese and Bacon Shapes


I just walked in on my two year old Maximus feeding my three month old Liberty a cheese and bacon shape biscuit. I had left them for less than a minute whilst I went into the bathroom.




I’ve been planning for a few months now what her first taste of food would be; thinking about blending up some natural goodness, Avocado maybe or some apple stewed lovingly by a perfect mother.

Lovely thoughts.

Great Expectations.

Epic Bacon and Cheese Biscuit fail.

Honestly one minute I am completely loving having two children in my little abode and the next minute I want to run to a little island in the pacific and become a nomad.

Life never works out the way we predict it will.

No matter the imperfection, I am finding so much beauty in the ashes.

The ashes left after burning my pursuit of impressing you and finding reality enchanting.

Sometimes newborns taste bacon additives as their first meal and it is okay.

Life often unravels at the seams, we walk in and find our toilet training two year old shaking a poo out of his orange shorts and you just have to laugh.

Life is far from perfect and I actually love it.

Here’s a toast of green tea to writing in this little corner of the internet more often.
