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the dark night of the soul

dark night

I think there is a popular myth that we will always know what we are doing and why we are doing it.

We often run from the darkness in our souls, rather than embrace it.

When we find ourselves making decisions about our tomorrow with no certainty, we can feel confused.

There is an assumption that clarity equals success.

I do believe there are times of great clarity in ones life, but also many many days of walking through night like experiences.

One of my favourite old time spiritualists wrote this prayer;

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
Thomas Merton

Even the most successful of hero’s have had dark times of in-between.

People like Mother Teresa, are renowned for their famous writings of faith and encouragement, but many scholars attest to her many years of doubt and deep darkness.

Personally in my walk, most weeks there are days of doubt. Although it sounds like on this blog that I have very certain ideas about my life, faith, vulnerability, creativity…I spend many days in doubt fighting that certainty with a depth of courage.

If you are in a place of darkness right now and feel very uncertain about the next step. Feel assured that most people who have lived a successful life, an authentic life, a brave life, have walked through dark days.

This poem written by St John of the cross exposes his vulnerabilities in this area;

Upon a darkened night
The flame of love was burning in my breast
And by a lantern bright
I fled my house while all in quiet rest

Shrouded by the night
And by the secret stair I quickly fled
The veil concealed my eyes
While all within lay quiet as the dead.

O, night thou was my guide!

O, night more loving than the rising sun!
O, night that joined the Lover to the beloved one!
Transforming each of them into the other.

Upon that misty night
In secrecy beyond such mortal sight
Without a guide or light
Than that which burned as deeply in my heart.

That fire ’twas led me on
And shone more bright than of the midday sun
To where He waited still
It was a place where no one else could come.

The only difference between these amazing poets and inspirational people is they have found ways to keep walking through into their fields of peace.

What is it that makes the shutters come down and the dark envelop?

Discover your cross and you will be one step closer to stepping towards your peace.

See you tomorrow



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Today I had a big sleep in the middle of the day. I woke up feeling really guilty, but so grateful for the rest. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and I am not sure how I even worked with my first little bun in the oven till 8months pregnant.

Why do we feel guilty when we allow ourselves to do what is essential?

Lack of sleep equals a lack of inspiration.

Our hormones are affected, our ability to think quickly and ability to innovate is affected.

Our sleep patterns directly affect our output.

So why do we feel guilty when we sleep in, or we take a nanna nap, or we just go to bed early?

It’s almost like we have to hide it from one another, because there is this unwritten rule that we are being unproductive.

I have found in my own life, creating a good routine before going to bed, being proactive in turning my phone on sleep mode, reading before I go to bed, (rather than falling asleep in front of the t.v), a hot cup of herbal tea, a hot shower, worship music; all induce a more restful sleep.

Another tip is making sure that I process the day well and let go of the things I cannot change. If I am struggling to fall asleep to find quotes, meditations or scripture to fill my mind with goodness rather than worry as I fall into slumber.

How are you sleeping?

Do you need to plan a few Nanna naps to catch up?

Do you need to plan a bracket day? a stress leave day? A personal day?

Do you need to plan a PJ day?

Sleep equals productivity.

I know our obsession with busy, means even the notion of a siesta is coupled in lazy language but if you want to live a productive life.

You need to get better at sleeping.

Talk tomorrow



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Unique inspiration


Every person is unique, therefore what inspires us individually is always different.

A whole crowd of people can be watching the same performance or experiencing the same moment and respond to it completely uniquely.

What inspires your neighbour will bore you.

What enthrals you, won’t even be noticed by a friend.

My son Max is currently obsessed with helicopters.

He wakes up in the morning and the first thing off his lips is ‘helicopter!’

So most mornings, more often than not  you will find us together watching a helicopter documentary on YouTube and my eyes glaze over.

(I don’t care what components make up a helicopter, I am bored by 15 mins of non stop helicopter flying.)

My son however is enthralled.

The thing about inspiration, is so often we apply formulas to our lives hoping that the formula will make us feel more inspired or bring change.

What worked for someone else may never work for you.

Mostly because what inspires them is completely foreign to you.

We all have a inspiration language.

Just like the popular book Love languages, I believe in inspiration languages.

Do you feel uninspired?

What is your inspiration language?

What about music, candles, flowers, quiet, reading, friends, coffee, tea, space, cafés, metropolis, new cities, aeroplanes, like me?

Or is it something else.

Write down the things that inspire you?

Write down the atmospheres that inspire you?

Write down your most inspired moments.

They become your clues.





Go back to your list.

See you tomorrow

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I had a dream last night that I was frozen in an icey pole.




Overwhelmingly so.

The subtle nature of our psyche cracks me up though.

My new health regime means no icey poles or sugar for this junkie, but at the same time my heart constantly longs for freedom.

Waking up feeling stuck was the most awful feeling.

I was freaked out.

How about you? Do you stop change in it’s infancy stages because of fear of lack of freedom?

Do you feel stuck?

It’s funny the things that hold us back from making changes, the little things that make us feel constrained, restricted and overwhelmed.


We can also get stuck in our creativity.

I had a pretty awful experience last week with this blog and despite my humility and recognition of fault, the person I was communicating with didn’t make the interaction very amicable.

It made me feel stuck.

It made me feel like never opening myself to vulnerability and creating again.

Quickly though I realized that we are never going to be able to please everyone, we all make mistakes and we were not created to live in a stuck place.

This new health regime is going to bring freedom not rules, it’s just the way I look at it.

This scripture sums it up for me at the moment.

Psalm 119:

45 And I’ll stride freely through wide open spaces as I look for your truth and your wisdom; 46 Then I’ll tell the world what I find, speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed.

Here’s a toast to wide open spaces dear friends.

Life lived where the icey poles melt around us and that which has kept us contained melts away.

Stay true to your commitments.

Bring changes that will set you free.


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Sore feet and happy heart

20140203-210355.jpgDay one of my new health regime, Day 34 of my #inspire14 project  and I sit here with very sore feet and a happy heart.

Watching all the pictures of the little ones going off to school today made me smile, but I felt like I had my own first day today, getting back on the exercise/ healthy eating wagon.

Why does it take so much effort to do the things that make a massive difference?

When I exercise, I feel amazing after.

When I eat well, I feel clearer and more inspired.

Entropy happens though and those chips at my friends house, the bar of chocolate, the lure of the couch, they  all win the battle.

I know it is only day one but I am hoping the sore feet and the happy heart last.

What is it that you have been putting off?

What do you need to live inspired in 2014?

Write it below and maybe this first step will lead you towards accountability and the first baby step towards making the change tomorrow.
