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SPARC inspired

erwinSquareTwitterI have just come back to earth after an amazing weekend spent with creative people from all over Australia. There were many themes throughout the conference but the most resounding one was ‘A life of authenticity’.

I believe everyone is creative. It is just how we allow that creativity to pervade every part of our lives that is the problem.

The guest speaker for the conference was Erwin Mc Manus who is a regular speaker at TED conferences.

He spoke openly and honestly about his creative pursuits, the future and his failures. To hear someone who we perceive as being so successful talk about all the things he had failed in, was so refreshing.

Here is a highlights video of our conference:

If you would like to come with me next year, blind registrations are open here:

Here is a message from a few years ago from Erwin Mc Manus for those who have never heard him before.

Exciting Days


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Somedays I am overwhelmed with perspective about how much is available to us in this day and age.

I was flicking through a website that profiled photos from history and this one stopped me in my tracks.


This photo was taken after a bookstore was bombed in war in 1940.


I was texting a friend today who was upset about something that had happened in her life and quickly I reminded her how truly blessed she is.


Books for us maybe so background, but for those who have no access to information they are a privilege.

What annoys us, others would give anything to have.

Last night I watched a program about a woman who went to extreme lengths to fall pregnant, yet others scream crazily at their kids not realising others would do anything just to hold one.


Sometimes it’s a photo, sometimes it’s a conversation, sometimes it’s a revelation.

We all need perspective sometimes.

That problem your facing may be a dream unrealized for someone else.

It’s all determined how we look at it.


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risky business

‘Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.’ Oprah Winfrey

Safe creativity is possibly the worst type of innovation there is. You know that song that just pervades the elevator, you know that painting that is passed by because it just fades into its environment, that event that was ummm nice?

To be a true influencer of culture, to create something that has never been created before, one must take risks.

Playing it safe, knowing what your creative outcome will be is no fun at all and in the end you end up reproducing someone else’s vibe.

Copying another’s work, rather than taking the due diligence, to create your own is as fake as some of your instagram accounts.

I have copied a quote and photo here and there, off pinterest in the interest of a quick fix, however the most rewarding creative times I ever have are when I am creating something completely new.

If you are not failing, it’s probably likely that you are playing it way to safe.

If you are not taking any risks then it is very likely your work may be a little too beige.

Risky creativity is challenging and thought provoking.

It stops you in your tracks.

It is vulnerable.

It is authentic.

It is anything but safe.

‘I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.’ Marissa Mayer

Breakthrough creativity is that which is full of risk.

Take some today.


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Creativity: the good, the bad, the ugly

human lifeTonight I am speaking to a group of creatives who have set aside a year to learn more about their craft and its impact on our world.

I love Ken Robinson, I have read all his books, I love his take on creativity and its impact on society. His quote featured here is so true.

We are all inherently creative.

My workshop tonight is titled;

Influencing Culture Creatively
the good, the bad and the ugly

The premise of my workshop comes out of this documentary and also my personal experience over many years of leading creative souls.

If you would like the notes from my workshop tonight, you can download the pushnotes app, from the app store or this website: and type in this code to download the notes: 13n7

I have seen and encountered much ugliness in the name of creativity.

I have endured many tantrums, many diva’s and much self promotion.

In my experience, when a creative person realises that they are a creative conduit, rather than a gift to the world, the amazing capacity for them to influence culture irrevocably is breathtaking.

I believe you were created by a creative God and your creativity was designed to reflect him and bring inspiration to those around you.

The good: I believe creative influencing is based in bringing inspiration to others so that they can live a life of inspiration ultimately meeting the creator of all things.

The bad: I believe is provoked when people try to seek validation from their creative pursuit to feel better or okay about themselves.

If your creativity is based in filling a deep void of self worth and esteem, you will end up living a very unfulfilled creative life, full of despair and darkness. Seeking praise and affirmation from others. A cycle of deep seeking, a thirst that will never be quenched because in the end flattery and peoples accolades can never fill that place of disconnect, because the motivation is toxic.

The ugly: I have found the ugliest creative endeavours are those that are based in self promotion and pride. When people are desperate to make their mark and leave a legacy which is full of greed and selfish pursuit. You can see it. Selfish art is egocentric. It is ugly. On the outside it looks so pretty, but it is shallow, it is full of pride and its all about the artist not the person who receives the expression.

You were created to reflect something far greater than yourself and when we lay down our own selfish ambition and pride and work together to bring a fresh perspective to others so that they may live an inspired life. That is truly a life that impacts and changes culture generationally.

Its a very fine line.

creative influence

One that is worth much study and pursuit in my opinion.

Live a large creative life friend.

However be careful about what motivates the intensity of this creative pursuit. I truly believe the proverb that says ‘Pride comes before a fall’.

I have seen it too many times.

All my love


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The barrenness of busyness

I would prefer to live an intentional life than a busy one.

I see lots of collaborating, I see lots of coffee catch ups, I see lots of hurrying but the question is…

Are you actually intentionally building or producing anything?

Sometimes we can be so busy, that we don’t even stop to think whether our busyness is fulfilling someone else’s desires or our own.

It is easy to spend our days busily, stressed out on endeavors that are unfruitful.

Sometimes a day of rest, a sabbath space of reflection, with time alone can be the most fruitful part of your whole week.

As a creative when you write down a business plan, you reflect on your direction and why, when you write a task list and stick to it, when you make appointments with intention, you will create a scaffold to your week that brings much fulfillment.

If you listed what your did this week, how much of it was wasted and full of stressed out rushing?

How about saying no to some things so you can start saying yes to the life of your dreams?

Busyness can truly be a wasteland. One which I believe robs our souls of deep contribution to the legacy we are leaving on this earth.

Deep waters today.
