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Last year I was a creative consultant for Easterfest. It was crazy.

I had my little maximus running around the festival site. He was less than a year old, my husband came also and we were blown away.

I have just finished putting together some creative concepts for Easterfest this year.

creative concepts

Would you like to join me?

It is going to be crazy.

Email me with your ideas, or go straight to the event organisers and pitch your ideas.


There is enough creativity to go around.

Lets create together




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God is a designer


Some days I get to a point where I feel like I cannot come up with another idea.

No more.

I’m done.

I’m tired, I am parched, I have seen too much, done too little with my ideas and I feel overwhelmed.

A consumer generation has convinced my heart that there is no new idea under the sun.

Then I walk, twenty metres out my front door, at about 5.25pm at the moment and watch the sun go down.

The pelicans fly back to their island home in formation.

The penguins flurry.

The seals huff.

Everyone gets ready for the night to settle and peace to reign again once more.

Every sunset is different.

There is never one that is exactly the same.

It doesn’t matter how many times I have watched it, I am still bedazzled at the colours, the quiet, the potential and the beauty.

You don’t need to be at the beach to experience its call.

You could be sitting in traffic on the freeway and watch its colours pique and declare the presence of one greater.

There are millions however that don’t see the designers artwork that is fleeting.

dirt-pathLook up and look beyond.

Allow inspiration to arise again.

There are new ideas, there are new opportunities, the creator of the whole universe avails them to us every evening and then again in the morning tide.

He is a designer

He is a creator

He is unique and we are created in his indelible image




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the creative posse

imageThe greatest challenge in my change of season has been getting my head around who my creative posse is.

After working for over a decade with a group of people, who took massive risks together, created large and failed extravagantly, its a massive change in dynamic. I mostly work by myself and the with groups of people that I will be with for a small amount of time inputting creative direction, thoughts or moments, but its not an ongoing opportunity with the same group of people.

Discovering a team of people who I can create large with and trust with the vulnerability of the creative process is a huge journey.

That is what I miss most about being in a part of a team who work towards a common goal. Often its not until you loose something that you realise its value.

I’m naturally a people person and I really enjoy throwing ideas around and living a communal life of creativity.

In the charts of a personality type I land very close to the middle of introvert and extrovert.

(insert here this song; cracks me up! For those who watched X factor last year)

I’m not extreme in the extrovert graph scales, I like time to process and when my house is quiet and I walk the tiles by myself and something peaceful settles on top of me. It’s actually something sacred. The quiet, the space, the moment of reflection arrives.

I can’t stay in that place to long though. The walls start to crowd, the noises start to creak and I want to talk to someone, anyone or anything…

Yesterday I did a creative workshop with a group of radio presenters and one of my discussion points in the workshop was ‘Who is your creative posse?’

A posse, is a group of like minded people who have your back. A group that is travelling in the same direction, yet not the same, just a group that celebrates strengths, forgives weaknesses, doesn’t steal others ideas, takes time to honour each other and listen.

A group that travels the sacred path of creativity safely, knowing that the creative process is a vulnerable one.

People who have your back.

People who you don’t have to tread lightly over massive egos.

People who bring out the best in you, not your worst.

People who are loving and kind.

These kind of friends, or posse don’t come along everyday and often you don’t realise how special the posse is until they have disbanded.

How can you create a posse?

How can you keep a posse together?

How can you create well with other people?

I have found in my experiences, the thing that kills a posse quickest is arrogance and pride.

When people access creativity with humility, acknowledging that WE is more important than ME, something very unique occurs.

Humility doesn’t mean shrinking back though in the presentation of ones ideas, thoughts, or creative endeavours. It just means we hold our ideas lighter and realise that as we sharpen the reflection of the ideas as a team, we can bring something so much more solid, than the one perspective that you bring alone.

Nothing of value in the history of the world has been built by one person. It is always built by a posse of people working together for the greater good.

If you see someone who looks successful, famous or inspirational, there is always someone in the background who has sacrificed for that person to excel.


A mother.

A father.

A stylist.

A producer.

A teacher.

A husband.

A wife.

A child.

There is always a posse.

It’s just whether we value the input the posse brings or not.

Value and appreciate your posse today and if you don’t have one, humble yourself and begin to build.


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be the change

We live in a period of history, where truly you can come up with an idea and then find the resources and capacity to pull it off.

The internet and social media has enabled us to create our dreams at a fraction of the price it used to cost to innovate previously.

I often meet creative people who are passionate about change. They catch the heart of vision to make a difference in our world, but live far from the dreams and desires they feel burning in their hearts.

Have you had an idea that you are stuck where to from here?

Do you feel deeply about issues, that you want to make a step forward and create change?

Well I wrote a book just for you.


It is a 30 day journey, that starts from Perth, Western Australia and travels to Bangkok, Thailand. A 30 day inspiration guide, that combines thoughts about creativity, poverty and innovation.

I wrote this book ‘capture 30days desperate for change’ hoping to release some people from the fear that stops them from realising their dreams.

The best part of this story is that it is free.

I kept the price down, by designing it super simply, a downloadable PDF book, that you can open up on your ipad, e-reader, computer or phone and start to do the journey together.

You could even print it and write into the workbook. If you do, take some photos and share with one another on here or my instagram or facebook.

Download today and write into me.

I would love to hear what inspires you towards change.


Capture Life with me


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getting stuff done

This week I have had a few conversations with creatives about task management and effective planning. (I have probably lost half of you already)

Most people I know (who are overtly creative) struggle with time management, especially those who are creative entrepreneurs who work full time or mummy 24/7.

It is so funny, in this season when people ask me what I do, I tell them ‘I’m a stay at home mum and more?’. It is always said with a smirk and a smile.

The reality is, I have all the time in the world but it is broken into small segments. Between toilet training, climbing practice, toy smashing and food championship throwing, I am running a business, a key leader in a women’s network, on the board of a creative enterprise, always writing a new book in my mind, big sister, speaker, collaborator, husband cheerleader, head chef and consultant in creativity.

I need tools for time management. I mostly use my emails to set my task lists but as my consulting business grows and more networks are created, this is not working for my new season.

I recently read an article about a time management technique called ‘POMODORO’. It was designed in the 1980’s by a man called Francesco Cirillo. You can read more about this technique here: Pomodoro Technique

It is actually quite simple and I have found it lately really effective.

Here is my modern mummy take on it:

1) Turn your phone onto silent or flight mode

2) write a list of what needs to be accomplished: tool one

3) Set your timer 25 mins (a kitchen timer, your iPhone or download an pomodoro app)

4) Close down all social media applications or windows or apps.

5) Close down your email. (mum’s put your children to bed, close the door and turn your music up.)

6) Start your timer and start task one.

7) After 25 mins, have a 5 min break. Go get a coffee, a glass of water, chat to a friend, flick onto a website/ social media something for 5 MINS ONLY!!!

8) Go to task two. Start 25 min timer again.

9) repeat 7 & 8 two more times.

The Pomodoro Technique from Pomodoro Master on Vimeo.

You will be so surprised at how much you can get done in two hours. If you work in an office setting. Block out two hours in your diary and do this process and you will be astounded at how fresh your work space will be and what you will achieve.

I have made a downloadable task managment sheet here: get stuff done

Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 11.13.01 AM

This will also help you define what you need to do in a couple of hours.

Honestly I spend so much time mucking around, to be more effective and to bring my best to the opportunities in front of me is such a good thing.

Hope this helps.

Comment below on how you go here.

Till we meet again
