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20140201-203246.jpgBeing pregnant has amazing benefits; growing nails, growing hair but many challenges as well.


Weight gain


Honestly I have been struggling with my weight this pregnancy. I hadn’t lost the weight from my first pregnancy, I was exercising and we eat mostly well, but I really wanted to be in a better place before falling pregnant again.

It’s funny, because this area of my life, affects my inspiration, it affects my productivity, it affects my marriage.

It is core to every part of me.

The last 12 weeks or so, I have been pretending that it is no big deal, but really it is.

Every week as I grow bigger and do less exercise, I am feeling worse and worse.

So today I took charge.

This monday a new round of Michelle Bridges 12 week course begins and I have decided to do the pregnancy program.

I have put it off so many times because I use the excuse of pregnancy, busyness, life, anything to stop me from making a commitment that will take charge of my health.

It is a big commitment, but I am believing taking hold of all the excuses of why I shouldn’t and bringing forth all the reasons why I should, I have committed to making change.

Pregnancy can’t be my excuse anymore. I will be healthy about it, but not exercising is not an option.

The way I eat and the way I exercise, clearly affects my mental health and my inspiration output.

My creativity is directly affected by the way I treat my body.

My relationships are directly affected by the way I exercise and consequently feel.

No more excuses.

What are the excuses that are stopping you committing to something that really needs to change in your world?

12 week’s starts on Monday.

Oh my.


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Make beautiful things


The last two nights my husband has been on nightshift so I have had plenty of time to myself.

A bit of crochet, a bit of reading, a bit of Downton Abbey, okay a lot of Downton Abbey!

One of my dear friends is about to give birth to a little baby girl, so I made some little bits for her.

The funny thing about creativity is it is so satisfying. I know its a gift for someone else, but I feel like I’m the one that has been given the gift. As the little precious things begin to appear out of a ball of wool, my heart sighs.

Crochet may not be your thing.

In fact I would pretty much guarentee it.

But what is your thing?

What is it that you were designed to make?

I believe everyone feels the most satisfied when they are producing what they were designed to make.

You all have a make button.


Some days we just need to find that button and then keep practising and get better at it.

Do you like to draw?

Then draw.

Get great at it.

Do you like to cook?

Then bake.

Get brilliant at hospitality.

Do you like to write?

Then write and keep on writing.

Find your make button.

We all have one.



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even though it tarries

Do you feel frustrated at your journey?

Are you over waiting?

Are you sick of the in between place?

the journey

Well you are not alone.

Today one of my bestie’s and I snuck away to the movies quietly in the middle of the day whilst I was in between conducting interviews and she was on the way to work to go live on radio.

We had previously sneakily made a plan, because there was a movie we both wanted to watch that no one else in our sphere wanted too.

We were so excited about our plan that we thought we might make a secret movie club on the last friday of each month in the middle of the day as it feels so naughty.

Back to the movie.

It was ‘The Hobbit’.

I have heard such mixed reviews about this movie, but I was savouring the epic-ness of the journey in this film. As I was recently surrounded by hype in New Zealand when it premiered, I have been surprised to hear people bag it here in Australia.

Most of the comments have been ‘It’s just too long.’, ‘They just walk and walk and don’t seem to get anywhere.’, ‘Like how long can you watch a group of people go on a journey!’ or ‘Boring!’.

Today as I watched the film, I was spell bound. Like literally on the edge of my seat, my friend Sara, shouting out loudly in parts, enthralled.

We loved the journey.

We loved its epic genre.

I think some of the feedback shows the age we have been born into. The age of fast, quick, consumerism, over night reality stars made famous culture.

We want stories and journeys to move quickly and at our fast pace, as we munch popcorn and check our phone five (or fifty) times throughout the movie.

We are the ones who have become boring. We are bored so easily and I think the discipline of a slow, unfolding, all encompassing journey is to be savoured.

I think this is why we get bored with our own stories.

I believe we become frustrated when our dreams are slow to tally.

I think we are tricked into believing times of hiddenness or slow development mean that God is missing in action.

I believe God savours the slow moments. I believe he delights in the hidden seasons, because they are times of growth and development.

If you feel frustrated because the dream tarries, then take time to count the growth and the opportunities that avail. If you haven’t done my reflection pages, then maybe this might help you gain perspective.

I love this quote from Saint Teresa of Avila

journey 1(#inspire14 : I am doing a visual diary entry for every day of 2014, if you want to choose to do something everyday this year and join me, use the hastag #inspire14)

The feeling remains dear friend that God is on the journey with you.

Even if you don’t feel or know that he is present.

He is.

Trust me.

Or don’t, that’s cool, look for him in the small details.

I think you will find his smile.

He shines in the hidden place.

Love 2014



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day one: martha

20131120-083322.jpgAll those New Years celebrations I spent wistfully in the corner imaging what life with my own little family would be like, were far from the reality of my hours spent seeing 2014 in last night.

It started off so perfectly, best friends gathering, BBQ’s and yummy food awaiting.

Great conversation.

Sublime Music.

A windy, sultry, night at our beach shack with the ones we love.

My little man Maximus, went to bed quietly after sneaking a couple of chocolates that are usually off limits.

The sake bottle was opened, Double Brie cheese started to disappear, the night was settling in to be great.

Then the wheels started to fall off. A little yelp from a bedroom down the back of our shack and I went to check on my little man. He wasn’t feeling great, a high temperature, very unsettled and then I started feeling unwell also.

Our friends continued to party and as I held my little man, a massive explosion of vomit went everywhere, I mean everywhere, in my hair, in my bed, all over my New Years outfit, pillows, rugs and I’d sure you can imagine the rest.

Oh 2014, I heard my friends wishing each other Happy New Year, the bell tolled the turning of another year and I was cleaning up a massive mess.

Honestly I am laughing out loud. I dreamed so often of having a family and a husband and doing life simply with them.

I think we have these high romantic notions of what our future dreams are going to be like, but the reality is, living the life of our dreams is actually really hard work.

We can dream, explore and come up with all our notions of goals and set great expectations for the year to come, but are you willing to get dirty to make these dreams reality.


To pour salt into my already vulnerable wounds (smile), my mum gallantly arrived this morning with her annual shoe box full of patron saints. Each year we choose a saint for the New Year and my mum loves this tradition dearly.

Guess who my saint for 2014 is?

Saint Martha.

(each day of 2014 I have committed to doing a visual journal, this is my entry from day one.)

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

Martha. Yes the one that the saying ‘Don’t be a Martha’ comes from!

She is well known to be a woman of hard work and substance.

Today four loads of washing later, the aftermath of our little dinner party and the usual breakfast shenanigans of a nearly two year old my heart is happy.

I am smiling as I lean into this year knowing for me to achieve the things I desire of this year, it is going to take hard work, discipline and sheer determination.

Oh Martha, the patron saint of ‘Housewives’, please help me.

So funny.

Here we go 2014.

Here comes the hard work.


Ps- I have been so overwhelmed at all the images coming in from all over the world of people doing their reflection pages, if you would like to join us: There are two opportunities.

1) Choose to do one small thing every day for 2014 this is called #inspire14

2) Do these reflection pages and lean into this new year with gratitude.

Happy New Year!

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Pressing forward


I have a large and varied group of friends. I count myself very privileged to call many of them best friends. People I have walked journey’s with over many years. People who have supported me in times of stretch, struggle and disappointment. If I went through each story by story, the pain, the tears, the struggle of the last few years has been terribly tragic.

Story after story of heartbreak.

Story after story of tragic loss.

Many stories.

If I could start to tell you their stories now, compassion would rise and perspective would be gained at the intensity of the lives that we all live together.

I have realised as I get older and the more human lives I encounter, the deeper the sense of loss and pain I find mixed in with their greeting.

strength quote

We all have pain.

We all have loss.

All of our stories are completely different and some of our stories are marked with more tragedy than another, but each of us has felt the bitterness of losing hope and disappointment.

How do we keep pressing on despite the pain?

How do we make new decisions to stop focusing on the past and lean hopefully into the future?

I believe we need to do both.

Process the past and hope for a better future.

Last night I heard a really challenging message that strengthened this belief I have. One of the main scriptures from this message was from the book of Philippians, the message.

12-14 I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

Are you facing backwards dear friend?

Has pain, tragedy, disappointment, hurt, people, kept you in a holding pattern?

Are you swimming in one of those resistance pools and you feel like you are not getting anywhere, year after year?

Are you longing for breakthrough?

2014 can be that season of breakthrough, I believe it. I honestly with every fibre of my being believe that new and great promises are ahead.

Take time to talk with a friend, ask for prayer, take time to meditate and let go of that which holds you back.

I created a list of questions that I do every year at this time: Reflection Pages

Maybe these will help you?

Also I have started something called #inspire14 where people all over the world are deciding to do something very simple every day of 2014. I am drawing and writing in a visual diary and posting it online.

Sometimes, all that is required for breakthrough is a small decision, repeated over and over again, to march you into a new place, a new time, a new season.

My prayer at this time of transition between 2013 and 2014, is that you would find the confidence to confront that which is weighing you down and find the hope to press onwards towards the prize and the calling for which you were born for.

All my love


Ps- tomorrow is the closing date for my creative internship applications, if you have been meaning to apply, it’s not too late.