Just a couple of days ago, I took this picture whilst walking early morning near my island home.
The bay was quiet, with a lone fisherman pulling in his sea loot and he waved a simple hello.
As I walked I was thinking about the same piece of beach, that if I walked it everyday it was just a little different. Somedays it was windy, other days flat, some mornings full of seaweed and others as clean as can be.
The same piece of beach a different canvas of changing shapes and colours daily.
It was this thought that made me think about my little family. It is exactly the same. Little changes, little moments, somedays moody, the others as calm as the bay as the sun rises.
This week my little Liberty turned 6 months old and I was reminded of my simple thought as I took her away from the hospital. Brain pictures. Little moments to celebrate the ordinary and to love the journey of progression even on the days that it just felt like ground hog day.
And here we are.
6 months later.
She now feeds less, sleeps a little more, eats a lot more and uses her voice with its extremes. Her personality shines through more and more each day and I no longer have a newborn.
Days I would have wished away, if I hadn’t taken time to notice the little things.
The look she gives me when she discovers my eyes across a room. The sounds she makes as she tires from learning all her new skills. The faint birth mark on her hip and stomach, that can only be seen when they are looked for carefully.
Moments of stretch.
Moments of bliss.
Moments I will never have again.
Are you in a season that you are struggling to find something that you are grateful for?
Keep looking for the moments. Because just as Summer is about to turn to Autumn in my little seaside shack, so your season will change and what you once despised may be the very thing you will be aching for once again.
Moments of quiet.
Moments of solitude.
Moments of beauty.
Deep breath here today as we keep moving into new days.
Six months.
Where did they go?