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blank canvas

blank canvas

How often do you sit with a blank canvas in front of you?

Whether it be an empty bowl before baking something from scratch, a blank sheet of paper before you write, a canvas awaiting oil paints, a journal wanting to soak up your thoughts, sitting at a piano awaiting the presence of a melody to form a song, a ball of wool and a crochet hook…

We each have passions awaiting to be expressed.

We each have opportunities that pass us because we are unwilling to create the space and the time to sit in the uncomfortable moment of a blank canvas.

A space of unknowing, a space of fear of the outcome, an uncomfortable place.

It’s so fine and yet so terrible to stand in front of a blank canvas.
Paul Cezanne

We need to sit comfortably in this place of discomfort.

Somedays we just need to allow the paper, the white space, the moment to envelope us and then dive into possibility.

What if we miss that moment?

That space albeit blank can never be recreated. That same mix of emotions, that same weather, that same drink sitting beside the canvas, that same outfit you have intentionally picked out, the song in the background, the smell in the air.

Every moment has possibility to bring something new and fresh.

Sit before a blank page today.

Sit before a blank canvas today.

And just wait.

Something brilliant will happen, if you lower your expectations and allow the opportunity to just surface.



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taking stock: May


thailand 2

Making: Beanie’s like a mad woman, for Create an event that I am speaking at in a couple of weeks.

Cooking: with my slow cooker. Autumn, pregnancy and a toddler is fuelling my current obsession.

Drinking: Coconut Water. I am slightly obsessed with this one: Coconut Essence

Reading: The time keeper. A mothers day present from my God daughter; it is brilliant.

Wanting: to replace my lost LAMY pen. I feel stuck without it.

Looking: through old photos and found the boats above, that I took in a little bay in Hua Hin, south of Bangkok and wanting to go back there.

Playing: with buttons, lace and material for my soon to be born miss v.

Wasting: time

Sewing: lace and love on crocheted goods.

Wishing: I had more time to catch up with my closest friends for coffee and just chat.

Enjoying: that Offspring is back on Tv.

Waiting: for the obvious. 60 something days till miss v comes to town.

Liking: that my herbs are growing ferociously with the autumn rains.

Wondering: why women compare and compete so much and why de-friending on facebook is a thing?

Loving: My husband and how hard he works for our family.

my beloved

Hoping: for friends to have babies and sisters to find love.

Marvelling: at the massive growth spurt my Maximus is having at the moment.

Needing: to organise myself more before we have a newborn in the house.

Smelling: Black Coconut Candles by Yankee Candles. Be still my smelling heart…

Wearing: A knitted scarf, white, chunky and homey.

Following: Baby Boy Bakery. I think my heart may just fall apart if I think too much more about her story at the moment. (Instagram explains what has happened @babyboybakery)

Noticing: How important it is to keep conversations open, even when I don’t want to.

Knowing: That God loves me and is desperate to meet with me each and everyday.

Thinking: About my next book and why it is taking so long for me to find the words necessary.

Feeling: a little better, post a crazy flu and a mental hip flare up.

Bookmarking: videos about russian nesting dolls. Im kinda obsessed for a message I’m preparing

Opening: Letters from my new pen pal from Post Mark Society.

Giggling: At my sons new word for Orange. It is ‘Oh- shit.’ Yep. He didn’t learn it from me. I promise.

(I found this idea first from Em here and it was originally from here.)

Taking stock of the little moments that are in your world and suddenly everything will feel a little brighter.


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mummahood and friendship


Yesterday was one of my closest friends birthdays. As I searched through year upon year of photos, I found myself reflecting on Mummahood and how it so radically changes friendships.

I have a large group of friends, who have been a great source of inspiration and strength to me over many years. A group of girls that for over a decade have been the kind of people that I can sit in my pj’s with, no make up and just talk.

Honestly say anything.

Sometimes my honesty has got me in trouble and these friendships have become thin, but in the end only honesty matters and these friendships have all survived times of difficulty.

As you grow older, you realise the friendships that you can say anything, anything at all are the ones that survive the test of time.

Also the ones that are forgiving. You know the ones that really forgive you when you are at your worst. The ones that believe the best in you. That would fight for your character. The ones that have been through hard times are always the ones that are stronger.

The ones that understand when you don’t call back, its not because you are being difficult, you are just stretched, stressed, overworked, underpaid and delighting in the moment.

The ones that light up the room when you find them unexpectedly at a function and a text message from them changes your day, your week, your month.


Engagement parties, love lost, expectations unmet, events pulled off.

Long phone calls, over long distances, mascara running, times of busyness and messy bedrooms.

Those people you could ask to pick you up from the airport at 3am, even though you know its a crazy ask and they do it, just so they can see you as you rush off to another destination.

The best part of these friendships is they are deep, but they are not full of expectation.

I think the greatest hinderance to riding the season of Mummahood well, with friendships is lowering our expectations.

trace wedding

Some of the girls in these photos, I can not see face to face, for months at a time, then rock up to their house for a cup of tea and the weeks melt away.

Trying to keep up with friendships that expect more than the reality of everyday life is just too hard in changes of seasons.

Honestly I have a list of ‘Have to…’ catch up with people at the moment and I want to see them all, but somedays I don’t even have time to catch up with the people I want to.

There are many reasons why this is the case.

We live far away from one another now and most of us have families and responsibilities and schedules to keep.

When I do get time to myself, I honestly just want to write and think and … have time to myself.

Wanting to stay connected and make a difference beyond motherhood, this takes up all my spare time.

Having two interns means all my baby sitting tokens are used up with my creative projects beyond myself.


The only way I am able to transition this season is by lowering my own expectations and making an effort myself to contact my friends even when it is difficult.

Phoning them and listening.

Driving to see them, even when I feel like I have done it the last five or six times.

Holding lightly and loving deeply.

Making every effort to seize the moments when they present themselves and love them.

If I spend the very little time I have feeling torn between emotions of not enough, I ruin the moments that present themselves.

Mostly, I try to get in touch with them outside of social media, so that we still have a private life, one that is full of secrets and giggles, moments and memories.

I love my group of friends, that I can run the beach in my pj’s on.

As a mum however, I just can’t stay up till midnight in leederville drinking coffee and eating cake anymore.

I can’t host big suppers and hang out over meals as much.

But I can love them at a distance, pray for them and stay connected.

Lowering my expectations and breathing life into our new normal.

Are you struggling with a change of season with a friend?

Hold lightly dear one.

You never know what could fly back when you are least expecting it and if you need time, softly, with fun and brilliance, make it outstanding.

Mainly by letting go of un-forgiveness, regret, jealousy, bitterness and revel in the moments.


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Crappy days crappy ideas


Somedays we just have crappy ideas.

We think something is going to fully pull off and it doesn’t.

Sometimes we don’t respond in the way we wish we did.

Somedays it doesn’t matter what you do but your photos are flat and your heart is dull and your mind is cloudy.

We all reserve the right to have crappy ideas.

It’s not until we get the bad ones out that the best ones surface.

When I was a creative director full time, some of the crappiest ideas gave birth to the best ones.

It is in the flow of the expression of them that we free ourselves up to think beyond the boundaries that confine.

If you feel like everything you are producing is a little blah.

Keep going, gold is about to be unsurfaced.

Till tomorrow
