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Strength on the inside


How do we cope when times of struggle and strain come into our lives?

I am often shocked when bad things happen to wonderful people, but I am learning this is just life.

I don’t believe God makes bad things happen to test us.

I don’t believe people gain trials and tests to make them stronger.

I believe wholeheartedly that we live in a fallen world, that is trying desperately to recalibrate itself and as a part of that process human, desperate, tragic and terrible things occur.

We will all be exposed to tragedy, trial, discomfort, betrayal, sickness, defaming and more in our lives.

What I am discovering however, is that some people respond to these challenges in their lives in different ways.

The ones that acknowledge the pain, who fall apart to begin with but then rebuild their lives, are people who have built resilience into their everyday.


the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

How do I rebuild after being made redundant?

How do I redefine my life after losing a loved one?

How do I find strength again after debilitating illness?

I am finding in my world, resilience.

Being resilient doesn’t mean going through life without experiencing stress and pain. People feel grief, sadness, and a range of other emotions after adversity and loss. The road to resilience lies in working through the emotions and effects of stress and painful events.

A great definition I found here is this…

Resilience is also not something that you’re either born with or not. Resilience develops as people grow up and gain better thinking and self-management skills and more knowledge. Resilience also comes from supportive relationships with parents, peers and others, as well as cultural beliefs and traditions that help people cope with the inevitable bumps in life.  Resilience is found in a variety of behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed across the life span.


In our bathroom, I have this little ship in a bottle.

Every morning when I brush my teeth and each night as I wind down ready to sleep, it stares at me from our bathroom ledge.

There is something about this ship, that speaks volumes.

I wonder who made it.

I wonder how far it travelled before it came to my bathroom shelf.

Mostly, it reminds me to build strength on the inside for when the storms come.

Strength on the inside, is not something that is easily built.

Piece by piece, strand by strand this ship has been built within the bottle, to create a masterpiece of resilience.

That is how we build resilience.

By addressing issues when they arise.

By having hard conversations when they niggle.

By cutting off things that drain and are toxic.

By pushing through and seeking wisdom in times of struggle.

Great friends, forgiveness, seeking peace, letting go of that which constrains, exercise, shutting down, rest, play…

These are just some of the ways I am learning to build resilience in my internal world.

What builds resilience in your life?

I’d love you to comment below.

Speak tomorrow




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taking stock april

charl and maxMaking: Little Wooley things ready for the new weather. My favourite is this beanie.

Cooking: Indian Lamb Biryani chasing away the flu and wishing away the 30 degree evenings.

Drinking: Flat Whites again. My coffee love is growing again, 25 weeks pregnant and I can handle a half in the morning.

Reading: The gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown again, as I have started her e-course online.

Wanting: to see less children in detention in Australia.

Looking: Issu an online magazine website.

Playing: with my camera

Wasting: time watching grey’s anatomy.

Sewing: Sleep sacks and little people pants ready for the New Miss Viviers

Wishing: Everyone would slow down on the roads this easter.

Enjoying: Crocheting these infinity scarves for friends for this winter.

Waiting: for snuggles with our new baby that is growing inside me.

Liking: Romans especially 12: 1-4

Wondering: about the Blood red lunar eclipse happening today and all the prophecies that go with it.

Loving: This song at the moment by Labrinth and Emelie Sande. The words, the beauty and the inspiration.

Hoping: For lion heart and great things to come from the mentoring project with young women in leadership I have just started at my local church.

Marvelling: At how many new words my two year old is learning every day.


Needing: to log off and slow down more often.

Smelling:  Big bunches of Fresh Rosemary in vases around my house.

Wearing: Pregnancy Jeans and hoping the weather gets a little cooler.

Following: Kinwomen

Noticing: How many mums struggle with online culture and competition between one another.

Knowing: That God is faithful, despite all the tragedy lately.

Thinking: about being single and over 30. Searching for thoughts and wisdom for my next book.

Feeling: a little flu-ey and sick.

Bookmarking: Free people blog

Opening: emails and letters from the dear single self project. (Looking for 6 more people to be involved.)

Giggling: watching the new girl.

(I found this idea first from Em here and it was originally from here.)

Taking stock is such a great way to remind yourself of the beauty in the small and large parts of your life at the moment.

Are you feeling a little uninspired?

Maybe you need to write a list and take stock.


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logging off

IMG_8668Over the weekend and this last week I have been quite sick with the flu. I spent time away with some of my dearest friends just one night and it was medicine like no other.

We went to the most stunning house in South West of Australia, spent time eating lovely food and enjoying one another’s company.

Saturday morning was my favourite. Sea, salt, best friends and non stop conversation.


Even though I had the flu, I just relaxed and turned my phone and internet off on purpose.

Therefore no posts from me.

Sometimes we just need to log off and enjoy the ones we are with.


When was the last time you logged off?

This Easter, I want to set a challenge, when we are a little bored, when we have more time than usual, when we sit in church services, when we hang out with friends and family, leave your phone behind.

Log off.

When we take time to create space, dreams and beauty arise.

I promise.

Speak tomorrow




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the velveteen rabbit



My son Maximus has a little ruggie, that he loves to pieces. I never really understood the power of a ruggie, until I had a child.

Yesterday was a sad day for many of my friends, a father of two young children lost his life tragically and it is at times like this, that I linger a little longer in the morning with my son as he drags his ruggie from his room into ours.

Life is way to short for shallow conversations.

Life is way to fleeting to live inauthentic lives, trying to please people you never will.

The people who will love you no matter what are the ones who see you with your ruggie and they don’t mind.

A day of reflection here for my family, I ate my eggs on toast a little slower this morning, I intentionally left my phone at home and walked the beach with my husband and son. I sat back in my rocking chair and I watched them playing cars and planes together.

I let the washing slide, I left the toast on the bench and allowed it to go cold, I visited my mum for no reason but to walk in the house I grew up in.

I savoured those who I can be real with.

I love this story from the velveteen rabbit, it describes everything I am feeling with much more eloquence.

the velveteen rabbitBe real.

Leave anything fake behind.

Shed that which is not bringing beauty to your world.

Honest, real, hair has been loved off genuine relationship.

Life is way to short for anything else.


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One of the greatest hindrances to progressive leadership is nostalgia.

We find something that works and then flog that dead horse till we are dragging it up the mountain.

I am a great believer in tradition.

I am a great fan in reflection and learning lessons from my past but I am also realising that this can easily turn into nostalgia.

It is a liar. It is a selective thinker. It is easily convinced that everything was perfect, when it was far from it.

Nostalgia helps you remember the beautiful, lovely moments of success and forget the pain, stretch and chaos it took to get you there.

If you want to be a leader that brings change and leans into the new, you need to flush nostalgia out of your system.

Traditions are brilliant, lessons we have learnt from the past necessary, but doing the same thing you have always done will always get the same results.

If you are using the same systems as you were 10 years ago everything has changed, (in the last 10 years, facebook, twitter and instagram have completely changed the way the world communicates). Social media has brought new words, new customs, new problems in with it. Therefore systems and processes must change with the crazy changing landscape of society.

If you are singing the same songs from 5 years ago, in a leadership context, you are stuck in a moment.

If you are reading the same books,

Writing the same sermons, with the same jokes and the same themes,

Speaking the same language,

Wearing the same clothes, from the same shop, that you bought 5 pairs on sale a few years ago,

Sitting in the same seat, in the same cafe, drinking the same coffee…

I would guess some of your leadership outlook and strategy is stuck in a nostalgic moment.

I love routine, I love drinking tea and lighting a candle and pursuing truth but I need to continue to remind myself what CS Lewis wrote

‘There are far better things ahead, than those we leave behind.’

Are you stuck in a moment?

Then innovate something.


Speak soon

